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Everything posted by ColdAtrophy

  1. I had planned on doing Colorado Springs. My new job is eating up a massive amount of my time between being on the clock and taking educational coursework in my off hours so I have no clue if I will end up being able to do it. Even if not, I think it would be an excellent mix of urban and country and Cheyenne Mountain military complex could be put in as a source of military loot, but with a twist. A metric shit ton of it is underground and, unless you've been there, you don't know how it's laid out. Creative license could be applied to great effect in such a scenario.
  2. ColdAtrophy

    How do you greet people in dayz

    You either: a) avoid people altogether (best if you prefer to survive in this survival game) or b) shoot them. There is no real middle ground. Trying to be friendly gets you killed 999/1000.
  3. ColdAtrophy

    Better (more realistic/hardcore) optics...

    Ideally, I wish all games would and could do it this way. The way it was explained to me is that games must render the entire scene at two different levels (essentially like two copies of the same image) in order to render scopes like this. One at the normal magnification and another at the magnification that the scope uses. That makes the scene twice as taxing on hardware. Perhaps eventually tricks will be developed to get around this.
  4. ColdAtrophy

    A few thoughts on.. (Difficulty, Modding, etc)

    If I wanted an easy experience, I wouldn't be here. If I wanted a game made for the lowest common denominator, anyone can pick up and play and do well, I wouldn't have supported this project. Games like that are churned out on a weekly basis by the development factories of AAA publishers.
  5. ColdAtrophy

    REMOVE ''Player Kill Count'' from newui

    My assumption was that all or most of the stats displayed would be on a per character basis. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that how it worked in DayZ mod?
  6. ColdAtrophy

    Any sign of Vive / Rift support?

    According to the article, Valve is making this adaptive technology open source. GG Valve.
  7. ColdAtrophy

    Any sign of Vive / Rift support?

    I'm pretty sure that they actually need 90FPS. At least that's what I read about the Oculus.
  8. ColdAtrophy

    Black m65

    This. I hate it when stuff like this forces all players to funnel into a specific loadout. It's similar to when a particular thing is overpowered in an RPG or shooter.
  9. ColdAtrophy

    REMOVE ''Player Kill Count'' from newui

    This very same principle is what turned Battlefield from a cooperative, tactical game into a fast-paced "ego" shooter. Instead of focusing on winning the match by playing the objective, players now generally care more about their own kill count and making Youtube-worthy footage. It is indeed a slippery slope. I don't look at DayZ as a purely PVP game and, while not being particularly friendly or sociable, do not KoS. Despite that fact, I still want to know how many players I've killed over the course of my character's lifespan. It should be treated as one of many barometers of success and survival acumen. It should not ever be a central focus in my opinion, but we can't dictate how others value specific stats unless game mechanics force players to consider certain statistics differently or value some more highly than others. A perfect example of this, also from Battlefield, is how many of the top tier, well-rounded BF players view flags capped and flags defended as some of the most telling statistics of all. Why don't they just make it so that your character's stats are only viewable by you? Just my two cents.
  10. ColdAtrophy

    Status Report - 29 Mar 2016

    Same here. I liked the mystery of putting stuff together and feel that it ultimately contributed greatly to the sense of discovery I experienced throughout my play time. But if it means we do away with the general "clunkiness" of the old system and allow for a much more fluid, natural method of interacting with the game, then so be it.
  11. ColdAtrophy

    Dealing with the frustration

    I was under this impression too. I've been told exactly this multiple times by community members I trust and have been a part of this community much longer than I have. I'm curious about the answer to your question as well.
  12. ColdAtrophy

    Dealing with the frustration

    Not to kiss ass or anything, but I'm gonna have to side with Hicks here. Looks like they just pushed another internal debug build an hour ago. https://steamdb.info/app/221100/history/ Slackers don't generally work this late on a Saturday night/Sunday evening for a 9-5 Monday thru Friday job.
  13. ColdAtrophy

    Dealing with the frustration

    Yeah, I mean, why wouldn't they throw away the single most popular and most potentially profitable IP they've ever owned? If they actually did as you suggest, they'd never be able to sell anybody a damn thing ever again.
  14. ColdAtrophy

    Dealing with the frustration

    You know how I deal with delays like these? Steam sales. I've bought 4 cheap, awesome games since the beginning of the year and haven't touched DayZ in quite a few weeks. You absolutely positively must know when it's time to break away from this project and go do other stuff or you risk feeling disillusioned and getting frustrated. When .60 comes out, I will come back. The delays ARE absolutely insane. I agree. The first estimate for .60 was for a pre-Christmas release. Getting bitter or upset about it changes nothing, but your own feeling of happiness. Not worth it. Just my two cents.
  15. ColdAtrophy

    Beav - 3 x 3 x 3 - Fighting 9 guys in Zele

  16. ColdAtrophy

    A few thoughts on.. (New Anim System, Bug Fixing, etc)

    More of this please! I know it takes time to type this stuff out, but this is excellent. Thank you very much Hicks. I'd give you beans but ya know. The forum devolved.
  17. ColdAtrophy

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    Seriously, this is the silliest time to give up hope. A year ago? Still not really just justified, but I could understand it. Post 1.0 if you were to realize DayZ isn't the game you thought it was? Sure. I can understand that one too. Right on the cusp (literally any day now) of some of the biggest and most dramatic improvements DayZ SA has ever received? I don't get it. Just seems like "if you waited this long...", you know?
  18. ColdAtrophy

    Bullets penetrate tents and other thin cover

    Bullet penetration is already in this game. You can shoot through doors and thin walls like the walls of quonset huts. The property needs polish, which is to be expected in an alpha, but it's already in game.
  19. ColdAtrophy

    Hard shakes

    Yes. This is it. I recently committed suicide via friend with a wrench because I totally forgot about the broken arm thing and thought my character was irreparably bugged with the Cold status. It had been 3 or 4 months since I had had a broken arm and I killed off a character for no reason that had lived for quite some time, killed tons of infected, and even got into a pretty epic gunfight and killed 3 guys in self defense. I was sad to see him go.
  20. ColdAtrophy

    Hacker or Lucky find?

    Seconded. This is all very run-of-the-mill.
  21. ColdAtrophy

    Status Report - 01 Mar 2016

    "For great experiences it's immersion that matters..." - Peter You.....I like you. It's very reassuring to hear that directly from the lead designer. @Hicks_206 (DayZ) Any word on the infected and the dynamic spawning system? Did that have to take a backseat due to the other major things happening?
  22. ColdAtrophy

    DayZ Atmosphere

    I've been tempted to buy Arma 2 so I could try DayZ mod. I got the SA about a year ago and I'm curious about the mod. I would really just want to see what vanilla mod plays like. I yo-yo back and forth on it since the SA was created for some very good reasons that make the mod seem less desirable. @ OP - You make good points. A lot of what you describe falls squarely into "touch-up" territory, which will come a little later in development. I'm sure you will someday be able to have the same kind of feeling from the SA as you did in the mod.
  23. ColdAtrophy

    Before we lose DX9. Playing DayZ on a Chromebook.

    I love it when people do these fun kinds of experiments.
  24. ColdAtrophy

    Setting People on Fire

    That would, in my opinion, only be a worthwhile endeavor for the devs to invest time and resources into if they also planned to make corpses (both from healthy humans and from infected) contribute to the spread of disease. If it doesn't do anything for the player, then what's the point, right?
  25. ColdAtrophy

    Setting People on Fire

    But if we are going to go with the "reality" standpoint, you have to acknowledge other aspects of human nature. 1) It's tough for people to kill each other. That might seem like bullshit, but every organized fighting force on the planet would agree. It takes a ton of training to get people to shoot other human shaped objects and even then healthy human beings will often hesitate. And that's for something as impersonal as using a gun. Seems like setting another human being on fire would be even more prone to "maybe we shouldn't do this" feelings. Which is a nice segue into my next point.... 2) What percentage of the population would be fucked up enough to do this kind of stuff AND actually have survived long enough to still be alive? Contrary to what zombie movies might tell you, it's actually WAY harder to survive as a demented psychopath. People grouping up is the reason why our bones aren't being gnawed on by lions right this very second. The second people realize that you are a threat to the group, individual reasoning goes out the fucking window and your ass is dead as fuck. So in summation, this topic, sadly, breaches the point where reality matters in any conceivable way. The only relevant point to be made is should this shit be in this game? I think not. But it's not up to any of us.