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About dddJewelsbbb

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. dddJewelsbbb

    .44 Magnum Revolver

    Well, if you didn't know, in 1870 (and at several points thereafter), Smith and Wesson produced .44 Russian cartridges, sold .44 magnums and their cartridges in abundance to Russian military. Maybe this specific model is more out of place than its predecessor, but a .44 chambered gun isn't out of place. The .44 Magnum round was considered at the time of its release an exceptionally accurate round and praised worldwide for such clams. And, the point would be to add another weapon and caliber to choose from, all the while increasing the survival horror. What real world apocalypse has only slightly more than 10 calibers to choose from? I mean, if people want realism, expect to be riddled with ammunition that you can't use or can't find a gun for.
  2. dddJewelsbbb

    .44 Magnum Revolver

    Nothing makes survival horror like an extra caliber that will make the game slightly more difficult (due to adding scarcity to your caliber) and giving an option for a new caliber to hunt for.
  3. dddJewelsbbb

    .44 Magnum Revolver

    there is barely a difference between .44 and .357 other than the .44 is a tad fatter. And yes, it is only a tad fatter, but the .45 and 9 mil are almost equal in size difference in .357 and .44. Also, pistol ammo only has use in pistols and SMG's. So there's only two things to put them in as well.
  4. dddJewelsbbb

    .44 Magnum Revolver

    Every zombie game is in need of a .44 Magnum. And no, not everybody has to be a Barry Burton. But denying the .44 Magnum as a popular home defense weapon that you would realistically find when raiding houses for guns is silly. Of course, ammo may be hard to find, and recoil would be rather large compared to its .357 counterpart, but the .44 packs the largest punch that you should find in a civilian household in Chernarus. A .44 wouldn't be the best idea for killing zombies because of the loud caliber, but it surely will drop any zombie that you need with no problem. If I'm correct, and there is no .44 Magnum suggestion, I cannot understand why there isn't. The suggested realistic model for the .44 Magnum revolver, in my opinion, should be the Smith & Wesson Model 29 (also included in the video) as it is considered to be the .44 of all .44's. (Yeah, you got Rugers and Colts chambered in .44, but nothing sticks out more than the S&W - think Dirty Harry). The considerable factor that makes this gun the prime choice, however, is not Dirty Harry, but early production and lots of it, leaving it to be one of the most popular - if not the most popular - .44 magnum of all time.
  5. dddJewelsbbb

    Beautiful game, but screen-greying?

    Well, the standalone has 5,000 blood. Which means if you're fully hydrated and energized, that grey screen goes away in... *pulls out calculator* ... 27.7 minutes from 1 blood. Yeah, it's annoying, I guess, but if you ask me, it beats the old system of staying black and white for several hours if you don't have someone to bloodbag you. I feel like the beauty of the game exists in the fact that the beautiful, full-blood saturation of color lets you know you're in the clear. What's more horrifying than running around seeing black and white praying that your captor doesn't catch you, and that you don't pass out in the process of finding a place to lay low?