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Everything posted by hemmo

  1. hemmo

    loot splosion

    On a server, i had found kamyshovo being 1 big loot explosion. Like serious, every spawnpoint tens or 20 ish items. Sometimes 50. Not really much high grade, but it worked perfectly as a good start to head out inland more. That was really great!
  2. hemmo

    Horses, the almost perfect "vehicle"

    Your questions kinda tells us its another layer of sandbox added when inplemented, awesome!
  3. Thank you for your response! The gear, everything is gone. Including the backpack. So i found that a bit odd. I could imaging that if i fall off a ladder with my backpack and gear on me, it could been seen as attachments to my body and it would despawn as you said :(
  4. Yeah i would assume that too, but than should my backpack be there?
  5. A new weapon: blow pipe with arrows: poison (need frog skin for it > introducing flogs near ponds), hollow (makes you bleed), bone-arrows (damage)
  6. hemmo

    Horses, the almost perfect "vehicle"

    Wild horses, to ride or to eat! Or maybe both? :P
  7. hemmo

    Tree wax > rope, glue ect

    Maybe it is a nice idea to have purpose for tree wax, like treewax + plantmaterial = natural rope
  8. hemmo

    Plant trees

    How about planting trees yourselves? Ofc it would take a looooong time to grow. Ofc with restrictions ect, like no apple trees ect. The idea is to plant your own tree cover.
  9. So loot and new players should spawn in lootzones: zones that contain relative more loot than compared to other zones. This should be non stationair system and gives thus so: non static spawnpoints, solves lootpiles (new players pick up- die and redistribute) and solves more issues
  10. As a newbie, 2 week old tester, i have only known the 0.55 system. I was used to it. I adjusted myself accordingly, and after 25 hours, i stopped dieing, i survived. Barely at start, much better after 45 hours into the game. It was a challenge that was overwon, goood fun! Tuesday when the servers went down, i had finally found my long sought after military tent. It took 10 hours roughly. I picked it up, left my hunter backpack and ran up a mountain and found a good spot. I pitched it, and than the servers went down. #Oeps. Wednesday evening, still a bit up said of loosing my gear, i have found soo much gear that the thrill is a bit lost. (have 7 military tents filled with gear clothes and food). Today, i went scavenging trough Vybor, finding soo much foods and drinks that basically 3 decent houses are good enough to survive on. What i am saying is: for my feeling, with the new system the risk/stakes were alot higher.
  11. hemmo

    Status Report - 14 Apr 15

    What about the tents? did he ment "stack u[ the gud lewts while you can" or "Were resetting so your tents is going bye bye"?
  12. Hi, I am just a new player, a nooby and this is my first post ever on the forums. I start playing this weekend and i really really like the game, lots of good potential! Nevertheless, two, maybe three days ago, i ran around electro (i think, somehwere near a harbour, container and a gasstation), in a pink dress and a fire extinguisher trying to experiment with the fire extiguisher as a melee weapon slapping some zombies (it quit effectivly i must admit). Is it coincedence or is someone making fun of me? I can have it but it does makes you think! XD Are tents being fixed properly this patch btw? Regards, HEmmo
  13. hemmo

    Army Tent

    My small tent has survived the wensday wipe