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About Exiled_Soul

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  1. Exiled_Soul

    Best combo weapon in the game ?

    im more of a mosin/winchester/blaze type with an fnx/1911 side arm but if i run an assaurlt rifle i like to have the long horn
  2. Exiled_Soul

    Close Quarters Ballistic Combat: How?

    its really not that hard just move around at the same time and lead your target dont aim right on them. ive killed people 3v1 this way with just a repeater. you have an advantage with a gun if you move around because they have to temporarily stop or slow down to swing which is when you can shoot. if there are multiple targets just keep moving and shoot you dont have to just stand there.
  3. Exiled_Soul

    Trying to hunt some wildlife..

    try soznovka to vybor area. i always have good luck there
  4. Exiled_Soul

    Black m65

    does the black m65 still spawn? all i ever seem to find are khaki and olive
  5. Exiled_Soul

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    nice ty
  6. Exiled_Soul

    When will the next update be?

    i talk to myself when playing dayz alone anyways so nothing new =P
  7. Exiled_Soul

    RP survivalists

    lol fill a canteen with gas =D
  8. Exiled_Soul

    RP survivalists

    perhaps i could. just never found anything about it. i shall check again.
  9. Exiled_Soul

    RP survivalists

    in an rp world it would be cool to play where lets say novo is a no pvp zone. so collectors go there to trade goods. maybe you want to make some leather clothing for people? or a backpack? stuff like that would be really cool i think. go to town only to trade for things you need.
  10. Exiled_Soul

    RP survivalists

    i mean come on. could you imagine walking around with a bear backpack on lol
  11. Exiled_Soul

    RP survivalists

    yeah. i really enjoy it i hope they add something to enhance the play style more. perhaps predator animals to make the woods less safe.
  12. Exiled_Soul

    RP survivalists

    i have my own private server i play on with some friends we are going to be starting rp soon.
  13. Exiled_Soul

    RP survivalists

    hey fellow survivors. who else like to play the rp survival role? minimal items living off nature adventuring hunting etc? recently ive gotten more into doing this and it really is quite enjoyable. curious to see who else enjoys this.
  14. Exiled_Soul

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    how do i get my pictures to upload?
  15. Exiled_Soul

    Trying to hunt some wildlife..

    nice man. love the view. any luck?