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About shortround669

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    On the Coast

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  1. shortround669

    Stable Update 0.63149365

    Ok. Been playing the game for a few years on and off and was really excited about the Beta update, loaded up for a game and found it very disappointing. I have a few problems i can point out. Can't open any canned food, not even tuna, sorry sardines, which has the ring pull so can't really eat. Couldn't craft a courier bag with rope and burlap, couldn't split long stick into thirds with hatchet, couldn't use sewing kit on clothing, couldn't use leather sewing kit on backpack... Basically it seems that items held in hands don't work as they should. Just a few pointers, really hope you can get these fixed easily and quickly.
  2. shortround669

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    An SKS would complete me right now, i got like 200 7.62x39mm rounds and a 10 round clip. That said i got a drum mag and pso1 scope so an AKM wouldn't hurt. :D
  3. shortround669

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    This is my guy (public) that's been alive since 0.55 came in.
  4. shortround669

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I don't see where all the complaints are coming from. I've deleted/not playing till/this game is broken etc... I have 140 hours in this game. (This is the only PC game i play) And i understand the fact it's in ALPHA and is a work in progress. Yes at the moment the Z's don't work right, that's because the devs are working on them. Although i hate their silent approach and massively long arms i'm sure this will be fixed so i live with it. (I kinda like the way they are now, easy to avoid) I personally haven't had a problem finding food and gear in 0.55 but i've always got away from the coast and looted the smaller villages anyway so loot collection, if anything, is better now because i don't have to go to Military type places for things like vests, ammo and such. I'm a survivor, i decided that is what i will be in this game and that is what i will be and as a survivor i will adapt as the game changes until completion.