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Everything posted by ColdAtrophy

  1. ColdAtrophy

    Make the infected afraid of fire

    That's a terrible argument. Not trying to be antagonistic, but this is fiction. Magic, or in this context science fiction, is permissible.
  2. ColdAtrophy

    How to download new PC

    Download the Steam client. Log in to your account. Find DayZ in your library. Click Install.
  3. ColdAtrophy

    How can we fix Hunting

    You know what I'd like to see for hunting? I'd like to be able to throw food into one of those little feeding stands that are all over the place and sit in a deer stand, waiting for game. Much better than trying to hop out of a moving car and aim before the animals run off into the distance. On second thought, maybe I'm doing it wrong. Still. Baiting animals seems like it fits.
  4. It ain't over til it's over brother. Don't throw in the towel just yet.
  5. As much as I hate Reddit, I do check it occasionally. The devs communicate on there much more than they do on here. I found this. Hope it helps. https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/41c9me/dayz_last_multiplayer_server_script_for_windows/
  6. ColdAtrophy

    Dayz book club :)

    The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane. I held onto that for a couple weeks at one point. The story actually mirrors the psychological journey that I went through as I learned to play this game. EDIT: I didn't actually read it in game to be clear. I read it when I was like 8 or 9. Just held onto it as a token or something like that. Idk.
  7. ColdAtrophy

    Status Report - 15 Jan 2016

    I guess we fundamentally disagree on what is and is not significant. To me, cramming all of the zombies on the map into the areas where players actually are is a massive change. We are talking about going from 15:1, 10:1 zombie to player ratios to potentially 50:1, 100:1 ratios, perhaps more depending on the server population. This should dramatically affect the moment to moment gameplay and make the entire system so much less predictable.
  8. ColdAtrophy

    Make the infected afraid of fire

    Exactly what I was going to say. I haven't seen an original idea for zombies/infected in many years. Not saying it's a bad thing, but it's all derivative. Also, I like your idea of some kind of hunter/killer zombies. I was just thinking earlier about the idea of having military human AI roaming about trying to exterminate infected and players (the potentially contaminated). Might even be cool as a dynamic event. I wouldn't mind infected numbers or aggressiveness increasing at night. Time to get some horror going in this survival horror MMO.
  9. ColdAtrophy

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    With the recent talk of full Steam Workshop integration and modding for DayZ SA, I began to think about the possibilities this presents for us. Of particular interest to me is the idea of creating a new map. In my mind, a lot of the initial fun I had with DayZ came from exploring the map and discovering all of the unique and interesting things the world has to offer. So, with that in mind, I have decided to begin the design process for a new map. I want to begin the earliest phase now, the part where a lot gets written/scratched/scribbled/typed/spoken about, while mod tools are not yet available. I will also likely begin looking for help from other community members with experience in modding and 3D modeling as the initial design phase comes to a close, so if you are interested in participating, please feel free to PM me. For now, however, I'm interested in doing some brainstorming on overall themes. I want to know what kind of map you fellow DayZ enthusiasts would simply go nuts over. At this point, no idea is too bold. If you have an idea, mention it. This is not the part where we say that something is too big to implement, too little to make it worthwhile, too difficult, etc. Any and every idea can lend to a design decision at any point in development. The ideas in posts that have the highest number of beans given will later be put into a new thread and a poll, so make sure to give beans when you like an idea. Above all, please be respectful and remember to have fun with this. Go nuts! :P EDIT: Looking for a texture artist and a scripter. If you are a patient individual with the skill set needed, shoot me a message so we can talk.
  10. ColdAtrophy

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Uhhhh........ I just caught some Wellies. They ate the bait. I'm scared.
  11. Go to the server browser and look for Schwabam's Playhouse. Public 3pp server where you will never be kicked for the benefit of the server owners. It was created specifically because of this problem.
  12. ColdAtrophy

    State of Development: A Timeline, Part 2

    Dude. This is awesome. You have no idea how many times I've wished it was this easy to get a sense of the step by step progress I missed by being a latecomer. Beans! :beans:
  13. ColdAtrophy

    Status Report - 15 Jan 2016

    The SR before this one talks about dynamic zombie spawning.
  14. ColdAtrophy

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    Yes. I did try to get people to stay on topic. I didn't feel the need to post specifically about every single idea posted. How astute of you to notice.
  15. ColdAtrophy

    Dev team, take some notes

    I'm curious too. Escape from Tarkov seems to be a completely different kind of game.
  16. ColdAtrophy

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    I begged for the MP5 sights to be fixed. I love that gun. Alas, my pleas went unanswered. RNGeesus, the obvious god of DayZ, hath forsaken me. Also, if you ever find an Ak101, let me know. We have at least 15 mags for the damn thing.
  17. ColdAtrophy

    Status Report - 15 Jan 2016

    Late next month to Experimental or late next month to Stable?
  18. ColdAtrophy

    PVP zones

    Or, and I'm just spitballing here, maybe people watched this: And didn't immediately think of this: Don't get me wrong. I love me some Battlefield. I've got 1300 hours on 4 alone. But using DayZ as a vehicle for constant PvP is like using an adjustable wrench to change a tire. It might do the job, but is it really what the tool was intended for? Conversely, couldn't it be used to do other jobs that a lug wrench couldn't?
  19. ColdAtrophy

    PVP zones

    I agree. Unfortunately, most of the playerbase would obviously disagree with us. Putting yourself into gunfights constantly is not something someone who has a primary goal of continuing to live would do. I'd also argue against your point that PvP should not be everywhere. I think there should be no breaks in tension. You should be terrified for your life 24/7/365.
  20. ColdAtrophy

    PVP zones

    I agree, but I think this is the primary reason for never leaving the coast. People do what they can to avoid feeling attached and therefore, grief. Who cares if you lost an AK that you just punched some random guy to get?
  21. ColdAtrophy

    PVP zones

    Arma 3 offers the same PvP experience of DayZ minus the survival aspects that the SA is currently not flush with anyway and which is primarily ignored by the majority in favor of coastal rinse, repeat bullshit. You asked me to name another game that offers the whole package, but what I'm saying is that people are ignoring survival almost completely so what difference does that really make? That's why I said, "if people embraced both sides of the spectrum, I wouldn't be having this conversation". I've been to NWAF on a Saturday on a 50/50 server and witnessed a ghost town. The best my buddies and I could figure is that either 1) people are afraid to go there when the population is high or 2) they are still on the coast. A trip to the coast confirms where the population is at. People don't leave the coast, generally speaking. Your idea that going to mil zones means organic, emergent PvP is simply not true. Furthermore, I'd like to see more mechanics and objectives that support PvP popping up just about anywhere.
  22. ColdAtrophy

    PVP zones

    I think there was a breakdown in communication somewhere. I get the overwhelming feeling that you have missed my point completely.
  23. ColdAtrophy

    PVP zones

    Choosing to PvP on the coast non-stop in a rinse and repeat cycle fundamentally rejects survival so I'm not sure what you mean. If people embraced both sides of this spectrum, like you suggest, then I wouldn't be having this conversation.
  24. ColdAtrophy

    PVP zones

    If the goal is to never evolve past spawn, die, repeat in the same strips of coast that people have been PvPing in since 2012, then I guess I misunderstood what a survival horror MMO is. I'm not suggesting that DayZ is going to die because of this prevailing playstyle. I'm actually saying that it's damn near dead because people who want PvP can get it much faster and without all the bullshit that SA offers. If this project cannot move past that, then this game serves no purpose other than as a griefing tool. PvP has been done better by hundreds of other games.
  25. ColdAtrophy

    PVP zones

    I'm not against PvP. I'm all for it being an organically occurring part of the game. I hate the PvP seeking behavior that causes 90% of the map to be devoid of players and any real form of interaction, discovery, or opportunity. When movement dries up, so does your game.