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About cash81

  • Rank
    Best there is, best there was, best there ever will be

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    In the woods with my SKS
  • Interests
    Sexy dames and plenty of 'em

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  1. cash81

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Agreed. I also really dislike the new forum format. Since the change over i dont feel like the vibe is the same. Edit: maybe it is just the mobile site i dunno
  2. No worries, i just know that once i reported them i stopped getting kicked over and over lol
  3. cash81

    Dayz book club :)

    Cool thread. Ill try to add some shots once im confident in what key combination gives me F12 since it also toggles my wifi on and off. Thanks toshiba!
  4. cash81

    Metal box/safe for civil guns and ammo

    Sorry to be off topic but it would be cool to have usefull softskills like that if only to be able to save your skin. Even if i wasnt a good lockpick if faced with bandits i would definitely lie about knowing a location of a safe and being able to pick it if they give me a tool and spare my life. Then hope to give them the slip at some point lol same with knowing first aid or being able to fix their truck etc...
  5. This reminds me of Left For Dead 2 (never played 1 or 3 or anything). But in that you could play as survivor trying to get from point A to B. But your opponent is playing as zombie type creatures trying to eliminate you before you reach point B. You play rounds in different maps. Each round you try to get as far as possible as survivors then its you opponents turn and they try to do the same. Whoever gets furthest/lasts longest wins the round.
  6. cash81

    Ethical Hunting

    All hail hypno-toad!
  7. cash81

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    I was at a mil base the other day and there had to be 10 sks' laying around and just as many ak74s. No ammo for anything but if i didnt have a mosin and my amphibian id def look at grabbing an sks. Although, apparently 7.62x39 ammo is now only found at mil bases? Which would be dumb when there are 3 rifles that use that round and 2 of those 3 are def civilian use rifles.
  8. cash81

    Ethical Hunting

    Not to mention the fact that many places accept donations of wild game. Some of the guys my dad used to hunt with always donated their share to their local mission (soup kitchen). So even those who dont actually eat their kill, the food still goes to feed the hungry or friends and family. :)
  9. cash81

    Ethical Hunting

    I fired a shit ton today. I decided to clear a town with my amphibian. What a great weapon. Can sneak up and pop infected in the head without alerting the others. Now im on the hunt for more .22 ammo!! :)
  10. cash81

    Ethical Hunting

    I stumbled upon the NWAF the other day after exploring the north. I found an amazing farm property that i hadnt seen before that was just north of the air field. I expected to find some cattle there or pigs but there was nothing. But when i headed south i came across the air field and besides lots of infected, i saw deer running in the air strip grass. But apart from that, i havent seen anything else in my northern travels thus far.
  11. cash81

    Ethical Hunting

    Im guessing he just wanted to hear his dog bark. Ive gotten almost every gun in the game but can honestly say i have only ever fired a dozen of them lol
  12. I havent fallen off a ladder or broken my legs going up stairs in a long long time. Although apparently vehicles are death traps at the moment so i stay away from them lol
  13. cash81

    Error reporting... some refinements.

    There should be an ingame bug report button that you can use so that you can fill out a "ticket" right then and there when you notice a bug.
  14. cash81

    Looking for low loot server

    Don't think they have control over loot. Do yourself a favour. Make a list of a few weapons you are allowed to use. Then only pick those up. More challenging that way.
  15. cash81

    new ui

    Wondering about the newui as well. I have it in my launch parameters but doesnt appear to be showing up... im wondering if i put it in correctly. -newui