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Everything posted by ri0thex

  1. Welcome to ri0t.grounds Light-RP, No KOS and SNIPERS=BAN. Greetings Survivors! Sick of being KoSd, or killed by cheaters? We are too! You're "safer" here... :D I am the server owner and current community manager ri0thex! Our Mission Statement-: We aim to provide a fresh, and exciting dayz experience every time you play on our hive. How do we plan to do such a thing? Well, for one we have very active admins in our ranks which enables us the ability to enforce our rules established for the server. We intend to have server-wide events when our community grows strong enough to support them. You won't be forced to partake in any events, but they will be there for you to do so if you wish. The events will vary from PvP Challenges/Warzones to PvE Challenges, and "Easter Egg Hunts" of sorts! Also not sure about you fellow survivors, but we're tired of the boring old 24/7 daytime. We're looking to bring a new atmosphere to DayZ servers by having varying times of day throughout the week, and possible even after restarts during the day!* (Except pure night for the time being.) This is just the beginning... PLANS/IDEAS for the future include, but are not limited to: -Server upgrades, and player slot expansion. -Possible 1st-person only slave-shard. -Possible white-listing only slave-shard. Features of our server: -No admin Abuse -Quick restarts -Stable host -SEC-Layer DDoS Protection -Active admins ready to help remove of cheaters, and KoSers -Committed active, and growing community! -Active STEAMGROUP and FORUMS -Private Hive -Accelerated Time -Helicopter, Police Car, and V3S Truck spawns! -Consistent Backups of server/character data -Various different times of day in Chernarus* (Excluding pure night for the time being.) -Streamers Welcome! -Server Events! -Possible future white-listing* (Server regulars will be grandfathered over.) Temp-Website: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ri0tgroundsofficial Want to help the server/community grow? Consider donating to help "keep the lights" on! DONATE HERE: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=Y99ACS4FWYZTU&lc=US&item_name=ri0t%2egrounds%20Light%2dRP%20DayZ%20Standalone%20Official%20Server&item_number=ri0t%2egrounds%20Servers&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted MORE TO COME AT A LATER DATE.
  2. Hey everyone just wanted to bump up the thread, and give a little update with the server! We had our first server event last weekend which went pretty good for a short notice one. It was an "easter egg hunt", and the winner was awarded with a fully kitted M4 as well as other items including a protector case with supplies for surviving the harsh lands of chernarus. The next two server events are scheduled for this weekend, and next. This weekend is going to be a PvE event, and next weekend will be a PvP event. The PvP event was planned for this week, but it's been pushed back to next week since it's going to take a little bit more planning/coordination to setup. Feel free to stop by this weekend, and check it out! Join/check out our STEAMGROUP for more updates on events/server news! :D