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About ComradeMolotok

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  • Location
    Manchester, ENG
  • Interests
    waking up in time for work. Russian and Italian languages. Hating the weather AT ALL TIMES.
  1. ComradeMolotok

    Cannot Find servers- stuck in LAN?

    down, but i heard about this happeneing to a couple of bros a few nights ago. On another note, what are peoples patches thus far?
  2. ComradeMolotok

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I updated to 94945 after installing 94876 , rolled back to 94876 and the game just stops working. Windows comes up and tells me. I've just restarted my pc. Now, why am I having such bad luck tonight?
  3. ComradeMolotok

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    This is my sixth attempt at trying to get into a match, and three times, it has said 'WRONG CODE U R NOT 7.2.3 U JUS OL SILLY 7.2' Updated from 1.60.95746 est. to 1.62.94594 or whatever it is. Ive also had a batteleye #1 client rejected and 3 infinitie loading/character creatings. Updated to battleye build+ and still wrong code. Where is
  4. ComradeMolotok

    You were kicked: Battleye corrupt memory #0

    This happened to me. Restarted and jumpd back into the fray.
  5. I just got the #0 memory corrupt, so I'm gonna try all these methods and get back when I find one that works.
  6. ComradeMolotok

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Extreme loading times now. Played at 08-10.30 gmt+1 (bst) with an increased, but not exceptional FPS at night - the area seemed to be well lit up. Running 1.60.94444 with 1.7.2.
  7. ComradeMolotok

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Well, I dont think we can expect it anytime too soon, with the DDoS and all that.
  8. ComradeMolotok

    Looking to make a small group

    Britfag here, looking for some bros to survive with. Will be looking for a daytime, european/uk server. All canditates must have good hygene and a gsoh steam name: I want a massive bathroom
  9. ComradeMolotok

    Less vegetation

    I'm not saying remove, just reduce. I have everything set to very low, and have tweaked configs, profiles and other relevant settings. Its just annoying that the game stutters along terribly when there are a few trees on the horizon. Up close, when set to low, the trees still look like they have been rendered above my chosen settings.
  10. ComradeMolotok

    Less vegetation

    Oh hai, it turns out it may have been a costly mistake to spend my money on Arma with my current hardware setup. However, I am convinced of one additional improvement that would certainly improve performance from top to bottom. Would there be anyway to reduce the amount of rendering needed for trees and grass? Even on low settings, you see them and you instantly lag, turning the game into an awkward drunken mess. Ive been playing this game for about five hours and think it is a really good idea, but falling under the weight of its individual parts.
  11. Ive got a samsung RV. Not the sleekest of games but with a bit of tweaking, ot feels like a good enough game from ten years ago.