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About tomtrustworthy

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Tom Trustworthy

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  1. tomtrustworthy

    Scripters Question & Answer Thread

    Are we able to mod any of the actions involved in the default actions that come with right clicking? I've been using the script editor and I used the Find Symbol pane on the left. I found some interesting methods (I assume as it has M next to them) one being called HumanInputController.IsWeaponRaised. I think this is the area I am looking for I believe. I saw that guns and optics seem to share a Scope value. Weapons have it set to 0 while optics seem to have it set to 2. If we have a mosin with PU, you right click to raise the gun and left shift to go to the iron sight and I think this is because the Scope value is set to 0 at this point, by default. Scrolling up I think changes the Scope value to 2 which switches to your PU scope thats attached. If you, reload or left shift it will result in you being back to the raised gun state. If you left shift again... boom you're back to the scope since the scope value is still at 2. BUT if you release right click at any point I think that scope value is lost and the default is used once left shifting. Does anybody know if I am right with the above? If yes, where is raising and lowering the gun action wise where I could potentially capture the scope value in some way so we stop defaulting to the horrible ironsights?
  2. tomtrustworthy

    A few questions about where to start...

    Looking for any direction to get started. I'm assuming theres some tools on steam to download but I can't find anything about getting started making a mod. I see a lot about how to get a mod from steam or load a mod on your own server but thats all.
  3. tomtrustworthy

    Status Report - 20 November 2018

    Next time could you link the forum posts for suggestions when the window for suggestions is actually still open? You've just linked us forum posts we are now a day late on contributing to.
  4. tomtrustworthy

    Screen shots with some edits

    I was playing today and left a small group of houses due to there being too many infected in the area. When I turned around I saw a pretty cool view. It's cool to see again how dayz can be a bit horror-ish sometimes. TrioInTheMist ColdAndAlone
  5. tomtrustworthy


    What if you only have one magazine? Ran into that issue today.
  6. Its nice that the official servers will be preserved but right now I'm not sure they are all that fun. I mean the only time I have my worst experiences are on public servers. So I hope things change in the future. My main issues are the fact that their public so people just server hop. There are no active admins so any issues like hacking or anything will not be taken care of. If these servers were cared for like your typical private server then i think more quality people would end up using them. Would private servers get a chance to stat track and all that as well? Then push that info to our main screen and make sure you show the main screen data is being taken from some private server rather than the official servers.
  7. tomtrustworthy

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    I played the mod but only for a couple minutes just recently. How did the music function in the game? Was it just always playing or would it change as you played to match the intensity? If it just played on a loop, you could just do the same right?
  8. tomtrustworthy

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/230416-status-report-26-nov-2015/?p=2323740 He talked about this a few posts up.
  9. tomtrustworthy

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    You asked us on Twitter the other day about how we would like to get info from you and your team in the future. Any popular ideas from the fans that you guys are looking into now? Having Dev vs. QA streams would be great! B) ;)
  10. tomtrustworthy

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Very happy about this!
  11. tomtrustworthy

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Pretty sure there are no plans for AI besides infected and animals. But I hope you're right and they are working on this.
  12. tomtrustworthy

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Maybe make doors react like loot or something. After x amount of time it will 'respawn' and respawning the door will randomly set the state open or close. But please only do this when no players are in the area. I would be freaking out if I came in a house (the door was already open) then turned around to see it close. Yet nobody is around.
  13. tomtrustworthy

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    @hicks! For me the animation of bleeding has always been immersion breaking. What part of the game controls this? And when are we to expect some changes in that area? Also what do you think about the way it is currently handled and/or how it will be handled?
  14. tomtrustworthy

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    Are any of the EXP server's setup in the same or similar way that private servers are setup on stable? I know in the past there have been loot issues that were specific to private servers only, so it seems like it would be valuable to test both versions if we're not already.
  15. tomtrustworthy

    Relog/leg break mechanic/suicide

    Having no fall damage will make helicopters quite lame when they are in the game.