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About Kurotaku-sama

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    Survival Games and Animes!

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  1. Kurotaku-sama

    Gun safety mode

    Sorry and thanks but in my country we say that "came on a wrong button" and i forgot the word "pushed" and my english grammar is only crap ..
  2. Kurotaku-sama

    Gun safety mode

    Hello, please add a gun safety mode for all Weapons because I hate it if I click left mousebutton and the Character shoot and there is no way to block that. I think more people have the problem that they accidentally trigger the left mousebutton and dont wanted it. A friend killed me because he pushed the left mousebutton but dont wanted to shoot Thats why I want a Safety for Weapons please add this feature And sorry for my bad english grammar ..
  3. Kurotaku-sama

    Persistence for more Items

    Please make that a Cooking place not despawn if there is a Cooking tripod on it. The same with the Tripwire if they are planted they despawn in a half hour, I wanted to make my base safe but they despawned all and I wasted 4 Grenades. And please add a quiet unpin sound because than the player who activate it have a small chance to hear it and try to escape from the trap.
  4. Kurotaku-sama

    The night should be darker

    Yea but i want it for everyone that noone has a handicap
  5. Kurotaku-sama

    The night should be darker

    If you look at my pictures than you see how I have done it. I made my saturation to 150% and thats enough to make the game dark normaly
  6. Kurotaku-sama

    The night should be darker

    Here a Video how it should look in the darkness and I think its much cooler than now https://www.facebook.com/1444781375750228/videos/1732848496943513/
  7. Kurotaku-sama

    The night should be darker

    Hello, sorry for my bad english. The Night in DayZ is in my opinion not dark enough. I think its not realistic to see in a wood everything at night or in vilages without light. With full gamma i can see player and zombies easier than at daytime. I hope in a future patch that a Torch, Flashlight, .. is needed to see in the dark because i don't like it that everyone can see enemys in the dark from 2 miles away. Here 2 Screenshots of me with my graphic settings how i think its realistic i know saturation at the pictures are to high but i hope the Night is getting darker like this because then have noone an advantage at night if they have a bright screen. In Truck: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=390429328 With Flaregun: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=503056012
  8. Kurotaku-sama

    Mosin+Longrange And Good Sugestions

    1. LRs is not attachable on a mosin (no rails are there) 2. Buy new PC, i builded for 1500 $ a PC and there i can play with 40 FPS in cherno. 3. Search and find i need only 1 hour to find one ... 4. Nope its a Hunting Scope for Hunting Stands which normal person need this? 5. You want more PvP DayZ is for Survival play Unturned if you only want to make PvP. 6. Why 1 is enough? 7. Wait for the Stamina system.
  9. Kurotaku-sama

    Animation Menu

    In DayZ are very much emotions and animations and there coming much more later. But not much keys on the keyboard (first i used 2xF1 2xF2 ....) but i have a better idea for this. Make more options on the Fnumber keys. Like F1 and than there comming a list with all animations and than the player only need to click on one to use it. And with other keys can be used like F3 = Hide Chat and F4 = Hide full Hud (for images) I think its a good idea for the Animations.
  10. Kurotaku-sama

    Small Change for Camping Tent mechanic

    Onion i think he mean if someone place a tent only he can pack it or open the storage of it. But i think its a bad unrealistic idea.
  11. Kurotaku-sama

    Battleye ban

    2 of my friends played normal dayz no Hacks nothing and they get a ban and no answers of battleye. One of them buyed this game and installed it only than he joined my server and he was banned instant. Please change the anti-cheat program or make only time bans like 2 months only. So much hacker could play normal and normal player get bans and battleye give a f*** on it.
  12. Kurotaku-sama

    Blood and Bullet holes (Decals & Particle effects)

    Its a cool idea and i hope we can see it in a few patches :)
  13. Kurotaku-sama

    Second primary weapon

    Its a very good idea I and a lot of friends have the same idea but than the axe's need to get bigger as slots because than you can wear too much. (you can wear 5 fireaxes in your backpack...)
  14. Oh yea but not only the zombies are op. Shoots are OP too because 1 shoot in your backpack and your backpack is completely ruined, your vest, and jacket.
  15. Kurotaku-sama

    Some suggestions

    And so much servers kick players because the admins want to play alone and than you need to wait again 3 minutes. DayZ dont know the diference of kick and exit thats the problem.