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About jostster@gmail.com

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. jostster@gmail.com

    Respawn at the beach and gear loss

    happened to me 2 days in a row
  2. jostster@gmail.com

    I keep respawning on the beach?

    you are lucky... i continually spawn in debug plains and lose all my crap.
  3. jostster@gmail.com

    Ease of file deletion compromising game integrity

    This has been fixed, I removed my files to test if people spawn a tent inside a tree where the tree goes the tent then people cannot get items in the tent, but people with the trees removed can access the tree. When I logged in, I was kicked. So... no need to test if this works :). Thanks rocket :)
  4. jostster@gmail.com

    Need Partner/group

    Sounds like you need a dating website if you are looking for a "partner" or "group"
  5. jostster@gmail.com

    Players deleting .pbo's

    Agree, this shouldn't be posted here where people could learn how to do it.
  6. jostster@gmail.com

    Connecting Failed

    This sounds about right. I noticed this 2 days ago without updating. Me and friends were playing, then went to switch servers to another one on the same box and got the error. This is what makes me think this is GameSpy related, and not Beta related.
  7. jostster@gmail.com


    I think it would be cool to have infected dogs that chase you along with zombies. Also I think it would be a great feature to have a chance of animals you kill, be in the early stages of infection. Once you kill the animal you will have to study the body to see if they are infected. If they are and you cook and eat the meat, then you will get sick and need anti-biotics. This would be a great catch 22 since alot of people prefer meat over beans since it gives you 800 blood instead of 200. If you kill someone or find tainted meat, there is no way to tell if it is tainted without tasting it. This would make people question whether they really want meat they find.
  8. jostster@gmail.com

    Batttle Eye Replacement

    Seeing as BE is in ARMA and not DayZ I see this thread going nowhere fast.
  9. jostster@gmail.com

    Anti Road blocks?

    Well a dev would have to answer this but it seems that the burn outs and trash piles come from the server. I say this because when I'm driving and have a desync I am driving then randomly drive into a vehicle or trash pile that appears out of nowhere.
  10. jostster@gmail.com

    Are these hacks located in .rpt file?

    Doesn't the script log, only log the name of the script ran? Not the actual script?
  11. jostster@gmail.com

    admins are abuseing

    It isn't useless at all. If can be used to locate a vehicle someone stole from your camp or find other peoples camp. If they go and hide it and log off, you get their last location. You can try and justify it anyway you want but it gives players positions away and tells admins what items users have. I merely pointed out that the person that posted above saying server admins did not have access to this was not correct. Yes it isn't real time with the location. Parsing it is hardly hard at all as you just have to do a search for the users name. Example: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/12499-are-these-hacks-located-in-rpt-file/page__hl__%22rpt+file%22
  12. You sir are wrong... Almost everyone has a heartbeat right now as heartbeats are carrying over after you are killed. I killed about 13 people, was killed and respawned. A friend said I had a strong fast paced heartbeat while my debug said 0 murders.
  13. jostster@gmail.com

    New Radio Station only for survivors!

    So why you guys are listening to music, I am coming up behind you, to murder you. Because you are listening to music, you can't hear my foot steps :)
  14. jostster@gmail.com

    Put the 'player disconnected' message back in game

    If I remember correctly I believe it is in game, it is just disabled by default while, server admins can enable it. Think of the spam though, when someone dies, and they disconnect to respawn?
  15. jostster@gmail.com

    Possible Teleporting/God Mode Shens

    LOL What does he think this is? Goldeneye 007?