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Everything posted by ColdAtrophy

  1. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    So who has a good theory on this mess? It's squished...
  2. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Okay, so I just confirmed my original suspicion I think. I can open and close the last 3 hotbar slots by putting on and then removing my M65 jacket.
  3. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    The V3S is missing from the usual spawns too. I'm guessing all vehicles are missing from this particular iteration of .59. Although I could be wrong.
  4. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Is that what's doing it? I thought it had something to do with overall storage capacity or perhaps even the result of an unseen skill progressing. Good catch!
  5. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I saw them in Cherno, hauled ass out of there since I was a fresh spawn with no way to fight that many on my own. The only other one I saw was in Stary Sobor. Maybe next patch we will get a better distribution of them.
  6. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Depends on what you consider maxed. If you will only accept 120 FPS on 4K with everything set to Ultra, then no. For those of us with reasonable requirements however, the 980ti and an i5-4690k will absolutely destroy anything we throw at it. And if you game at a resolution lower than 3840x2160, forget about ever turning anything down for at least this console cycle and the next.
  7. ColdAtrophy

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    No idea. I doubt it.
  8. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Seems like (YourName).DayZProfile has been overwritten with new values from this patch. Follow standard performance guidelines to get your cfg file in order.
  9. ColdAtrophy

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    FPS is fine. However, I can't be certain, but I feel like the game looks a bit worse than it did before.
  10. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Yeah, my i5-4690k is good to go too, but he's got a dual core. I found one post on Reddit from a guy with that Pentium G3258 complaining of the same thing.
  11. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Anyone having issues with high CPU load on a dual core? Biohaze cannot get DayZ to run properly on this patch. It's literally not playable.
  12. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    1PP servers. There were two, now there is one, and it's full. Damn it.
  13. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Also, go into a house with an open dresser, stand near it, and check out the vicinity window.
  14. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I'm dumb. Been posting stuff still in Stable thread. Please move them mods!
  15. ColdAtrophy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Also, you can now chamber a round and add a mag to the weapon. For example, CR527 is now capable of 5+1.
  16. ColdAtrophy

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Servers up? EDIT: I see they are. I also see infected walking through doors again. Heads up people!
  17. ColdAtrophy

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Bingo. Car variations are great additions. Infected are a core pillar of the game. Can't wait to have constant threats again!
  18. ColdAtrophy

    Best Sniper Gear?

    Try using Damaged PautRev Gorka. I lose track of my good buddy Eno when he wears that stuff even when I know exactly where he is.
  19. ColdAtrophy

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    You.......I like you. Stick around philbur. You belong here.
  20. ColdAtrophy

    Dayz: the Road to Beta - PAX Aus Presentation

    OH. MY. GOD. Infected spawning based on regions actually occupied by players. I have no words for the level of excitement this induces. I feel like I did when I was 8 and I woke up and realized it was Christmas morning within seconds of gaining consciousness.
  21. ColdAtrophy

    What are the best PC Specs for DayZ?

    Find the Intel CPU with the highest single core performance that you can afford. I use this website http://www.cpubenchmark.net/to compare CPUs if the need arises. Buy at least a GTX 750 or AMD equivalent or better, minimum of 2GB of VRAM although if I were building a PC today I'd want at least 3GB on a stronger GPU core just for longevity's sake. Get an SSD for Windows and DayZ if nothing else. 8GB of RAM because that's the minimum for a gaming PC nowadays anyway. And at the end of it all you need to realize that, at the moment, it would still run like shit even if you had a $1000 Intel i7 and SLI 980ti's. Nothing has really been done yet to move past the inherent limitations of the engine on public builds.
  22. ColdAtrophy

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    They don't. It's based on fear and a wild misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment to our constitution. That being said, we really don't need this to turn back into a debate on guns as it was a few pages back.