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Everything posted by ColdAtrophy

  1. ColdAtrophy

    Catch 22

    That was the 2nd helicopter I ever found. The 1st was completely by accident. This one was because I was nearby and had no other immediate goal. That was also the first time I ever actually tried to find one by checking a location on the map. I remember text scrolling on the screen as I joined the server about not killing on sight. Perhaps I'm not remembering it correctly. I have joined and been murdered in many servers in the short time I've been playing and I was killed at least 3 or 4 times on that day alone. Regardless of whether those are or are not the server rules, I'm told that server admins can't hold anyone to that and I doubt there is any way to realistically enforce it. So, no big deal I guess. That really isn't the main point that I was trying to make here, not by a long shot. I said "Hey, I'm not gonna attack you". I don't recall saying anything else. I cursed a bunch when I realized I was about to be killed but I had let off the PTT by then so I'm not sure what you are referring to. The fact remains that I could've killed your friend without any real trouble as he was stuffing his face. If I had been that kind of player, that is. Trust me when I say this: I will not make that mistake again. I've been killed too many times when I could have, should have, and would have killed the guy who snuffed me. If I had killed your buddy, what was going to stop me from killing you too? I could've walked up with that shotgun (that was loaded as you clearly saw) while you two derped around oblivious to the world. It's easy to snipe an unarmed man who just announced his presence and is not even moving. But I see the point that all of you are trying to make. I learned my lesson today and killed a guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. You all have converted me. KoS is the name of the game. Avoid if you can, but if you can't - shoot first and ask questions later. If that's how you all want to play, then in order to participate, I must as well. I hope you frequent that server. I really hope our paths cross again. :)
  2. ColdAtrophy

    Noob on a Rescue Mission

    So I've spent about 3 hours wandering Z-land and collecting supplies. I have a friend who has logged off for the night and my mission before I go to bed is to get as close to his approximate location as possible with the supplies necessary to help him fix his fractures and get going again. I've lost some blood, but I have plenty of food and drink, a few medical items, ammo and a gun, a melee weapon, and I've identified my blood type as A+. I still have a long way to go. I keep getting wet and therefore cold. I had a raincoat but it got wrecked and I had to discard it about an hour ago after a zombie attack. I can't figure out how to make fire to get myself dry when I have the opportunity. I'm worried that I'm not gonna make it to him and will instead die before I get there. Can anyone offer me some tips? What items do I need? Where should I stop to get better items and medical supplies? I'd like to avoid places known to be super hotspots so as to keep from a KoS situation. I will likely die in a PvP confrontation as I've lost a good chunk of blood and I have no idea how to get more. I had a saline bag which I think would have helped but it's missing from my inventory. My approximate location: http://www.izurvive.com/#c=30;67;4 I'm somewhere in here but I'm not 100% sure where. My friend is somewhere around here: http://www.izurvive.com/#c=78;83;5 Can someone help me plot a route that leads to the greatest chance of success? Thanks, A Survivor
  3. ColdAtrophy

    Noob on a Rescue Mission

    Long story. I was being stubborn about not being a homicidal maniac, resisting playing the game the way one needs to to survive. I popped my murder cherry today, all in the interest of the preservation of myself and my partner, of course. You can read all about it here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/222374-from-a-survivors-journal-day-1/ I can say without an ounce of hesitation that this was the single most compelling game experience I've ever had.
  4. ColdAtrophy

    What are these buildings?

    Thanks everyone. It was easier to figure out what the community would refer to them as by showing a picture rather than searching for however long through photos on a wiki or whatever and trying to match them up. Just trying to learn the lingo. B) I don't really worry much about what my graphics settings are at. The only two things I have I have a preference on are resolution (1920x1080) and Anti-Aliasing (Normal). Other than that, I'm really not sure what they are set to. The other settings don't really make the game look much different and they seem to have little to no impact on framerate or playability. I'm pretty sure my textures are set to Very High. If they aren't, there's no reason they shouldn't be since the game only uses 2GB of vram max and I have 4 (kinda, lol). I have an Intel i5-4690k and a Giagbyte GTX 970, the mini-ITX version. http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=5252#ov In every other game I have played so far since I built this PC two months ago (BF4, Metro 2033 Redux, heavily modded Fallout New Vegas, Evolve, Borderlands 2, Titanfall, The Evil Within) I have been able to crank up most or all of the graphics settings in game. With this one, my frames vary from 20-30 in large cities, 40-55 in towns, and 60 everywhere else no matter what I do. I always limit my frames with Vsync and/or a limiter. I don't see the point in asking my card to output frames that I can't see on a 60hz monitor.
  5. ColdAtrophy

    Catch 22

    How could you know that? Unless.........YOU. >:( @ MostlyHarmless You get me. ;) Though I will die (A LOT), eventually I will find some other survivors who just want to trade, chat, and/or adventure with a partner.
  6. ColdAtrophy

    Catch 22

    I'm reading all about it now. I think I might enjoy that kind of game better, I'm not really up for the effort necessary for full time hardcore role-playing though so this might be tough as many of them are setup that way. I will see what I can find. Thanks to everyone who suggested this.
  7. ColdAtrophy

    Catch 22

    I will look into it. Thank you for the advice. I'm not sure what whitelisted means or how to find them but it sounds like it might be a bit more fun. I have a friend who I bought the game to play with, but I'm new and he dies even more than I do, meaning we respawn god knows where and spend 4 hours getting back to each other only to die 5-10 minutes later. I'm barely exaggerating here. I guess it's not that I'm specifically trusting, but that I'm giving people the chance to be decent so they can enjoy the game too. I see these threads where people all complain about it for 100+ pages so I don't want to contribute to the problem. I just feel like I can't complain about KoS if I do it too.
  8. ColdAtrophy

    Catch 22

    I see what you are getting at, I guess. I just don't agree with the logic used to arrive at the "kill everything that moves" mentality. You say they were protecting themselves and their loot, but they could've easily just told me to fuck off and I would've turned around and walked away. I don't think I'm capable of altering my state of mind to where it needs to be to enjoy this. I really think it's just me. When I see another player, I have found that I absolutely must shoot to kill immediately. Instead, despite the fact that I commonly see them first and could kill them easily, I hesitate in the hopes of having a fun and new experience with another player. Then, I get killed. It doesn't matter if I have a weapon in my hand, crouched on the floor, announce my presence, move towards them, stand still, all makes no difference. People just DGAF.
  9. ColdAtrophy

    Catch 22

    I guess I assumed that the helicopter crash site would be empty because the server had just restarted. How could someone not only know where it was but get there before me in the span of the 5 minutes since the server restarted? Those guys had to know that I could've killed them and chose not to. They didn't see me at all until I announced myself and lowered my weapon, 10 feet away from them. They killed me because they could. Simple as that. I don't mean to imply that player interaction should be taken away. I'm saying that I don't understand the logic behind killing everything that moves without even attempting to interact, especially in curcumstances where you are actually hurting yourself! I guess I'm just getting frustrated with the way the game currently works. You can't loot any of the major sites without people logging in all over the place and server hopping. This means that you can't possibly cover all possible avenues of attack, partiicularly not on your own. You can't talk to anyone because you are just giving yourself away and the sound of the human voice ignites a primal murder reflex in 99.9% of the player base, based on my addmittedly short time in the game. You can't find anything decent at these loot zones because they get picked clean within an hour at most after server resets. It was fun and exciting at first. When I did see another player, I would get an adrenaline spike and get tense. Now, even after only 30 hours, the "player interactions" (read: Deathmatch) are already boring. There aren't any unless you count your bullets entering another guy's chest as an interaction.
  10. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Twice I was within 10 meters of a zombie who was looking directly at me and drew no aggro. Once was when I went to the back door of a house to close it and found a zombie standing right in the doorway already. He didn't move or react to my presence even after I shut the door. The second one was a zombie I nearly stumbled into near a shed in a backyard. He also, although looking right at me, didn't react to my presence. Another strange occurrence I saw (likely a desync thing): I was being beaten to death by two zombies I had locked in a house. They were viciously attacking a ficus. Apparently the server thought I was the ficus. I really wasn't able to play it enough to thoroughly try to break it since there is no food or drink anywhere. I eventually found one can of peaches but the rangefinder and M4 Handguard cannot be used to open a can and that's all I've found otherwise. I know this is for testing purposes and I'm pretty new to all of this, but I don't understand why the item spawns are either absent or seriously strange. It makes it hard to test the changes if the food/drink mechanics are killing me. I'm not sure if this would always be appropriate based on the changes that are being implemented, but perhaps we might consider some testing privileges. For example, since we are largely testing zombie AI and (perhaps? didn't notice a performance difference) rendering updates, maybe there is a way to simply turn off the survival aspects so we can focus our attention on the specific tasks at hand? I'm sure someone else has already considered this and there is a reason that idea is no good, but I'm curious about it regardless. From what I did see, the zombies do one other particularly weird thing. It happened twice but I will recount only one of those times. I was running through a field away from one since I had only my fists and no items of any kind. As it chased me, it would run two steps and then perform a kind of standing slide maneuver that brought it right up super close to me. Then it would run two more steps and repeat, making it literally impossible to get away from. I ran for about a minute watching it do this over my shoulder. Then I started running in circles. It broke the AI's brain I think. I took off in a straight line once more and it just stood there. All this was on a US Central server with only one other player on it. My ping was about 60.
  11. ColdAtrophy

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    I'd like to see some heavy duty, riot, and/or SWAT Police gear: http://i.imgur.com/VsNquWM.jpg Perhaps it's the BF enthusiast in me mixed with my early gaming experiences in RPGs, but I'd like to see a lot more guns and way more mods for them. Maybe that's unrealistic given the setting of the game, but aren't there......I dunno.....gun shops around? Places where a person could go and know that there are likely to be weapons around other than military bases? That leads to another point bouncing around in my head. I'd like to see more logic involved in looting. If I was in the zombie apocalypse, I wouldn't be rooting around your tool shed for a banana and a can of baked beans that you keep out there alongside your wool shirts, hard hats, and pliers. Especially not when you have a perfectly good kitchen 20 feet away.Sometimes I feel like the loot spawns are comically random. Perhaps that's off topic. If I could have only one thing added to this game and that would be it other than bug fixes until release, it would be this weapon platform: http://i.imgur.com/1EkYJnx.jpg The SCAR is the sexiest gun mankind has ever made, IMO. There is a CQB variant, an AR variant, and a DMR variant. Any of them will satisfy my need to wield this weapon, the pinnacle of modern engineering and design aesthetics. I can not over state how much I want this gun to be a default inclusion in any game wherein the player wields a firearm as if it were like mouse sensitivity settings or brightness.
  12. ColdAtrophy

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    I voted "Yes - I want to see all kinds of aerial vehicles". For my reasoning, I checked "Other". I want aerial vehicles for the thrill when I haven't seen anyone in an hour and I'm casually strolling down main street in some backwater village practicing my headshots with a Magnum on Zed when I hear the sound of rotors in the distance and have to haul ass to a safe spot before I'm seen. Who knows? Maybe I will be near a place rumored to spawn some vital piece they need for their aircraft. Maybe I will be in just the right spot when they land to have an advantage if things go south. Maybe I will be seen from the air and unceremoniously gunned down. The point: Who knows what will happen? I like my gameplay emergent with a side of chaos.
  13. ColdAtrophy

    Steyr AUG

    Correct me (please!) if I'm wrong, but we are on version .55, correct? A lot of stuff on the DayZ Wiki references version .54, so I'm unsure about the accuracy of some of the information. According to this: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Steyr_AUG_Automatic_Rifle, the AUG can only accept a NATO suppressor but it says "as of version .54". Does anyone know if this changed in .55?
  14. ColdAtrophy

    Where to next?

    I, with the help of a good Samaritan and all around badass Ranger, managed to survive my first day and came out in good health with plenty of supplies for staying alive. Unfortunately, the friend I went on an epic journey to save died before I could get to him. Now I'm far to the North and without purpose. The question is, what now? I'd like to track down some better weapons and perhaps some expanded inventory gear. I have 4 slots on my chest, 6 on my legs, two med kits that I have a good amount of stuff stashed in, and a 28 slot drybag. Can I expect to find any items that would add to my overall carrying capacity? What should I be on the lookout for? Where should I go looking? I'm currently in Krasnostav. I need to make my way to the Elektro area by the end of today, so anything of note to check out between here and there would be good.
  15. ColdAtrophy

    Where to next?

    @halp Bingo man. Bingo. That is exactly my POV, only just a touch more to the left and in the corner. I was trying to maximize the angles I could see while not leaving my back exposed. He could have been in there for sure. I didn't open the door and check. I merely peeked in without opening the door and rather quickly. He very well could have been hiding there. I just thought it was weird that even when I looked back towards the cell, I saw no one.
  16. ColdAtrophy

    Where to next?

    The jail cell door was already closed as I entered. When I looked to the right (albeit quickly) into the jail cell as I walked through the door, I saw no one. Then I saw the pile of mags and knew I was being toyed with. I moved forward and to the left into the corner and turned so that I could first look straight ahead and clearly saw no one behind the stairs. Then I looked up the stairs, still not moving, gun readied, and saw no one. I then felt the first shot hit me and started to turn more to the right, now looking back towards the jail cell door. I still saw no one. I swiped around looking back to my left and then again to my right. Still nothing. The jail cell door swung open and still I saw no one. Then I died. This sounds drawn out but it all happened in the span of about 10 seconds or less.
  17. ColdAtrophy

    Where to next?

    Based on my experiences, this is solid advice. I have a couple questions for you guys. I was just killed again, but this time it was spectacularly weird. http://www.izurvive.com/#c=7;-76;6 My friend wanted to meet up here and check out the base. He was still a little way south and I got there first. He then logged out. I decided to check it out and see what all was there. Is this a commonly looted area? Do people go to check it out often? I approached the building there that looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/rr3NGPj.jpg When I got to the double doors at the back of the building, I immediately knew something was up. I had passed dropped stuff all over the place. The doors were closed. I switched to my fully loaded AKM, took a deep breath, and started looking around me. I then opened the doors and as I moved forward I saw a pile of dropped magazines and a dropped drum mag. Definitely bait, it set all kinds of alarms off in my head. I immediately readied my weapon and moved into the corner so I could see the stairs and then to my right where the jail cell door is. The attacker opened fire but I couldn't see him at all. Not even the slightest hint. Then the jail cell door swung open, and still I couldn't see anyone whatsoever. Bullets kept hitting me and then I died. How far away can you hear someone sprinting? I know it's hard to give me an exact number, but any kind of anecdotal evidence would be appreciated. I don't have a good feel for how far sound travels. Why is it that I never saw my attacker at all? I died pretty quick, but I never saw anyone at all, he clearly had plenty of time to set the ambush, and knew I was coming. Unless, of course, this is just what the guy does all the time just to see who he can ensnare. In that case, he likely already had it all setup and merely heard me coming. How long can a person stay in one area like that? Don't you need to go get food and drink at some point? How often do people even go there? Is this a "hotspot"? Any insight would be appreciated.
  18. ColdAtrophy

    Steyr AUG

    And with a taste for vengeance. I got that glitch that spawns you with no items of any kind, not pants or shoes even. The important part is that I spawned just outside of Vybor. I got some of my stuff back at the area with the tents. He was wearing my skull balaclava! The fucking nerve. :)
  19. ColdAtrophy

    Where to next?

    I was in a building at the NWAF. It was one of the ones that has a jail cell just inside the back door. As far as I knew, the server I have been playing on was empty at that time. I failed to take into account the fact that people server hop the airfields. A zombie glitched into the building and I had my AUG equipped. I panicked a little and shot the zombie rather than using my suppressed M1911 or my axe. I'm pretty sure he heard the single shot. He waited just under the window for the jail cell room and when I stepped out, he ripped into me with automatic fire at like 5 meters. I didn't have time to really react. I tried to return fire and move back but I died too quickly. I have some plans for how to avoid this in the future and this experience has made me reevaluate the way I go about clearing buildings. I don't think I'm ever going to approach hot spots like the airfield without a friend or two in the future.
  20. ColdAtrophy

    Where to next?

    I was murdered today.
  21. ColdAtrophy

    Steyr AUG

    I mean that I started this character on Monday. I called that Day 1. Today is Thursday. I was killed today. I played for a good 4 or 5 hours each day. Today I got about an hour or so in and was murdered needlessly.
  22. ColdAtrophy

    Steyr AUG

    I play the same server each day for the most part and I refuse to hack or cheat in any game I play. I'm in for the intended experience, not the one that I'd like to have for myself. When I was 7 or 8 I got into playing Age of Empires and Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds. I learned about the resource cheats you could put in to get as many resources as you needed to do whatever you wanted. As a result, I never got good at the games. I would play offline and cheat my way through it. I realized that I had crippled my experience by using those cheats and so I learned that it ruins games. I saw further evidence that confirmed my thoughts on this when I played Borderlands and Dungeon Defenders. I had a friend who was given a god-mode shotgun in BL1 that did some insane amount of impossible damage. I asked him not to use it when we played together because it depreciated the value of more powerful gear when we found it and made the game trivial to play and therefore boring. DF online games were rife with hacked weapons that had the same effect. No good comes from hacks or cheats in my opinion. I also have no intention of searching out other players to kill, tempting though that may be to some. If someone is clearly trying to do me harm, then self defense is the only option. Actively seeking altercations is just not my style. I just got killed on Day 4 of my character by a guy who camped waiting for me to come out of a building at NWAF. It sucks to die after having learned and gained so much. I have no wish to inflict that on another player. Unless, of course, I run across the guy who just killed me. He's fucked if I ever find him. :)
  23. ColdAtrophy

    Steyr AUG

    Well, I have not seen the M4 yet at all. The only mod for it I've seen is a carry handle. I'm about to head out on Day 4 of my DayZ experience. I just got lucky yesterday and stumbled across a crashed heli. I got an AUG with a 40rnd mag, a Skull Balaclava, and an M65 Field Jacket. Plus, a touch of ammo.
  24. ColdAtrophy

    Steyr AUG

    Ok, so I was wrong. Thanks for clearing that up guys. I was asking because I wanted to know if I could maybe put a different sight on my new AUG. The default one is fine. I was just curious.
  25. ColdAtrophy

    So What Kind of Rig do you have?

    Intel i5-4690k and a Gigabyte GTX 970. I can crank all the quality settings up or leave them at low. My framerate doesn't change. Vsync 60 out of towns, 55-60 in smaller towns, and anywhere from 20-40 in large cities but somewhere around 30 average I think. It bothered me at first but I'm getting used to it now. I don't go into large cities much because if I do it bothers my eyes from the low and fluctuating framerate after awhile. I don't think any of us will really be able to meaningfully compare specs and performance until at least beta, if not release.