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Everything posted by hemmo

  1. hemmo

    Is AK47 and M4a1 still in the game?

    Try to get a barrel for temp storage. It is a risk and you need a good persitance server, but deff worth the risk. Let alone the eaassyy regearing. Why carry ammo types for 6 guns? 😛 Back in beta i snatched a cheap second account on a second steam account. So i store my 3 partly build svd's on that toon. Safest place ever 😁. Last time i saw an m4, it was on a heli spawn 😉
  2. hemmo

    Why Banditry Is A Moral Obligation In DayZ

    My abso favo "Friend-lee the south korean canibal". Friend-lee is only his name fyi 😆
  3. Its worth the wait, just be patience
  4. hemmo

    [Update] Any details available (PC)?

    Sounds like a patch is cumming
  5. hemmo

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    Be happy the serverbrowser works again. 😁
  6. hemmo

    the real hardcore survival server

    Tldr: please add missions
  7. hemmo

    Option to place barrel - bug ?

    If you put the barrel too close to trees, it will foat and unable to open. Bug ticket allready filled
  8. hemmo

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    I agree on the police cars. Helis are ok. 5/6 a gun and some other loot. Its not a big pinata but its nice. And it do require you to visit milly bases to complete the gear.
  9. hemmo

    Official Cinematic Trailer

    So now this is announced, maybe we can take a look at the patchnotes? 🤗
  10. Very good server, i always play on it. Persistency backups work great ❤️ /Jan Ballestaaf
  11. hemmo

    Keep items in safe

    A second accound works great! It is where i keep my three svd's. The spare ammo and other not inportant stuffs go's in the barrel.
  12. On the pc ive got an tablet in front of me with the map. Works great!
  13. I think pilgrim makes very good points. However most the points mentioned can be done after polishing. To prevent any ladder decline on the "Brand staircase to heaven or hell". (Yes, i've got a degree in Branding). (Edit: its actualy quet amazing how dayz is doing on this ladder, thát sais enough of its potential <3) The most unfortunate issue at 1.0 inplenmentation was the server browser. I coulndt even join a game properly as it kept refresing and crashing. So i ended up not playing at all 🙈
  14. hemmo

    No Status Reports, No Updates, Hello...???

    Pls dont disturb them, let them work.
  15. I played dayz yesterday and i had soo much fun! ❤️ DayZ!
  16. Leasing is a strang thing for videogamers. I tend to think its because of attachment issues, or lack of realistic attachement or realism. When you buy a lifetime lease, its still the company that decides. Advise may or may not get into concidaration... The game is just an fysical trigger for the leaser to point his privet life's frustration on. Don't blame the game, blame yourselve 😎
  17. I coulnd agree more
  18. Yeah i agree, its like they copy-paste pieces of (old) code from unpatched versions, work on that and that reintroduce the old bug again. I've had this idea since 0.56.
  19. Prob internal stakeholder pressure. No doubt about that. From my experiance, when dayz is almost buggless, thats the moment you will see the playerbase increase. However, it's core is verryy good and the potential is massive. Dayz has all the potential to be a wordlclass #1. However.. bugs... Tbh, dsyz is aloooot better than before and its actualy quit fun. The bslace between zeds, food req, and danger is quet nice. Simply just play another game and come back in 6 months 🙂
  20. hemmo

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    It sounds like the endgame is about materialistic ownership. To have or not to have. This communistic 1980 soviet roeski style is ofc completly ok. But what it does tell me is that ppl are playing by a risk avoiding style. The endgame is to hoard as much as possible, with as less risk as possible to not lose what ppl have. I somehow understand the current frustration with the current implenmentation. But maybe the endgame is just wrong?
  21. hemmo

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    It is exacly at this point where your endgame assumption is wrong. Building bases and cars is not an endgame thing to do, but maybe something you do on the side? With friends or maybe alone. Or maybe you do decide for the mushroom collecting, happen to stumble into a boar and decide to make some tanned cloathing. Afterwhich you end up in nwaf as you got lost finding tanned leather. So you decide to zip trough the tents and find 2 death body and you got yourselve 2 SVD's. After which you decide to go to cherno but you get in a firefight in pavlovo and die horribly in a big ball of fire.. I'm just saying', maybe its about the mindset instead of your idea of endgame? Probably if you feel you have reached the endgame in DsyZ, its probably because you play too safe, too much or your mood / mindset isnt positive. So tell me, whats your endgame today? 🙂
  22. hemmo

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    I think you are lost in the concept of purpose of the usage of a base, combined with the CoD playing style. If you want to build bases to live in, are not you better of in Sim's? If you want more ROI on your playing time investment, ist that the sign that your gratification level lies higher than DayZ offers you? With other words: dayz isnt the right game for you, what ever changes. (Im playing since 0.51
  23. hemmo

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    You are trying to state an endgame in a sandbox game. I tell you, it isnt going to work. Please reply on my earlier question please.
  24. hemmo

    Raise modifier / toggle raise

    I agree. It is making it more difficult. Ive put the raise weapon on the left Alt and free look on the x key. The worst i find not being able to assign the double Wx2 key for sprint. The pinky pain by holding shift is getting unbarsble sometimes Does someone has another good solution?
  25. hemmo

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    After the word "end game", ive stopt reading... Isnt the idea of bases just about this: Life #1: you collect random ammo and gun, pick one gun + matching ammo and offload the rest. Life #2: you collect random ammo and gun, pick one gun + matching ammo and offload the rest. Life #3: your gearing time reduces by 80% Life #4: you collect random ammo and gun, pick one gun + matching ammo and offload the rest. Life #5: your gearing time reduces by 80% Life #6: you collect random ammo and gun, pick one gun + matching ammo and offload the rest. Life #7: no gearing needed. Seachests are an excellent alternative for bases, which is ofourse depending on your rate of death in Dayz 😉 Ect ect ect.