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Herkyl Puuro

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About Herkyl Puuro

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    In a flying V3S
  • Interests
    Travelling around in the Eastern Europe in real life and yup, in Dayz too!

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  1. Herkyl Puuro

    will i regret buying this game ?

    Well yeah if you're choosing between making money, dating hot models and at the same time becoming a great personality or playing Dayz then at some point in your life you will regret buying Dayz. Take a break to do those first mentioned three things, and relax by playing Dayz after that, and you will have no regrets whatsoever.
  2. Herkyl Puuro

    0.59 bug report

    Okay, just wanted to check, because a buddy of mine had performance issues due to wrong screen settings when he started to play Dayz. Your screenshot/video problem sounds weird though, wish I could help but probably you know more about it than I do.
  3. Herkyl Puuro

    0.59 bug report

    Are your screen settings correct? At least in these photos everything looks really wide, I mean your guy looks like a barn door. If you have wrong screen size it will likely slow down your system even in the old ui.
  4. Herkyl Puuro

    Oak tree location? Black leather sack?

    Dissoluting nails with vinegar will produce excellent leather dye, especially if you want to dye leather black.
  5. Herkyl Puuro

    State of loot spawn?

    0.59 is probably near as it's on experimental, but if you play in 0.58 and have hard time finding loot, you might want to watch one or two guide videos about finding loot in 0.58, there are plenty of them and they could save some time for you.
  6. Herkyl Puuro


    Well, of course it would be cool if you could first trip the other guy by slashing his feet or head, and then thrust while he's momentarily immobilized. But currently melee is people running around 20 miles per hour and taking 90 or 180 degree turns in full speed, which in reality should make them fall by themselves, but it never happens as in Dayz people have full control of all physics like they were some kind of ninja-jedis. So if slashing gives you larger hit chance it probably works better than thrusting, which is more time taking movement. I'd like to see the devs to work with melee before they go beta, as compared to ranged combat with all kind of shooting angles and bullet penetration capabilities being already considered, melee stays pretty comical. Idk if many here remember Benny Hill Show, but often I can hear it's theme tune in my mind when people are chasing each other in "close combat". And if you raise your fists and walk you enter in this really funny tiptoe dancing mode. My friend cited Muhammed Ali when we we're fist fighting, he said "Dance like a butterfly and sting like a bee!", I started to laugh uncontrollably and he could defeat me so easily. :D What you say about bone tipped spear, that's spot on. Why you should have to kill first to make a very simple and primitive weapon? And adding sharpened piece of bone isn't much of an upgrade to a sharpened stick. Btw I hope we could make a spear from bayonets too when they bring them back, because in real life that would probably be the easiest way to make a good spear.
  7. Herkyl Puuro

    0.59- Shout out to a Hero in Chernobyl!

    There should be two in Novo, but other than that 0.58 looks to be zombieless. OP is talking about 0.59 though, so maybe he's playing experimental? Which brings to mind that I should take a selfie with those famous two in Novo, while it's still possible ))
  8. Herkyl Puuro

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Gardening in a town in between NWAF, Myshkino tents, Veresnik military base, helicrash land, with high number of possible police car spawn spots... man, even if it's a low pop server, I'm actually amazed you survived gardening hour in Vybor! :D Yeah why not? It will be good karma to share after such an event. Won't be especially one of those tents as I put them in use, but I have a one tent stash I don't visit at all. And I guess you'll be needing one for your newly found hardware
  9. Herkyl Puuro

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I logged in today where I left yesterday, just behind a hilltop next to my camp. Before I had time to move I heard a metallic *thud* exactly like when you close a door of a truck. "Holy crap someone has found my camp!!" was my first thought. Ready to face anything, I carefully moved closer to see what's going on. While crawling I attached the Kashtan back to my AKM and looked through the scope, but couldn't see any movement there, the tents I have seem to be there but my truck lying upside down in front of the car tent. "Oh shit, the guy must have flipped it somehow, maybe thudding sound came when he exited the car?" Next thing I ponder is maybe the guy saw me coming closer, and is now hiding behind the car tent. I'm overlooking the whole area, so maybe I can bluff him to move if I shoot through the tent few times? I remove the silencer and take three shots. No movement, no sounds, nothing. I take two shots more. Just the wind. I shoot once again, now at the truck which is flipped... AND the truck suddenly flies back to it's tent. "Yeah, it just might be a bug." So I move inside my camp, check all tents, barrels and boxes, no one there and nothing is missing. Sigh. Phewww. I returned to the camp later, and the truck was flipped again, but this time I just fixed it again with a .45 bullet.
  10. Herkyl Puuro

    When can we expect gun shots to be heard reliably

    Looking at your avatar I thought you would get violent one-on-one encounters with vengeful natives every now and then ))
  11. Herkyl Puuro

    Best Sniper Gear?

    I partially agree with Rags, meaning KoS snipers are just lame and having a big number of them is bad for the game. However, to counter-snipers, that is snipers who hunt & kill KoS snipers, I have nothing else to say but thanks and you can have my beans. :beans: Other kind I like are the ones who shoot zombies and occasionally players who are harassing fresh spawns. And as people here already pointed out there's nothing wrong protecting your team as a sniper.
  12. Herkyl Puuro

    PvM Areas

    I agree that player enforced safe zone would be the natural way, and it would be really cool way to play the game actually, but then again there are limitations, like amount of players. People who play a safe zone server expect relative safety whenever they join the server, obviously otherwise there's no sense to have such a server. In reality it would be really hard and time consuming to have a big enough group online to keep order 24/7. In another online game you can say I organized a similar safe zone, and to keep the operation running I had to spend 4-8 hours a day, and in the end it felt much more like work than fun. I don't play in the Novo server that much, but just to have a different experience I visit it once in a while, so at least personally I can accept kicking players as a substitute for a better system. Maybe there's more room for the player enforced zone when there will be 75 player servers, let's hope so. edit: Btw, if anyone is organizing a player controlled safe zone, I can sign in for guard duty.
  13. Herkyl Puuro

    PvM Areas

    The entire premise of DayZ is players can find different ways and rules to play the game. I don't like strictly PvE servers, but safe zone servers are okay. Many players have the same idea and they try to ambush people outside the limits, but as most people are aware of this so idk if that really works for ambushers. It's cool to sneak in and out, meet people and do some trading etc. In a way it's like an early attempt to bring law to the wild west, a town where you're supposed to leave your guns to sheriff's office.They have purge weekends in the gents of Novo, and in those weekends Novo is actually the center of PvP, and it makes that server all the more interesting.
  14. Herkyl Puuro

    I Just Picked Up Arma 2 CC For 7.99

    Yeah think you're right, I bought it, haven't installed yet. I'm sure Arma 2 will be a lot more fun than a pack of smokes - for what I have to pay the mentioned 5 € anyway
  15. Herkyl Puuro

    Shotguns are a Joke.

    As I told in another thread a guy survived 4 shots and killed me. First two hit his legs from 20 meters away and second two hit center of his torso from 2 meters, while he was lying prone. I think his leg was at least broken but can't honestly be sure about even that, seeing how it is with these weapons now. This was 3-4 weeks ago and haven't used much shotguns since. Maybe a .22 would work better than shotgun.