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About tariba123

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. tariba123

    Dayz graphic problem.

    Please someone help.
  2. tariba123

    Dayz graphic problem.

    Do I have to pay 64 bit because i don't own Windows 7 disc..Is there any way to get 64 bit without disc? EDIT:This happens to arma 3 too.....
  3. tariba123

    Dayz graphic problem.

    I've already deleted that still don't work....
  4. tariba123

    Dayz graphic problem.

    Tried.Still not work...Does it have anything with graphic card?
  5. tariba123

    Dayz graphic problem.

    I don't know how to describe this... Game is working perfectly without lags and after few minutes of playing come this: http://i.imgur.com/Nyki72w.jpg?1 http://i.imgur.com/RPrb7fm.jpg?1 http://i.imgur.com/GjAY8SE.jpg?1 Please someone help. Thanks. My PC specs: Processor:Intel Core i3 3240 3.40 GHz Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 RAM:4,00 GB DDR3 OS:Windows 7 ultimate 32-bit HD:1 TB