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Everything posted by nadow

  1. Hey, @Vipeax : How many time approximately for this maintenance plz.
  2. Hi, spawned in the wilderness after disconnecting from a server at cherno... (Serv: FR vermiN) Player Name: Nems [NEXT] ID: 23227526 Please fix asap, thx.
  3. nadow

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Hi, spawned in the wilderness after disconnecting from a server at cherno... (Serv: FR vermiN) Player Name: Nems [NEXT] ID: 23227526 Please fix asap, thx.
  4. Skilou peux tu rentrer en contact avec moi , Adresse : s1.mymumble.fr Port : 21493 Pass : Aucun mot de pass Cordialement Nems Admin Team Next de ton serveur :)
  5. Bonjour , Voila je suis nouveau , je dispose d'un mumble 1.2.3 je le met donc a disposition de la com' Adresse : s1.mymumble.fr Port : 21493 Pass : pas de mot de passe. Voila vous pouvez donc vous en sérvir pour jouer ensemble ou faire la connaissance de nouveaux joueurs smile ( Merci de respecter les joueurs / Admin ) Cordialement ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, Voila I am new, I have a mumble 1.2.3 I thus puts him(it) has arrangement(measure) of the com ' Address: s1.mymumble.fr Port(Bearing): 21493 Pass: no password. Voila you can thus sérvir you to play together or get acquainted of new players smile ( Thank you for respecting the players / Admin) Cordially
  6. Up ! ( c'est tout ce que j'avais en moyen rapide :) )
  7. Hello , I want play to Dayz mod , but for start i have buy only Arma2 OA , because i have fail but now i have buy Arma II. So i dont have BUY the Combined pack , can i play if i dont have the pack ? Help me plz... I am lost for play at this game
  8. nadow

    Help for a French plz !

    Yes on the first page
  9. nadow

    Help for a French plz !

    I use Steam Guys , after 4hours to problems my friend is playing ( i finish to dl the Arma II ) So hot to play at this game , i think the dayzmod website need a installation guide rly.
  10. nadow

    Help for a French plz !

    Thank you, but has which paragraph I has to use for the installation