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About sparta436

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  1. sparta436

    DayZ on consoles

    my only problem with it being on consoles is that it will hold back what can be done on PC because of the shitty hardware that consoles have. if you want to make DayZ the PC game and then tone it down for consoles like they did Crysis 1, then thats fine by me.
  2. i think rocket's plans are to release the alpha as a sort of pre purchase for the actual product. Perhaps you will buy the alpha and then pay a discounted price for the standalone once it is released OR you could buy the Alpha and then get the standalone for free as it gradually updates itself to that point.
  3. keep in mind that the minecraft ALPHA cost $13 US. DayZ standalone (finished) is worth at least $30
  4. Of course I'm not suggesting you'd have to pay for it three times. It'll work like minecraft, what stage the game is in when you buy it will determine how much you pay. So basically, if you buy the alpha for $20 you're essentially getting the finished standalone for $20 once the game gets to that point. Keep in mind that i don't work for Bohemia and i cant speak for their products. Also, wether you like it or not, you bought a $30 game to play a FREE mod. You in no way payed for DayZ. Maybe you should try playing ArmA. I had the same way of thinking that you did until i gave the editor a quick run through and was amazed at what the engine/game is capable of. I don't see why people cant wrap their head around this idea. YOU bought ArmA 2. DayZ happens to be a mod for ArmA and so you played it. Your purchase of ArmA 2 does not entitle you to a free copy of DayZ which is an entirely different game.
  5. I dont think the minecraft Alpha was even 5 euro. It should be at least 10 dollars. We have to remember that BI is actually a business with money making being its main interest and purpose.
  6. sparta436

    [Poll] Which map do you prefer?

    I agree with icomrad, but i like both.
  7. Your thumbnail tells me that you are a homeless man. You should have other priorities before you consider paying for video games,
  8. Even if the idea tanks in develpment, you'll still have some guy out there or some studio out there willing to clone DayZ and do it right ASSUMING that is that DayZ doesnt happen or isnt succesful. In that unprecedented instance someone else would pick it up because it'll make them a shitton of money and because thats how people work. If things keep going the way they are, and Rocket is kept project lead there is only a miniscule chance that the project would fail, but even if it does, someone out there will create the DayZ we've all dreamt of.
  9. Wanna kill alot of zeds? The Bizon is your best friend.
  10. I agree. Most of us payed 30$ just to play the alpha version, and in doing so, decided that the alpha was worth $30 to us. If Rocket is going to charge $60 for the standalone, it better be worth our money.That means: No bugs, no hackers, better graphics, better servers, etc. I myself, will be dropping what i hope to be 100$ US for the collectors edition. i just hope it comes with NVGs lol.
  11. Thats alot of extra character data to store my friend, and when youre dealing with say 4 million players (DayZ will grow to that size I promise you) and each player plays on an average of 7 different servers or more that is ALOT of data to store. The cost will add up and just be insane. I've never been in game design but i just dont think that'll work. Someone prove me wrong please.
  12. well you might not get what you want and the standalone alpha might not be worth your money then. DayZ will be on an updated version of the same engine and, because its in alpha, will have plenty of bugs that we need to tell the Devs about. We are here so that they dont have to pay testers. If thats the way you feel, then save your $$$$ for the beta dude.
  13. sparta436

    The DayZ Standalone Wishlist

    Totally agree. We need to expand loot and add many more low tier items. We also need just much more items in general so that it takes longer to attain those top tier items like NVGs and M4 SDs. The devs have to find a way to make those low/mid tier items valuable as well though.
  14. Thats an insta-buy for me. I just hope rocket gets to see some of the money