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Everything posted by Aim-iliO

  1. Not a good argument for it. Players should be aimed at for at least 2 seconds, maybe longer, that the name gets visible. Inside a wall or behind cover it should not work. And to aim at a speedhacker who is moving VERY fast, should also be a problem.
  2. It should not be a problem, as force drink only apeared if you had direct line of sight. If someone was sitting in a tree and you still could see him, the forcedrink did not work, because he was in the hitbox of the tree. The same when you was not able to hold the aimpoint directly over the body. So, discovering players should be impossible, if you have to hold the aimpoint 2 seconds over the body of someone who is in no hitbox. Why exactly did you not want to have it in the vanilla?
  3. Exactly, the suggestion is : "This could in my opinion be interesting again, if there would exist a posibility of identifying people over distance. For example, if you look trough binox for 2 seconds directly at a person and he is closer than, lets say 400 meters and there is no hitbox in between (tree, bushes, walls, etc.) the Name of the player pops up. If you are using a long range scope it has to be closer than 300, with ACOG and PSO's 200 , with pu scope 100 meters."
  4. ??? Sorry, I don't get it... what do you mean with figured out my problem. I don't think I realy have a problem. It was more of "Hmmmm, how could the gameplay get more interesting without making some rules or other things which provide server admins with more work" . Then I thought about something a Squad told me. That they know that I am allways wearing Black cargos, Riders Jacket, black cowboy hat and black facemask. And when they see someone wearing that stuff, they hunt him, because they know that that guy has good stuff with him. And yes, they kill and killed me a lot. I allways carry stuff inside cooking pots an frying pans so that they get some not ruined loot. Others identify myself over a distance and do the oposite. They know that I am trustworthy and have allways good stuff to trade with me. I whised everyone would have a unique outfit he would choose to identify him as the one he is to make friendly or agressive interactions more chalanging / intersting. In reallive you would recognize someone over the distance over his body and face, but that is not possible in this game. Thats how I came up with the Idea of Identifying players over bigger distances without the ugly stuff in other games having the Name over ones head. Squads on Oldschool like each other and others hate each other. This would it make easyer for them to team up if they meet somewhere or fight each other. Lonewolfs could decide if they can aproach the "Peacekeepers" or better stay away from the "Public Enemys" . Yes, I am sure, that would be something appropiate for the vanilla standalone. PS: That was an older topic on Oldschooldayz.net. Today a bounty of 60 rounds .308 would be interesting for some players.
  5. This is not about the bounty system, the bounty system is only to show the different possibilities of the usage of the binoculars for identifying other players. We also WANT kos on Oldschoolday. Without KOS it would be completely booring and without any risk to travel trough Chernarus. KOS is part of dayz. The Headhunter thing was just something people could do, but dont have to. Why a witch hunt? People even posted their kills and betrays to get a high bounty. They did not change their ingame names or anything else to escape the bounty. Everything on Oldschool is voluntary, if you don't like just leave the server. Noone got forced. There had been a lot of players who did not like it and just did not participate. We don't want to educate the players, everyone should be free to play how he wants. If KOS or betraying players, hunting them, forcefeed them worms, whatever. You always have the choice to just "Exit" and play on an other server . This suggestion is not what we would make out of it but how it could improve the gameplay. Would it imporve the gameplay? Definitely ? Would it be hard to implement? No Idea. But some time ago when you had a bottle in your hand you could try to forcefeed someone who was pretty far away but it showed you "Player is too far away or something" . So I think it should be possible.
  6. Aim-iliO


    Turn Vsync on. Frames will get limited to 60 fps.
  7. Well according to realism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Throat_microphone Ever heard about it? So, its possible to to comunicate with someone over high distances by whispering so that noone else can hear you.