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Everything posted by ColdAtrophy

  1. ColdAtrophy

    Day Z Is Going In the Right Direction

    This is probably true but it doesn't bother me. Since the moment I first considered it, I've always known I'd fall into the 1% category. If I have to build a server box myself, that's where I'll be, and if there are only a hundred people who play vanilla DayZ that will be enough. An adherent to the core philosophy of what DayZ aims to be does not require a massive player base to find fulfillment in the experience.
  2. ColdAtrophy

    Small font?

    I've fooled around with this some. Font size is tied to UI scale. UI scale is locked to resolution. The only way to get a bigger font as far as I can tell is to lower your resolution. Not really a solution.
  3. ColdAtrophy

    Historical Data on Infected Population

    Thank you very much for weighing in!
  4. ColdAtrophy

    Suddenly started to have low fps?

    Delete DayZ.cfg and your DayZ profile. Remember that you will have to reset any keybindings you may have changed from default. Run the game, spawn into a server. Quit out and run it again. Set your graphics settings to your liking and see if that fixes it. I've been having a really strange recurring issue with this and the only thing I've found that sets things right again. If they patch again, you may have to do this again. Something keeps getting jacked up with multiple entries in the cfg file. 3D Performance for example will suddenly shoot up to 1,500,000 from ~93,000.
  5. ColdAtrophy

    Status Report - 21 February 2017

    I've been saying this for nearly two years and, for whatever reason, people tend to overlook it just as quickly as they acknowledge it. It's almost like they can't internalize this concept. This is the crux of everything that has happened with DayZ SA. This is why things "took too long", this is why broken stuff remained broken, this is all of it in a nutshell. I am so happy for you guys, BI, that you're finally ready to shed the dead weight, not that it wasn't necessary. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ready to finally be a player rather than a tester as well. Cheers!
  6. ColdAtrophy

    imagine this map in DayZ Standalone

    Fantastic description. :)
  7. ColdAtrophy

    Should 3rd person be removed?

    Ah god. Not this again.
  8. ColdAtrophy

    Historical Data on Infected Population

    I'm curious about where the "1000" number comes from. I ask because I recently used the #monitor function as a server admin in RCON and it showed me that there were between 97-100 AI. I never saw the number go higher than 100.
  9. ColdAtrophy

    imagine this map in DayZ Standalone

    It's taken them years to get Chernarus to the current + state that it's in. It's because of the amount of detail that a map for DayZ requires. Open fields just doesn't cut it. The amount of work that this requires of a modder will depend very heavily on how good the mod tools are. It will also depend on how big of a map you're after. If you're anything like me, Chernarus is already starting to feel small despite the absolutely ridiculous proportions compared to other popular games with open worlds.
  10. ColdAtrophy

    Make crouch key to 1 key only

    I would not be shocked if this were the case. I just bought Take On Mars and it uses a branch of the Enfusion Engine. Also, nice to see you again. I haven't seen you post in awhile, although I haven't exactly been on much lately either.
  11. ColdAtrophy

    Make crouch key to 1 key only

    You can do this already if you have an appropriate piece of gaming hardware. I've been admonished for posting scripts before (although they aren't of the kind that constitute cheating) so I can't post anything publicly. That said, I use one mouse key to switch between Crouch, Stand, and Prone. Which stance the character assumes is dependent upon how long I hold the key for and which stance I am currently in thanks to polling and LUA.
  12. ColdAtrophy

    imagine this map in DayZ Standalone

    THIS. I had always imagined that there would be a way of linking multiple large maps together, provided we didn't make it so that there were too few campable points of ingress and egress.
  13. ColdAtrophy

    imagine this map in DayZ Standalone

    Oh. I guess that's why I never noticed it. I'm gonna have to go looking now.
  14. ColdAtrophy

    Stable Update 0.61.137741

    Maybe it's because I cooked the meat in a pot that contained no water?
  15. ColdAtrophy

    Stable Update 0.61.137741

    You can survive basic food poisoning, even without charcoal tabs. You just have to hug a well and keep light green hydrated and energized. Takes about 2 or 3 hours to run its course. You probably already know that, but just a general fyi for others. I accidentally ate undercooked chicken last week and didn't have charcoal. You cannot get touched by zombies at all and I'd wager that even a single bullet will do you in, but if you hide and keep yourself fed and watered to the max, you can get through it.
  16. ColdAtrophy

    Stable Update 0.61.137741

    Yeah, I decided not to eat it. I'm really not sure what happened. It went from raw to this and then black and crispy. I killed 4 wolves in this outing and two sets of 4 turned out like this and I let two cook a little longer and they got burned.
  17. ColdAtrophy

    Remove zombies, 100 player servers

    This is actually the perfect point. The game the OP wants already exists, and has for a very long time.
  18. ColdAtrophy

    Stable Update 0.61.137741

    Is this what cooked wolf steak looks like now or am I about to have an interesting afternoon?
  19. ColdAtrophy

    Items That Don't Spawn Anymore

    Anyone seen these lately?
  20. ColdAtrophy

    Remove zombies, 100 player servers

    It's tough to comment on this and maintain any sense of civility so I'll just say this: re-evaluate your position on melee combat AFTER the new player controller is fully integrated and the old physics system is fully gone. Everything else you said is absolute nonsense, a result of being coddled by an incomplete placeholder that barely deserved the term "game". You don't get DayZ.
  21. ColdAtrophy

    imagine this map in DayZ Standalone

    So this little bit here is the Chernarus map as we know it. We don't have a river as this map shows. That makes me a tiny bit sad.
  22. ColdAtrophy

    Poor fps in some servers?

    Client FPS should not be tied to server performance anymore. Not sure why you'd see that, unless one of those servers has some kind of insane bug going on with 800 cows in a herd.
  23. ColdAtrophy


    Can confirm. However, the sawn off is not sufficient if you run into a mega pack. After this happened, I started recording again so I will have proof next time. I ran into what I believe was 3 separate packs of wolves which had somehow converged into one. It was horrifying.
  24. ColdAtrophy

    Stable Branch 0.61.137517
