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Everything posted by demoore

  1. demoore

    Map Improvement

    I feel that the hallmark of a good game is that you don't have to google stuff all the time to play the game. That being said one large oversite I found is that street signs and the in-game map are in two different languages. Like, I understand that the game is set in Russia or Ukraine or something like that but why are the maps in English. My suggestions is to change the maps to Cyrillic. Just so when you are using the in-game map and comparing it to street signs you can tell where you are without having to leave the game to go to the wiki. Anyways, thanks for reading. Simple fix for a simple problem.
  2. demoore

    Map Improvement

    This reply is crazy late and I hope some of you see this but I'm talking about keeping the DayZ experience self enclosed. The steam overlay fixes my problem but it's a stupid problem the devs should fix. The simple fact that I have to pull out of the game to look at a googled map ruins me suspension of disbelief,
  3. demoore

    Map Improvement

    Ok. Did you have an opinion about maps?
  4. demoore

    Food Comparison Chart

    I made a comparison chart to determine the highest energy to stomach ratio. Found that the dry foods had by far the best ratio. Dried milk the bestest.Of the foods you can grow, potatoes were the clear winner.Tactical bacon is basically useless.Pond water is more filling than Canteen or PET Water.Also human meat and goat meat are identical.For the image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6fqVCEdSadoU0lvamc3UHN1Y1E/view?usp=sharing For the Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lM_ZGREP5edtLJzJ-KJu9-OTWiX7KpiNyco5PMf72dY/edit?usp=sharing All stats were found on the DayZ food wiki page.
  5. demoore

    Food Comparison Chart

    Berries are better than apples. They have basically the same calories 70 and 69 respectively. However the berries are less filling, so you can eat more of them before getting stuffed. However neither one is going to get you energized any time soon. To go from Hungry to Energized can take anywhere from 14-21 berries and then another 29 berries to get to high Energy. That's also if you were expending no energy.
  6. demoore

    Bartering Etiquette

    Earlier this week I started a discussion about A Player Ran Economy. (Here's the link. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/221881-a-player-ran-in-game-economy/) What seemed to be the general consensus is that all player ran economies would be abused and there was nothing of stable value to tie an economy down. Between server hopping and the high amount of loot it just doesn't seem feasible or necessary. I am now interested in trade etiquette. What would be the proper way of meeting people, placing items, and having successful trades. Walk me through your trading process. Where you like to meet up, things you trade for, and safety precautions. Once again thanks for your feedback.
  7. Ok guys I want some opinions on what you think a player run economy should look like. To begin paper money is stupid and no one should suggest it. IRL paper money is referred to as Fiat money or faith money. As in you have to have faith that it will be worth something because it has no intrinsic value. Gold and Silver were money so often because they held the characteristics that make a good currency. They have their own valueThey are small and divideableThey are relatively rareNow my suggestions are either canned goods, rags, or bullets but I will give pros and cons for each. 1. Canned Goods are of constant value because you constantly are getting hungry. 1. Canned Goods are not good because they are not stackable and thus hard to carry. 2. Rags are good because they are stackable and carry the healing quality value. 2. Rags are not good because because they are too easy to find. 3. Bullets are good because of the intrinsic value of self-protection and the limited supply. 3. Bullets are not good because of the variety of guns and bullets makes them not generally accepted. Obviously the simplest answer is bartering, the struggle with bartering is the double coincidence of wants. If I want something you have then you have to want something I have. These chances are lower than than the chances of you wanting my currency, which is generally accepted. [Edit] As some people have caught on the intent here is not to do away with bartering. It is to find a currency at which one could value other items to facilitate bartering. Bartering works but the problems you run in to is, how many bullets is a fireman axe worth, or how many baked beans is a Mosin worth? Just wanted to get some opinions and thank you or the feedback I have gotten already. [Edit] Thanks for the feedback. There seems to be a consensus on the infeasibility of a player economy at this point in the game. I started a new thread about trade etiquette. Keep this discussion going or join in the new one. (Here's the link http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/222051-bartering-etiquette/)
  8. demoore

    On the subject of notes.

    It's a simple request but I would really like it if you didn't get the read note option unless their was a note written on the paper. I find myself constantly checking empty pages and this could easily be avoided if the read note option only appear on actual notes. I think the notes are a great way for player interaction and it burns you out constantly checking blank notes. Bump if you agree.
  9. demoore

    A player ran in game economy.

    I totally agree with you. This economy was supposed to be entirely player ran. No bots. No universal values. I just wanted to see where people sat on the whole issue. Separate from that I made an edit to the OP.
  10. demoore

    A player ran in game economy.

    I made an edit to the OP. It better describes my intent. I'm also going to be adding the pros and cons that you guys give to the OP as we go along. Thank you for the feedback guys.
  11. demoore

    A player ran in game economy.

    Safezones just become hunting grounds for bandits anyways haha. I like the idea of a hit and miss economy. The danger is what adds value to trades. That's why way it works in Eve from my understanding.
  12. demoore

    A player ran in game economy.

    The only problem with something as valuable as a case protector is how undividable it is. It's a lot like a horse, Obviously worth a lot but you couldn't buy a loaf of bread with it. Never thought of burlap sacks though. Please elaborate more on you think they are the best.
  13. demoore

    A player ran in game economy.

    I definitely appreciate all the feedback. At the core of it I believe that this game could see some cool player ran trading and I'm only trying to take the first steps towards facilitating this. With the implementation of persistence and the tweaks they are making to the spawning rate. Some items will change in value. No item ever has a concrete value in a living economy. But you have to set the price somewhere. That's why I was reaching out to the community to find the opinions of others about these values. Obviously this is all silly but I really enjoy the economics of games.
  14. demoore

    A player ran in game economy.

    Exactly. The object of this post was to agree on a currency at which we could value other items. Like obviously every survivor in Chernous should be able to tell what is valuable but I would love to compile a list of items and their values as compared to a flat money system. For example. A raincoat in pristine condition is worth 5 canned foods. Boots in pristine condition is worth 3 canned foods. Firefigher Axe Pristine condition is worth 45 canned foods. Something along these lines to help with bartering.
  15. demoore

    A new way to start a fire

    *Longtime Hero* said it. I really want a bowdrill. You can make i from taking shoe laces from shoes and combining with ashewood and then combine with a kindling stick or something like that.
  16. Ok so I have been playing on daytime servers since I'm new to the game but I have thought that I had a weird black and white glitch. I was healthy so I know this wasn't the bloodloss grey screen. Also the stars were out all the time. So now I have switched to night time only servers and now I see the sun. Has anyone encountered this problem and does anyone have a suggestion?
  17. demoore

    Days and Nights are switched.

    Oh I was just doing the 24/7 daytime or 24/7 night time servers. I was just trying to get settled first.