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Everything posted by bingo_fuel

  1. bingo_fuel

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I made a map with the spawn locations of the vehicles. I don't know if the locations are reliable but this are the locations that are in the game files...
  2. bingo_fuel

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    This might be an obvious/stupid tip but did you try to reboot and open dayz again? I played with the newui for some time and sometimes dayz just acts really strange and without any change it decides to work again.
  3. bingo_fuel

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I just see DE2. The UK servers are not showing up.
  4. bingo_fuel

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    Great status report again! Will all old sqf scripts get ported to Enforce Script? I don't like the "motion blur during running" look with the current post processing - Will the post processing be changed with the new renderer / get more granular options to disable the motion blue?
  5. bingo_fuel

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I did some more tests and observed that some spawned in items are replaced within one hour. Initially I thought that this recycle time is a feature but this seems too fast - maybe this is a bug...
  6. bingo_fuel

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Yesterday someone was talking on DE 2 global for a really long time, advertising a cheat site, blasting music... I did some more experiments with loot cleanup/respawn: As someone mentioned before in this thread all the spawned loot is now deleted and replaced after some time - independent from player interaction. I don't know if there is more logic behind it but the recycle interval seems to be in the range 30min - 4hours: During my tests I checked a small hut in Kamensk and a few minutes later I checked it again and it had new loot (a wrench and a farming hoe). So I knew the time when the items spawned - when I checked it again after 30 minutes the loot was still here- 4 hours later it was replaced with other loot. I doubt that it was picked up - who would pick up a wrench :D So the recycle timeout is probably in this range. I hope that this fast recycle interval is just an experiment - with this short interval the world seems a bit random and it's strange that everything is changing constantly. There is no point to remember where you saw some loot that might come useful later since it has been replaced already. Over the last days I repeated a short loot run in the north with a few hours breaks between (always on the same server). The loot was completely different every time and it was an easy and fast way to pick up good loot. One obviously benefit is that the CLE can distribute the loot better - and makes finding loot easier. What do you guys think about this?
  7. bingo_fuel

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Yesterday I played on exp and during the night time I sneaked into Severograd with the goal to not aggro any infected. I played with the -newui option and the fps were really playable for Severograd. The infected walked around without desync and if you are careful you can sneak around them. It was really a nice experience and I had the feeling that dayz really develops in the right direction. A few minutes later: I try if the improvised suppressor fits on the blaze (which makes sense that it doesn't) and dayz decides that the gun (with hunting scope) in my hands should be replaced with the suppressor. The gun was not to be found afterwards. Great dayz is dayz again <_< So I continue to search a new gun. In the next hunting stand I find another hunting scope and in the next town I find another blaze. :)
  8. bingo_fuel

    Status Report - 30 Oct 2015

    Do we already know if learned soft skills get reset when you die?
  9. bingo_fuel

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Persistence makes sure items are still in the same place after a server restart. I think you mean the central loot economy (=CLE). There are many misconceptions about the CLE out there and there are many different expectations how loot should work. I think the goal of the devs is to make loot not too predictable and to reward searching many different places. So I don't think that your example is a big flaw in the CLE. The CLE makes sure that there is always a certain amount of pink rain coats spawned in to be picked up. So you destroy this pink rain coat and somewhere else a new one is spawned. Since there are many more possible spawn locations available than items are spawned in some locations stay empty for a unknown time. Even if you do not destroy the rain coat it might become useful to someone after the next server restart when it starts raining and he searches this house. But I also think that a long term clean up would be beneficial to the gameplay to change the world eventually without player interaction. At the same time I like the idea that a Winchester is waiting in Stary Yar until someone runs up there and finds it.
  10. bingo_fuel

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    There are some servers that reset persistence often (maybe on every restart). What server did you play on?
  11. bingo_fuel

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I don't remember where I read this but I think all the issues will be addressed as soon the new player controller is in.
  12. bingo_fuel

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    There is a long history of software projects that never got finished or ran into unsolvable problems but I don't think that dayz is on a point in development where this is the case. A few months delay are nothing unusual for a software project... Development progress doesn't happen in a linear way. Lets assume that 70% of the CLE functions are implemented. That does not mean that we notice a 70% improvement of loot experience. The same applies to infected AI, desync and even if we have the first iteration of the new renderer it does not mean everything will be better then. At the same time this does not mean that the problems will remain unsolved. It just means that the devs are working on complex tasks that take time to get done properly.
  13. bingo_fuel

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Since duping + magazines with infinite ammo are still a thing I'm really hoping that we will have a wipe. Just post the server+location of your camps on reddit and I'm sure somebody will take care of your problems :rolleyes:
  14. bingo_fuel

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    1) Some time ago a region map was posted and the northern part was region 2 ( https://forums.dayzg...rt-09-jun-2015/) and so the Tisy base would also be in region 2. I think it would be kind of strange if you only get the region 2 loot in a contaminated high risk military base. Maybe you can explain the region concept a bit more detailed or how the new base will fit in this concept! 2) Will the region concept also restrict the loot of dynamic events? 3) You did already mention that the number of spawn points for dynamic events will be increased. Does this also mean there will be more police cars/helicopter crashes in the northern part of the map? If you spawn in Svet and travel west to the NWAF you have less dynamic event spawn locations compared to a Cherno spawn.
  15. bingo_fuel

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    The devs are not obligated to inform us but since you mention the "I understand" button: In the text above the button the devs say that they will work "with the community". So they committed to the inclusion of the community. Just compare the dayz team to the arma 3 team in regards to communication with the community. Sure the project is in a different stage of production but I really like how progress is communicated there: If you want details you have a daily changelog in the devbranch forum and weekly reports for everyone else. And most important: the devs are active in the forum!
  16. bingo_fuel

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    While I don't really mind waiting for the .59 exp release I do not like the fact that the weekly status reports are "not so weekly status reports". Some time ago Brian said that he wants to put more focus on the status reports and for some time they provided really great information. But more recently it seems just a repeated "we are working on desync and infected performance" status and a short recap of information that has been on trello or dayztv for some days before the status report. I understand that Brian is traveling a lot recently but it is surprising that nobody else can fill in the gap for the status report. More .58 releated: I tried a new private server yesterday and was geared after looting Nadezhdino. Way too easy for a survival game. Generally I noticed that less people travel up north compared to the early days of .58. Why should you when you get everything on the coast? Maybe it is also related to the fact that some servers reset persistence very often. Why do server admins have the choice to reset it so often and what needs to happen to change the situation? Imho this would be a good topic to discuss in a status report.
  17. bingo_fuel

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    It takes time to develop a game and just because things where not ready last year it does not mean that they will never be finished.
  18. bingo_fuel

    Status Report - 30 Sept 2015

    It says in the report that this video is just a very basic implementation so I don't think that the final flight model will be anything like that.
  19. bingo_fuel

    Status Report - 30 Sept 2015

    Thank you for the status report! I like the BDU Pants with the woodland camo and the little bird also looks nice :thumbsup: Will the flight model be like in Take on Helicopters or more Arma 2 easy mode style? I'm curious where you will add the jet fuel supply for the helicopters :D Some time ago a region map was posted and the northern part was region 2 ( https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/225839-status-report-09-jun-2015/) and so the Tisy base would also be in region 2. I think it would be kind of strange if you only get the region 2 loot in a contaminated high risk military base. Maybe you can explain the region concept a bit more detailed or how the new base will fit in this concept!
  20. bingo_fuel

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Same happens here. Started with the last small update (not the hotfix the update after that). I have the impression that some spawnpoints have an offset. The items spawn 1m next to the location it usually spawns. And since a few days I find medial clothes everywhere. Even in the military barracks in pavlovo. If you put items in clothes that never have been picked up the items do not get cleaned up. I reported this bug some time ago but it was obviously not fixed with the hotfix. And if you directly swap items on the ground the dropped item is also no cleaned up. Otherwise I noticed no cleanup bugs recently.
  21. bingo_fuel

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Some servers do reset persistence every four hours - I guess this is just a trick to pull more players on the server or are there any remaining major loot releated problems after the hotfix?
  22. bingo_fuel

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Just carry a tent or a barrel in your hands then everybody knows why you are here :D It was strange how friendly and relaxed everybody was in camp no-lag. I constantly expected that somebody comes around the corner with a gun and mows everyone done. But it did not happen - I nearly did not recognize dayz any more...
  23. bingo_fuel

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I can hear shots from the camp? Are things going south already?
  24. bingo_fuel

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I just added another barrel to the camp and filled it with stuff. Some guys are running around and are busy bringing stuff with a truck. But it's not as funny as yesterday night :D What did you do after our nwaf visit?
  25. bingo_fuel

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    It was a improvised backpack full of gear. I would expect 3 days as well.