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Everything posted by DaveB

  1. DaveB

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Are you sure you on .57 stable and not on .58 experimental? Haven't seen a battery on .57 and i looked for one for a while. but yea use battery with range finder then point and press fire button to see the range,
  2. DaveB

    Strange death, Wtf happened?

    So I spawned in Svet and a few seconds later died, No idea what happened there... oh well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOs_Nnwfvk0&feature=youtu.be
  3. DaveB

    Strange death, Wtf happened?

    No problems mate, like you mentionned, not a lot of people play like we do ;)
  4. DaveB

    Strange death, Wtf happened?

    Actually no, we normally a group of 3 (me SchwaBAM and ENO) and we actually help new spawns in Svet and watch over them. Yea i meant logged in, my bad english.. Actually didnt know that you may not hear a single thing when u die, since i always heard something afterward.. but yea lesson learned :)
  5. DaveB

    The Lonely Cannibal

    Ahahah that was an interesting encounter, glad you shared it.
  6. DaveB

    Strange death, Wtf happened?

    My thought as well, pretty sure when you get shot you still hear something.
  7. DaveB

    Strange death, Wtf happened?

    You don't even hear a shot? Maybe but still not sure.. that server was almost empty when i spawned in.
  8. I had a good laugh, Your interactions with that player was really nice, i loved it.
  9. DaveB

    A Proper Burger!

    That was hilarious, Now be honest, you didn't do it for the burger but for the squeeker
  10. DaveB

    Hold Up At Cherno Flats

    I approved this as well, A lot of times i got killed i just wished the guys would hold me up and get what they want and let go my way..It's way better to continue to live with just a backpack and a few cans of food than to respawn at beach with nothing and a long way to go to get back where I was.. just my thought
  11. DaveB

    Avenging JackyC

    Awesome video, I really enjoyed it,
  12. DaveB

    How was your Day(Z)?

    That was sooo intense and fun, I just wish we could spot and fry the guy. Had a blast with you Eno, can't wait for schwab to join us on our journey to conquer and secure Chez Eno :)) Pretty sure to be online tonight if you guys are up.
  13. DaveB

    honorless players !? - DayZ SA

    Good stuff thanks
  14. DaveB

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Hey don't blame me, my native language is french so i confused leg with head lol
  15. DaveB

    How was your Day(Z)?

    ahaha nice gameplay schwaBAM and ENO :D I just parked my pub toon near the train station in svet so I can join the fun when you guys are back online
  16. DaveB

    Trading Post

    I got a pristine Steyr AUG for trade if interested tell me what u got to trade for :) edit:On regular public server
  17. DaveB

    CRAFT AND APPLY BUG FIX! At last! *very easy*

    Thank you ill try it next time i log in.
  18. DaveB

    The AFK Experiment

    Good stuff Jester, I might try it sometime. The results are what I thought it would be about just 1 friendly player out of 10.
  19. DaveB

    New Update

  20. DaveB

    Best tactic in dealing with zombies?

    Totally this. When I started playing the game that's what I did and got it done right. You will get confident rather quickly with zeds..
  21. DaveB

    How is possible ?

    that's correct you will have better result with bag of rice/ water then eating tons of apple. Check this page for food/drink values: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Food_and_Drink
  22. DaveB


    Not sure if it works when u try get back the arrow from a corpse but i made some shooting practice and i wasable to retrieve them, some were glitched tho and cannot be retrieved
  23. DaveB


    Actually i've been able to retrieve arrow i've shot from bow, not sure about crossbow tho
  24. DaveB

    How was your Day(Z)?

    to find rocks u just need to go on a rocky ground (or the beach) and look down you will be able to search for stone. Might need a couple of search to find one. You need 8 to make the fireplace but they can stack in your backpack.
  25. DaveB

    Hey dudes. First time playing DayZ

    Welcome to DayZ, I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. The main advice I can give you, is don't get attached to your gear. Wether u like it or not, you will die, a lot.. Don't get discouraged, and learn from your deaths. As the time will go by, you will survive longer and longer and will be able gear faster. Your path shall cross a lot of people trying to kill you, but still there is some people around willing to help, Be cautious when you meet people and dont let your guard down. Enjoy your stay!