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About druce

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. druce

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hello...never know exactly what to say in these types of posts ...so awkward for me heh. Anyways, name's don but I go by Druce in game(s) whenever it's not stolen from me. I'm 35 and live just north of Seattle. If wanna add me to steam, search for druce and find the druce with the blue bat signal pic ^^ have a good one ... laterZ
  2. druce

    Unlimited .22 ammo for trumpet?

    Yeah...was my bad...just confusing how there's no number shown on the ammo I loaded. Thanks, guys, for being nice even though I was bein a dumbass lol
  3. druce

    Unlimited .22 ammo for trumpet?

    Ah right that would make some sense...I thought I chambered it...idk much at all about firearms but figured could only chamber one...eh idk nvm then
  4. druce

    Unlimited .22 ammo for trumpet?

    Well, I had 40, it loaded only one leaving me with 39. Shot two off and still had 39.
  5. i could be wrong (cuZ I haven't had a chance to test it again), but I found this trumpet rifle and 40 - .22 ammo and chambered one and I fired once then pressed R (cuZ I'm newish and says R for reload) and then fired again...got skeerd I had attracted the attention of players and or zombies so I bounced offline...later I logged back in and still had a round chambered and still had 39 - .22 rounds in my inventory. Dunno if it's bugged or what so figured I best say something. Laterz. -Druce
  6. druce

    New DayZ Update

    I haven't had any issue finding food or weapons or gear...I did, at first, but it seems the loot is spawning in places I hadn't seen before in such quantity...I'm referring to deer feeding stands and hunting stands (or whatever u call em) and outhouses...its gross but found all kinda food stuff in the outhouse...just try to get a bit inland fast as u are able...you'll be warmer there, as well :) I could be wrong but I think sprinting makes u warmer also...