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Posts posted by bingo_fuel

  1. 12 hours ago, Greensek said:

    Hello Survivors,


    We closed the remaining Experimental Servers.

    We would like to thank you once again for participating in the Open Beta, and we hope you enjoyed your experience in Livonia.

    I would like to ask you about your experience during the Open Beta.

    Was it fun?

    Any issues you would like to report?

    What's your overall feedback?


    Thank you everyone,


    It was fun to play on the new map! The struggle to find water near the span locations + cold makes a huge difference. It just seems so strange to die of thirst while it is raining outside.

    The map itself looks good and interessting. I also noticed that ruins spawn a large amount of loot (maybe a bit too much?)

    One thing I did not like is that you can reach the "border" of the map so fast from certain spawn points. It was one of my first spawns on the map and I went north (without knowing anything about the map) and there was nothing...

    I did not travel far enough south but I look forward to explore the map more.

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  2. I can join a game once but if I leave the game and join another server the game crashes... another thing I noticed was that some spawned items were stacked above each other (e.g. three pairs of trousers on the same spot). I don't know if some players drop some stuff here but it seemed unusual positioning.

    Light sources tweaks look are looking good


    I followed the trail of some other players. Night time is scary :-D


    • Beans 2

  3. The new server browser got really slow while loading the complete server list. This happend after I changed some filter settings while it was refreshing. After 1000 loaded servers the sound started stuttering and the gui did not respond to mouse clicks.

    I can reprodce it with the following filters set

    • Ping: < 200
    • Battleye: Show
    • Passworded: Hide

    The list starts to populate but slows down more and more and then the sounds starts cutting out.

  4. When I launched the workbench it gives me the error that the game version is not compatible. Is there a way to fix this? (I guess we need to wait for an update).

    And when I look in the settings.ini the game path is set to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZ (DayZ is installed on C:\). Is this config used at all?

  5. 1 hour ago, Lexman61 said:

    Never said, claimed or insinuated in any way that DayZ was "dead".

    But have in more than one occasion stated on this forum that, it has become a niche game for a niche group of very dedicated and passionate players. Which is, in my opinion, regrettable as a larger player base would have been better in the long run.

    I have put forward my thoughts on some of the reasons why I believe the player count has been steadily declining over time and why - regardless of forthcoming 0.63 and ultimately the final version - it is too late to regain the large number of players this game once had after more than 4 years of early access.

    My belief is that no substantial increase of former and new players will be achieved in spite of the best intentions of the developers and their official statements. This does not preclude in any way that 0.63 and further updates might make DayZ into a technically excellent game and greatly satisfy all the devoted and passionate players which have been enjoying it over time and are still playing it.

    Ironically, for what has always been a true PC game, a successful release of the announced console version is the only possibility to once again attract a large number of gamers to DayZ and potentially regain players also on the original platform (although I have some doubts, considering the generally very casual nature of console players).

    Sadly, any critical reflections about DayZ and its future is often viewed by some people on this forum as a direct personal offense and almost bordering to a "lèse-majesté" crime against the developers. This is clearly completely overreacting and often putting words in somebody's mouth by saying they have made arguments and statements they haven't actually made. But the art of rhetoric is understood by few and mastered by even fewer.

    In any case, and in spite of all, I still hope and wish the best for DayZ although it is not in my nature to take die-hard stands nor "how-dare-you-doubt" knee jerk reactions.


    I think that you are underestimating the importance of modding. Just take arma 3 as example and how many copies it sold because of all the mods. And with DayZ we get an even better platform for that. Maybe some teams who started to develop a standalone version of mods on other engines will return because I can imagine that DayZ will be a really great platform for modding (with the announced new tools and a new scripting language). It's hard to belive that the volatile gaming community would skip DayZ just because it took long to develop. If there is a great (hyped) mod for it the players will return.

    Does that mean that the vanilla DayZ experience will attract the same amount of players? Probably not but I guess (and hope) it will bring back enough players to the "hardcore survival" modes to keep the servers populated and interesting.

  6. 8 hours ago, blackberrygoo said:

    Also I’m in aggreance with what cristiano said ; months ago (almost a year now) the devs mentioned that development would only go faster and more streamlined due to the sql code being removed , yet we have seen quite the opposite . Development has essentially halted and all I see now is the lesser known devs biding for time while hicks is nowhere to be found and Eugen, who’s likely the only competent PR member of the entire team left, is out doing all the bitch work for the rest of the dayz team cuz he legit does all the work now and for whatever reason Bohemia has cut work for the rest of the team that used to do Pr work , so now all we have are these damn cheeky ass mods and baty that presents another useless client side update every month or so .

    If you look at DayZ it seems as development has halted since there were not major update for a long time. But we don't see the internal progress and what the people are doing. I guess they cannot win. If they did release very detailed SR some people would start to say "stop writing texts and work on the game". I also think that your statement regarding the new scripting language is not correct: the process will be streamlined when all necessary components are implemented in a basic version and the devs never said that this point was reached. Sure one big point was to drop all legacy code but this is not the only thing that was holding back .63.

    We simply don't see what the devs are doing and I don't think that they are obligated to share every bit of development with us. I also think that some devs have gone quiet (like brian) but I assume that they are all working hard on .63


  7. 49 minutes ago, Tigermonk said:

    after reading this status report... I'm sad... its good you're putting out (or kinda)

    but what you're basically saying is: we need a couple of more years...

    since 63 isn't coming out this year.. it'll prob. be 2018 somewhere (wouldn't surprise me if that was Q1 2018 giving you guys another 3 months for a patch you've been working on for the last 6 months)
    so that would mean 8-9 months for a single patch!!

    I know its a big deal .63 but knowing you're planning on doing 64/65 as well.. lets just hope those don't take you guys 3-6 months each

    because the way this is shaping up to be... is the way I explained (and got warned for once) multiple times
    63 :  8-9 months since you're not finishing in 2017 and already 6 months have passed since the release 62 back in june 2017
    70?: 3-6 months
    75?: 3-6 months
    1.0: ???????????

    see where I'm going with this devs..
    taking your time is fine.. but taking that amount of time.. I doubt your boss is fine with that..
    Making a game isn't done in days or months.. but the way things are shaping up you're well on your way too becoming the worlds longest game in dev. that still has to make it out of beta.

    it just makes me very very sad... it really does.. not only are you going to set the wrong example of 'work takes time' but you're also not going to be able to sell the hype anymore once the product is finished...
    because starting a game in 2012 on a mod hype train by a guy nobody who's new to the game even knows.. to stating we'll have it done in 2018... (6 years later)

    then going: For the PC BETA (again, that's the first 0.63 Stable update, and any 0.63 patches between that and 1.0 - there's NO 0.64 or 0.65 planned), we've set a pretty clear feature and content goals. We're ready to share them now, let's start with features.

    meaning you'll just jump from .63 to 1.0? what the flying duck? that makes no sense content wise or patch wise..
    all I hope is that modding 'patches' some of the wounds for a LOT of people.. sure the hardcore 'we stand behind the dev team' will say otherwise..
    but those aren't the 4 million copies sold since its release thats maybe 50K of players and 20-30 or so are present on this forum constantly replying to all of the content posted.

    no this post isn't as 'constructive' as I would have liked but since we're all being honest here.. I'm just expressing the fact that I am very dissapointed at the moment the way things are going in terms of pase..
    the time that things are constantly being moved foward because 'things aren't done' was good in 2014-2015.. but not in the start of 2018 but I guess thats what happens when you make a game on a broken engine and then halfway through decided 'hey lets start from scratch with about 30% of our build left in tact.

    There is no fixed order of versions you have to use to release software. You don't have to use a version number at all it's just a easily recognizable name but they could as well call the releases A, B, C... So I don't see a problem to jump from .63 to 1.0.

    In general: DayZ is not the first software project that takes longer then initially planned (and it will not be the last one). This is not an excuse for the devs but simply a reality. And this is not because the devs are lazy or don't know what they are doing: Software development is complicated and it's very hard to predict the time budget (before you actually do the work). Since the devs now committed to release 1.0 in 2018 I assume that they now have a detailed plan and all major uncertainties are solved.

    • Beans 2

  8. Played a bit on UK-4 Performance was good until I came to Novy. From that point on the game did not react as fast. When I closed the game I got an crash message. So I guess there is at least one memory leak left. In the Stary Tents I found an Aug+Mag :O

    I like the new colours of the clutter and it definitely looks better than before. But at the same time it looks a bit over saturated.

    Beside that I spotted a flying sign near the summer cap of Novy:


    And a glowing fence near the police station of Novy:


    • Like 3

  9. I played for a bit today. Loot was easy to find and in 2 hours of playing I did not experience any crashes. The game got a bit choppy from time to time but it always recovered.

    It did start to rain multiple times but there was no rain sound (probably a known issue?) and it felt kind of strange to walk in the rain and hear just birds singing :-D

    But so far this patch worked not too bad!

  10. I played on DE-2 a bit and I really like the changes.

    Last weekend I was hiking in a forest and noticed that the birds can really be loud. The birds in .62 can also be loud but the ambient volume does not quite feel right. I'd say it's too loud for a long period of time.

    In the night everything got a green colour tone and looked kind of wrong. I think I never saw green/gray clouds...


    But .62 is a really great change and I cannot wait to explore all the map changes :)

    • Like 1

  11. 2 hours ago, Baty Alquawen said:

    Hello guys,

    We started to think about the future of public hive servers.

    We are considering the idea to discontinue the possibility to rent public servers. Admins have very limited options to moderate public hives and servers are frequently used as loot/dupe farms, which ruins the DayZ experience. According to community, public servers are more often targeted by hackers. That is however not confirmed by our data which indicates that they are rather aiming at higher population servers with streamers present.

    So, we need your opinion guys. What do you think about public servers hive? If you are renting public server, why did you choose a public and not private hive?

    So basically you just want to remove the option to rent a public server but still offer the "official unmodded servers" for players and the public servers are all maintained by BI?

  12. Played another session on DE1. No client or server crash happened. So that's really good. Sometimes the hand slot was out of sync and I got the "cancel action" while I was doing nothing. But after some time everything was back to normal again. I looted Novo and found a crashed Car. Somebody managed to hit the only obstacle on the road and ruined two tires :-D


    When I was just leaving Novo a V3S drove along the road from the north and stopped by the barns and the piano house. I was hiding in a tree next to the road and watched the group a bit. Since all looked pretty much like fresh spawns I decided to go to the v3s and talk to them. I started talking to the guys still sitting in the V3S when I noticed one guy hiding behind a wall and pulling out his pistol and started aiming at me. I had already figured out that it was a group of Germans so I said him that I'm friendly and that he can put his gun away. He came up to me (without putting the pistol away) and asked me something about the V3S and I said I saw them driving by and he said "then somebody from our group has unfinished business with you" and started laughing crazy. I tried to explained that this cannot be the case but he did not reply any more so I decided to leave them. They pulled aggro from some infected so it was easy to get away unnoticed. Given the gear they had it would have been so easy to wipe out the group and they start talking bs. Well whatever. I saw that they climbed back on the V3S and continue south.

    While looting Stary I hear many shoots going of in novo so I loop back to the hill north east of novo. While I was running back I started to hear engine sounds again but did not spot any vehicles. When I had an overwatch position something really strange happened. I saw a bus without wheels racing towards the hill I was standing on. It was only visible for a second and then he was hidden behind trees - it was maybe 300m from my position so I ran to the location. But the bus was gone. I have no idea where it could have went because the hill has many trees and is very steep and I was watching the road all the time. No idea what I saw there. I searched for the bus but it was simply gone.


    • Like 5

  13. I played on UK-4 and the general gameplay was smooth (but only 3 players on the server). I found a Sedan in Novod and started driving west. The car felt good and just a little bit choppy from time to time. After some minutes of driving the server went down. When I logged back in I was back where I found the car but the car was gone. I think somebody mentioned some time ago that he spawned next to the car after a crash but I don't remember exactly if this was confirmed.


  14. I visited Tisy Military Base. When I arrived I heard wolves attacking some infected. When they killed the infected they got confused and always did a jump attack on the last position of the infected. After a while they started to follow me but then shifted again to an infected so I got away. It's a good thing that they can aggro on other targets but I'm not sure if this was a bug or not because they acted so strange and confused.

    In the tents there was so much high quality loot it was simply to much if you ask me. Multiple M4s with Mags, Ak101, SVD with Mags, ...In the tents I ran into another guy - and the PvP still does not feel right. From my initial spray no bullets did hit him (the distance was really short but maybe my aim was really potato ) Then the other guy got away and I saw him running against an object and then kind of warping around it and suddenly he was close and shot me while not aiming at me. I was trying to reload my gun but it had quite a delay. So I guess this are still the "bad server performance related issues".

    But it's fun to start a fresh character.

  15. 10 hours ago, Baty Alquawen said:

    Thank you for a feedback!

    Some FPS drops (except vehicles)?

    Are just just looking for PvP related frame drops or all frame drops?

    I just experienced another very bad fps drop on DE-1 while running in the forest south of Stary Yar. For several minutes I was stuck at 1fps - after that the game recovered.

  16. I played on UK-7 for some time. I travelled the far north and nothing unusual happened (which is good I guess :-D ). I noticed one thing: I heard some wolves howl but they never came close to me. Until now every time I heard wolves they also tracked me down some time later. So I assumed that the howl is like the infected growl an indicator that they noticed you.

    Beside of that it's fun to ninja loot without pulling any aggro. If you take your time and crouch near infected it's actually quite easy to avoid aggro most of the time. I tried to take a screenshot in the cemetery of Stary Yar but the screenshot does not look like in game (I increased the brightness because the screenshot came out much darker). Seeing some infected roam the cemetery was very atmospheric.


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