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About mizzihood

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  1. mizzihood

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I spawned in Cherno, died by a Zombie, then spawned in Cherno again, crafted a knife and ate my body. Raw, energized, hydrated with two extra rags. Got stuck under the building later though:/
  2. mizzihood

    Status Report - 08 Apr 15

    Well, at least they have a reason to kill. Not just random shooting.
  3. mizzihood

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Sunday, I started a game in a first person server and I must say it way better than third person. With the new zombies possibly lurking behind corners, moving through towns really becomes a thrilling experience. Now finding a spot from which you have a good view of what you're getting into makes sense - also driving with a truck (that saved my life) without a 3pp drone above you makes you use the brake once in a while, not knowing what kind of a curve is there behind the hill. I would love rear view mirrors though. I'm not going to say first person master race, but I'd encourage others to try, it really is a blast.
  4. mizzihood

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Joys of underwater trucking: And a romantic dinner for one:
  5. mizzihood

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I found a pot. I think it was in one of those 2 story buildings in Berezino. Not sure though.
  6. mizzihood

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I played a few minutes yesterday until server got unresponsive (but I got that with high pop persistent servers even before) and I was able to obtain a few apples from the trees and axe a cow. Which is how it should be in my opinion.
  7. mizzihood

    Trading Post

    I'm offering Atlas bipod, if that has any value. Would take protector case or hunting backpack. 3rd person - public.
  8. mizzihood

    0.54 Issues

    Another thing on hunting: it is actually simple to get to an animal by rolling to it, which is kind of an exploit. Still, the problem is spotting them - I only manage to get the in known hunting areas such as Berezino or east of Mogilevka.
  9. mizzihood

    0.54 Issues

    http://youtu.be/Fo3XCWE4gK0?t=20s TIll about 30 seconds Just select from the menu, like any other game.
  10. mizzihood

    0.54 Issues

    You have to configure the resolution. By default it's something like 640x480.
  11. mizzihood

    0.54 Issues

    Well, there is that round running bug - was it that?
  12. mizzihood

    0.54 Issues

    I managed to crawl close (bow range) to a cow, but it was extremely painful and took forever - then I missed, but that is another story. What you have to do basicaly, is crawl while the cow is eating and stop while it's looking around - one misake and the cow goes on a Berezino - Zelenogorsk marathon. I'm not sure, but the deer seem even more cautius, I haven't been able to get anywhere close enough - though I spotted them with binoculars. I actually do not have much of a problem with the exteme sensitivity of the animals (with possible exception oif the cows), the main problem I see is that you basically can't find an animal without a scope / binoculars, becasue the animal simply runs away when you're close enough to see it with normal game view. That makes spotting animals in forrests impossible, only fields with a bit covex shape are places where you can spot them - agian with binoculars.
  13. mizzihood

    0.54 Issues

    I think eating should be tweaked a bit - I ate almost exclusively steaks and cans:
  14. mizzihood


    It's like that. Doesn't work from a corpse, at least not for me, but usually you can get it off the wall (by pointing at it) or from the ground (also through through inventory screen).
  15. mizzihood

    0.54 Issues

    I made one an a public server - it actually worked better than before, when I had to try n times before it succeeded. The issue I have is that I can not find any animals. No animals no food.