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About ALlVe

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  1. ALlVe

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    kichilron, you are probably right but it looks a bit more interesting that way. And who knows, maybe the train driver was killed and the train went full throttle. Those wagons weigh quite alot. It just might cause a pileup like that. Should get myself a train simulator to really test it out :P
  2. ALlVe

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Camera is activated with a trigger and the trigger is triggered when I use alpha raadio - you can select it when creating the trigger. I also suggest selecting repeatedly for activation so you can switch between player and camera. Made a small snippet from my stream: http://www.twitch.tv/allavett/c/3337820. You just have to pause it at the right time ;) Also made a thread in opendayz.net: http://opendayz.net/threads/trains-and-wagons-to-chernarus-rails.17499 So If anyone is interested, go and check it out :)
  3. ALlVe

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Thank you all for positiive feedback! :) I tried to improve it a bit... Also recorded it so everyone can see how I rotate these MF's http://www.twitch.tv/allavett/b/484502843. Maybe someone knows a better way to do it.
  4. ALlVe

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Hello, R4Z0R49 and others! I really like the new POI idea, so I thought I would introduce something I made myself about 6 months ago for my own server. The server was not too popular but why let the hard work go to waste? On to the point! I added some trains and hundreds of wagons on to the railway. They all are leveled with the rails - really tidious and time consuming work. But all in all I am pleased with the results. Besides filling the void of not having trains almost anywhere on the map it is possible to spawn loot into the wagons. I also made a little demo video of the result. I do not know if you,R4Z0R49, or anybody else are interested in this kind of stuff. But if you are and you think you could use it, I would happily share it :) Regards, Allar
  5. I do not want to be an asshat but it is actually Dslyecxi. And yes there is a big difference ;)
  6. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/57212203558/screenshots-from-todays-multiplayer-test-a Ofcourse there is always the possibility there actually is a guy working with the game who is dyslexic. If that is the case, don't mind me :)
  7. In devblog rocket misspelled Dslyecxi's name. That is no way to thank a person. I hope someone will take the time to correct it ;)
  8. rocket, you misspelled Dslyecxi's name :P
  9. Updated to DayZ mod v and Arma OA beta v 103718. Also added Krixes Self Bloodbag script - You will need it ;)
  10. Decided to enable 3rdP and sidechannel. Maybe this will bring in more people :)
  11. Thank you guys for positive words. I hope you will be able to come and visit my server and test things out yourself :)
  12. Hello! I have set up a small server. that I would like to play on but have not seen hosted by anyone else. It is a bit more "hardcore" difficulty then regular ones with only 1st person view and no messages about other players. Global and side channels are disabled to get full immersion. I have modified the map just a little. Removed all the junk that Rocket for some strange reason had added. This also means there are no military tents in balota or berezino. But there are some other buildings that I think should be there. Also I have added lots of wagons to the train stations - some new places to find loot. Servers loottable has not been changed much, basically only added ACRE radios. All 5 of them can be found but best ones have really low chance to spawn. That brings me to the bigest sellingpoint of my server, at least I think it should be, it supports ACRE - Advanced Combat Radio Environment. This, I hope, should make the end game more interesting because you have the ability to listen on others. Collect valuable info on them, plan ambushes or just troll and have some fun. The world is your oyster :) Ofcourse for the idea to succeed the server needs some good people joining it and I hope I have come to the right place. Also If anyone is interested in hosting his own server with ACRE I would be more then willing to help them. + Added Krixes Self Bloodbag script. [EU]DayZ ( 103718) Supports ACRE|Daytime only|Chernarus|3rdP:on|CH:on|SideChat:on|Tags:off|Msgs:off Server IP: Port: 2302 TS address: -Mods used on server: CBA; ACRE - ARMA has to be run as administrator for ACRE to work and you should also change your PTT key from CAPS-LOCK to something else (you don't want to be babling so everyone can hear); ST ACRE Volume Control - in ARMA controls menu you have to add a hotkey for "Talk on Direct channel" - example; ST map auto brightness; ST Movement. Mod line should look like this if all mods are used: -mod=@dayz;@CBA_CO;@JayArmA2Lib;@ACRE;@st_acre_vol;@st_movement;@st_map_auto_brightness Mods are not necessary but highly recommended to get the best experience. -How to setup TeamSpeak for use with ACRE? GUIDE -How do I use a radio if I find one? You speak into your radio by pressing your CAPSLOACK key. Press it, say what you need to say, and release the key. It is possible to take multiple radios with you. You can switch between radios by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + A. You can pull up your radio interface by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + X. -How do I communicate with someone who is really far away? For this, you will need either the PRC119 or the PRC117F . On the PRC119, change to it by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + A. Change the PWR (power) mode to HI (high) or, if you are in a vehicle, to PA (Power Amplified). This will make the signal much stronger. -I already bound my CAPSLOCK key to my Teamspeak 3 push to talk button. Is it possible to set another key for my ACRE radio? Go to your ArmA2 directory and open the file userconfig\acre\acre_keys.hpp Change the key found under 'class PTTRadio { key = 58 ... }' 58 is the CAPSLOCK key. If you scroll all the way down in the acre_keys.hpp file, you will see a list of all keys and their codes.
  13. ALlVe

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Try aiming through sight in real life and you'll understand it is not that comfortable either. Try doing it for a minute or longer and you'll realize holding a button is much easier ;). Maybe aiming down sight should be more uncomfortable?
  14. Lazy me has a question - 40 pages to read through is too much. Why is the "Side Chat" enabled? It is really immersion breaking. All other aspects are really hardcore, and I like that, but that one thing bothers me :(