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Everything posted by Wumby

  1. Now i understand that the dev team would like players to move up inland on the map. I get it. I mean, if there is no loot by the coast i guess it forces us, right? Also, im all for the new loot economy. I think it was a much needed adjustment for some of the players that have been playing for quite a long time. I think it refreshes the game in a way. BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE REASON I FEEL THE NEED TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT JUST TO POST TO THIS FORUM. IF I WANTED TO FIGHT IRON MAN I WOULD BUY A MARVEL GAME. WHY MUST THE ZOMBIES BE SO OVER POWERED AND DOWNRIGHT INVINCIBLE. On another note i enjoy the new stealth system. Round of applause for that one. Now i only complain about this zombie AI because of the fact that if a zombie sees you and you are not Rambo geared. You are basically sort of screwed. Now one zombie could be manageable. But lets say while fighting this Sith Lord of a zombie another spots you. Now you have TWO. PLUS, weapons such as the fire ax and sledge hammer do not a bit of damage? 4-5 hits with a fire ax? If you are going for the realistic approach then you are sure far from it. I just hope this is one big April Fools joke and things will be okay in a week.