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About ktaanthrax

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    On the Coast

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  1. ktaanthrax

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    well, english isnt my native language. and i dont give that much on grammar when talking to people on the internet. i really get your point, but thats no excuse for a 3 year long EA phase with little to no progress. i bought it shortly after release, so i exactly know how much progress they made. i really appreciate, that they developed a new render-engine, but they started WAY too late and it will not solve the most of the problems with their engine. The RV engine is IMO the worst optimized game-engine in the whole world and enfusion is just RV+new renderer. the most other companies wouldnt release a game with that many bugs, like ArmA1-3. like i said the collision detection, crappy fps, and clunky movement are major problems since OFP which even now, 15 years later, remain unsolved. they shouldve done a completely new engine with arma 3, but instead they used their old crippled engine(i think for financial reasons) with errors 15 years old and put some dx11 and some features over it, and now got a big ball of mudd. RV engine "Features": -bad collision detection (the most essential part of a shooter) walking on rocks = falling through them and die. walking on stairs = get stuck and die. walking towards a wall = glitch through and die -switch weapon while walking = standing still to switch weapon (finally solved in arma3) -no free movement i.e. jumping, climbing, etc. -massive desync between server and clients -extremely slow server browser that you cant stop from refreshing -extremeley clunky vehicle physiks -undynamic sound engine (sounds cant move with their source) -massive FPS problems on multiplayer and large scale ai missions -non dynamic lightning (flashlights throw light through walls, etc.) -several crashes -non effective memory allocator -no multi cpu/gpu support -no 64bit support -poor ingame voice chat quality +realistic ballistic +good sound effects +nice graphics with huge viewdistance +extremely huge maps +nice "stances" feature +huge possible amount of players on 1 server btw. if you want to keep the grammar right, you have to write "english" with an "e" instead of an "E" :)
  2. ktaanthrax

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    ...schreib er schnell von papas rechner, weil er heute abend um 18:00 im bett sein muss.... ich bin wahrscheinlich wesentlich älter als du, hab mein eigenes haus, meine familie und einen sehr gut bezahlten job, also trittst du mit deiner aussage ins leere, da du nichts über mich weisst.
  3. ktaanthrax

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    yeah, i wanted to see, what´ve they done with my money. and thats my right, since i paid for it. and sure, i wanted to submit bugs or otherwise i would not have bought an EA game. is the feedback tracker online again?
  4. ktaanthrax

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    you want to tell me, that dayz EA was going on like it should???? you talking BS. DiRT Rally came to EA half a year ago and is finished now. they did EVERYTHING the community wanted from them. theres nothing to protect here, the EA of DayZ was a total desaster and it is still. i was one of the guys, who defended this game a long time. but now, theres nothing to defend. the devs, are just lazy as fuck, cause they already made their fucking money out of my pocket and many other pockets. give me an answer to that question: why are the ArmA3 dayzlike mods much more progressed then the SA??? there are only non-professional hobby programmers with full time jobs who spend every of their free minutes to make their mods better and better and dont even get paid for it. so whats keeping the BI guys from doing the same??? i tell you: they dont give a fuck. they have their money, and im pretty sure, that only 3 guys are working at the SA atm. otherwise i couldnt explain that litte amount of progress. even a game as big as the witcher 3 was developed faster, with much higher quality from scratch. CDP is not bigger then BI, and they had MUCH more subsystems+assets to develop. but you fell for them. they give you little pieces of nothing, and sell it to you like "the new awesome ultra mega super update with killer funktions" and you buy it..... you have no idea of software development, heavent you?
  5. ktaanthrax

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    why do you advertise this as your biggest and most improtant update, and then only add ONE/UNO/1 Experimental server for the WHOLE european union (over 500Million People)??? i dont get it. you keep making bad decisions and you are shitting on your community and that makes me kinda sad. i mean: -70% of your assests were already done, when you started the dayz dev. some hobby modders made maps as big as chernarus with 2-3 people for arma 3 in less then 2 years. WHY CANT YOU??? YOU ARE PROFESSIONALS!!!! -your engine was crap from the beginning, and EVERYONE knew it, so why did you start building dayz upon a crappy engine that doesnt work out, instead of buying one of the good ones, or start FROM SCRATCH, like every other developer does it. and there are no other game developers with your experience, who are unable to create the BASIC ENGINE PART OF COLLISON DETECTION. -New Vehicles were added in Arma3 Epoch, LOOOOOONG before DayZ had the stupid and almost useless Truck -Basebuilding is long there in epoch, and even in exile, which is a few YEARS newer than DayZ SA -this list could go on forever, but my time is more worth then your game. i think that you DAYZ devs feel the same XD -you should REALLY add a stop button for the server browser, or make it MUCH more responsive, since its pretty worthless in its state, and most of crappy f2p games have better server browsers. all in one: you had a nice idea, but you are too unskilled as developers and/or dont have enough ressources to do something like that. ALL of your games are full of good ideas, but developed like shit. OFP to DayZ SA, all have the same problems, with performance, collision detection, AI, clunky movement etc. why dont you get rid of these problems first, before you release a new game? your engine and your engine development team sucks so bad, that even a friend of mine, who studys game-development in the 3rd semester, can program a better collision detection then your guys. in his demonstration of a game engine, which he has done for study, you wont fall through walls, or get "eaten" by rocks . get rid of your fucking noobprogrammers, and hire some professional programmers, who know what they are doing, and keep making the game better, instead of adding more bugs, like your team does now. a little tip from me to you, since your are unfamilliar with the gaming industry: you could have much better FPS with almost no development cost, by adding "umbra optimizer" to your engine. the game wouldve been done by now, if you would buy 3rd party technology, thats so much better then your crap of code. you wanted to develop this game with the community (early access and so on) so do funking develop it with the community. If you already unable to hold ANY of the timelines YOU set, then at least add more experimental servers, and keep your community informed. since now, you totaly ignored the community in case of suggestions. thats why your game has und 10k active players with over 10mil copies sold. i can speak for myself, and for MANY MANY MANYMANYMANY others, that i will NOT buy any of your future games in early access, since you are the worst example of early access bloatware. i hope you will think about this and get to work....
  6. ktaanthrax

    Switch to AAA engine

    At first: i like the DayZ and ArmA concepts very much. There are no games, that are even close to be that realistic. BUT, your "real virtuality" engine is crap. it was since the first iteration (ofp) and it ever will be. -unperformant -catastrophical collision-detection -no abillity to jump -bad controls (mousewheel menu, etc.) -struggling with animations -bad AI that are some of the "features" of your engine. it has too many legacy issues and it was ALWAYS the most criticised part of your games. Your engine is based on a engine about 14 years old, that always had issues with performance, AI, collision-detection, etc. So i would suggest to buy a good performing AAA engine (like Cryengine 3, UE 4, etc) to build this game. Money should not be a problem for that, since you sold over 10 million copies of dayz and made multi millions with it. Give us something back for the trust and money we spent in you. I know it first seems like a bad idea, since you have many things already done, BUT -you can keep using ALL the models and textures youve already made -you have no need to fix that huge amount of bugs you would have with you engine, since al the engines mentioned above have (vehicle) physics and collision detection already in it, and it WORKS in that engines. -it should mainly be no problem to convert your subroutines (inventory, character stats, central economy, etc) for a new engine, since all the engines mentioned above are extendable with external subroutines. -you will have MUCH better performance, since the most AAA engines, are developed in close contact with the hardware manufactures like AMD, NVIDIA, Intel. You would save time in the end, and would have not even half of the bugs you are dragging around since the 1st Real Virtuality engine from 2001.. regards Alex