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Everything posted by Aim-iliO

  1. Its a pain in the ass to have to wait on your own server or on the server you are working for for 20-40 minutes only to get in and the game crashes. This can sometimes happen 2-4 times in a row. If it was not the server I am in charge of, I just would try my luck on a different one. So, when can we expect to have working reserved slots?
  2. Aim-iliO

    Will there be reserved slots again?

    The reserved slots worked till 0.60 . And no. Noone got kicked by reserved slots. Wo is saying that does not know how they work. The reserved slots are just keeping for example a 60 slots server to 58 and 2 slots will stay empty till someone who is in a list of reserved slots accesses it. If the 2 slots are filled, the other owners of reserved slots had to wait, till someone leaves the server (or gets manualy kicked by an admin). Oldschooldayz had reserved slots and they never kicked someone for and Owner of reserved slots. I cant belive that the stuff which worked before will not be back in.
  3. Its long time ago that it has been talked and things change fast in Alpha. I am an admin of Oldschooldayz.net and a few days ago we had the problem, that the persistance file got deleted by itsself (according to fragnet it happened before and the explenation is that according to the devs "its an alpha"). This was not a big problem, as there is a backup of the persistance file. We restored it and all the barrels and camps came back to their owners. The problem was that the file was broken, so that nothing was saved in the file. This meant that whatever you did with a container, after a restart it went to the condition like before the restart. Robbed barrels went to back to the location where they got stolen, placed items where deleted and replaced with items which where before in. Items which where picked up and still with the player, got duplicated in the barrel, etc. etc. . Today again stuff starts to disapear and people are getting nervous if the file is broken again. Which comes to my question..... Which containers have which livetime and how does their lifetime get updated actualy, and will there be any announcements if this will be changed?
  4. Aim-iliO

    How is persistance working at the moment !

    Thats what I am talking about. Theses official announcements where on 0.59? 0.60? At the moment there is nothing official. At least nothing I saw.
  5. Aim-iliO

    How is persistance working at the moment !

    Well, there where some official announcements that the barrels would be persistant for 8 days without interacting with it. Is there realy nothing official?
  6. Some time ago we had the thoughts on Oldschool, that there are too many Bandits and not enough "good people" so that "good people" have to turn bandits to survive on Oldschool. We thought about how to make the bandits live harder and people more interested to not just KOS. So we came up with the WANTED! section in our forum and this is how we started (can be seen here: http://oldschooldayz.net/index.php/topic,281.0.html) : 1. While reading the forum posts (nearly every forum posts) and whatching your videos we chose who did things to set a bonty on his head. 2. The hight of the bounty depends on the difficulty of the act or how mean, unfair something had been. For example for just KOS the bounty would be the lowest. While robbing someone by taking only valuable things and letting him life with his gun would get the highest bounty because it is the most difficult way of beeing a bandit. 3. The bounty will increase by multiple acts and be completely deleted by aproved kills of the bandits till they disapear from the Wanted list. 4. Bountyhunters will have to aprove by a screenshot or video with a check pulse or the confirmation of the killed Bandit that he earns the Bounty. 5. The bounty will be payed as soon as possible and can be negociated to change for example a 60 Bullets to 20 bullets and a PU scope if a PU scope should be available at that moment. The double ammount of a bounty will be payed if there is a video proof that the bandit has been humilated, by make him strip naked, take ALL his valuable stuff and chase him away wearing only his shoes. 6. Bandits on the "Wanted!" list can not get the bounty of other bandits and they can not increase or decrease the bounty of themselves or other wanted bandits. 7. If a bandit gets killed or disapears from the wanted list, he will not get any longer searched. A kill of this player who is not longer known as bandit, can get the killer a bounty if it is confirmed. 8. The following areas are considered hostile and therefore you don't get a bounty for shooting people there. Balota Airfield Kamensk Military Base Myshkino Military Base (tents) Northwest Airfield Pavlovo Military Base Veresnik Military Base Zelenogorsk Military Base Here is a link to the gallery with maps of the military areas. So if you wanna rise your bounty, you will need to stop camping these areas, you will have to come back to the more civilized areas. This way we might bring back action to place like Novo or Berezino. At the moment this is only an additional fun factor and we know that people who are not proud of beeing bandits will not post some acts which could bring them on the wanted list. They don't have to. At the beginning this worked pretty well. People started to move together as bountyhunters and uploading pics and videos of killed bandits with a Bounty on their head. But Oldschoolers adapted pretty fast at the situation, And Bandits with bounty on their heads started leaving the coast as fast as possible to not get hold up by a bountyhunter, they kept away from roads and dangerous locations till they were geard again. The ammount of hunted bandits reduced drasticaly and Bountyhunters got also Bountys on their heads for killing the wrong people. People lost the interest of the Wanted! section in the forum and the whole section died together with the bounty hunters. This could in my opinion be interesting again, if there would exist a posibility of identifying people over distance. For example, if you look trough binox for 2 seconds directly at a person and he is closer than, lets say 400 meters and there is no hitbox in between (tree, bushes, walls, etc.) the Name of the player pops up. If you are using a long range scope it has to be closer than 300, with ACOG and PSO's 200 , with pu scope 100 meters. This would give headhunters the posibility of identifying their "prey" . What do you think about that Idea?
  7. "Hmmm, as I am a bit simple minded... ".... What is here difficult to understand?? Did I call you simple minded??? I get the impression that you don't realy read what others are posting.
  8. Aim-iliO

    randomise number of bullets in clips

    That is the reason why I wrote:
  9. Yes. Way, way, way, way, way, way.... WAY more face options. The names I suggested would only be an easy and fast way to solve it.
  10. Aim-iliO

    randomise number of bullets in clips

    Realy? Are you serious? You are trolling... right?
  11. Again for the 1000st time. No one is talking about karma or anything. Its only about Identifying a player with specific items over a longer distance. How is this related to moral codes, please help me to understand. Its not about seeing a name. Its about identifying a player. Its realistic to identify someone with binoculars over a bigger distance. And yes it makes it easyer to hunt a streamer. But how would you know that he is a streamer if he did no tell you his name and that he is a streamer? Whe had this argument already. Streamers change their names frequetly to not beeing recognized. Mr. Blackout is not running arround as Mr. Blackout ingame. And I like the Idea of the name on the chest (and maybe back?) of a player. But I don't know if it would be possible to read over a bigger distance, as it should only be visible when you have him in the center of your scope or binoculars for longer than 2-5 seconds. If he leaves the center it should disapear again. Would it not beharder to implement as a name over the head? 1. Then balaclavas and facemasks should be a lot harder to find. Check pulse should be enough. Tagging would be too much I think. Knowing his name should be enough. If you are not able to remember his name its your problem. 2. Something similar what I recomended. 3. I am with you.. IF the balaclavas and facemasks would be a lot harder to find. A hitbox (even a looktrough bush) should be enough to not be able to see the name. 4. Maybe activated or deactivated by admins for the whole server. 5. But some players want to be recognized by others even if they died (like me). And I know of some bandit squads and "crazy" squads on Oldschooldayz.net (like the YOLO) squad that want to be recognized to create some fear. So I personaly am completely agains that point. PS: That was the first very constructive posting to this topic. Thanks for that.
  12. Sorry mate, Teamspeak is not related to bohemia or dayz. You could also ask why is there Skype, whatsapp, telegram or any other tool for communicating. Hmmm, as I am a bit simple minded... could you explain how my suggestion is relate to all the stuff above you wrote? How is a visible name under very special circumstances related to global chat? Or if it is a bad player or not? "this player looks like one of your buddies" or "this player tells lies" .. would be too long for the scope. Right?
  13. You did not read the whole topic... right? My suggestion: do it before you sound "simple minded" .
  14. Again, the suggestion is not the "Wanted" example. The suggestion is to be able to identify players with binoculars etc. . The wanted is an example what you could make out of it without any mods. Please would you read the whole topic and then think about your answer again? Thanks. (Maybe I should delete the whole wanted thing, because it seems to confuse the people).
  15. Well, it sounds that everyone has the opinion, that this suggestion has to be implemented asap . I am glad that you like it guys. Its a wise decision.
  16. Yes you are right in every point. But again. This is not related to the fact, that it would be nice to identify players over longer distances.
  17. Finaly you got it. Thanks for that. But how should players know that you are a known bandit if you just KOS? Or if you betray them... if they are not able to check your pulse they just would be able (if they have binoculars and are able to see you in the distance) to see your ingame name over a certain distance but never suggest that you are the guy who betrayed him/them. And what about that guys that are proud to be bandits and WANT to be known over all servers. For this known bandits, the banditery would be more challanging as they would have a reputation. "You can calculate the worth of a man by the number of his enemies," GUSTAVE FLAUBERT, letter to Madame Louise Colet, Jun. 14, 1853 . As I said it would just ad a new chalange to the game. It about the storry you would be able to aditionaly tell. I see endless ways to improve the fun in the game. The Idea in my first posting would only work in a private hive with a closed comunity where everyone knows each other and where an forum exists. This is the minority of the servers and it only was an example what would be possible. I realy don't see any negative point of the suggestion and the same as you I would hate it to run constantaniously with my name over the head. You can forget my system in loctions of close combat, because you just don't have time to aim long enough to see the name popping up.
  18. So you are realy not able to read !!!!! NOONE KNOWS WHO KILLED THEM BECAUSE THIS IS NOT THE SUGGESTION THIS IS NOT THE THEME TO DISCUSS HERE. THE SUGGESTION IS WHAT I AM WRITING NOW FOR THE 1000ST TIME "if you look trough binox for 2 seconds directly at a person and he is closer than, lets say 400 meters and there is no hitbox in between (tree, bushes, walls, etc.) the Name of the player pops up. If you are using a long range scope it has to be closer than 300, with ACOG and PSO's 200 , with pu scope 100 meters." THIS IS NOT RELATED TO THE BOUNTY SYSTEM STORY OR ANYTHING ELSE. Sorry if I may tell you, but not beeing able to read what I wrote for the I don't know how many times makes you look a bit retarded or I am the retarded for not noticing that you are trolling me. I was also refering to your argument that streamers and youtubers would bitch arround. But I get the impression that you don't want the game maybe getting harder for you. You are still not getting it right? In reality it is not about getting a players ingame name its about identifying someone you maybe met before or will meet later. I will explain it for more "simply minded" people. Maybe than you get it. Ben joins a full 50/50 server and his ingame name is Ben (is it easy enough for you?) . Ben gets now from the server the colour green over his had. General Zod meets Ben in Electro. They become friends and as soon as general Zod comes at a distance of 30 cm (1 foot) the colour green pops over his head and disapeares if he steps 1 step back. But Ben and Gereral Zod got separated. In real live you would now how Ben looks like and you would recognize him over a certain distance (BUT THATS NOT POSSIBLE IN DAYZ). ON his travels General Zod spots a player over the distance and he is able to take his binoculars and keep the guy for longer than 5 seconds in the middle of his binoculars. The colour green pops over his head and General Zod now identifies the player as his missed friend Ben to who he wanted to confess the whole time his strong love. And if they did not got killed by strangers, they still love each other till the end of their days. Oh damn it. Why did you not tell us that you work for bohemia and you have lot more information than us... I spend to many hours trying to explain you what you obviously did not understand for nothing? Realy?? You are so mean !!
  19. Aim-iliO

    M39 EMR

    Easyer to get dirt, dust, fingers, cows inside too.
  20. A name over someones head is doing this? You know that what you are writing is NOT related to the suggestion... right? Because the suggestion is "if you look trough binox for 2 seconds directly at a person and he is closer than, lets say 400 meters and there is no hitbox in between (tree, bushes, walls, etc.) the Name of the player pops up. If you are using a long range scope it has to be closer than 300, with ACOG and PSO's 200 , with pu scope 100 meters." And it has nothing to do with moral, holding hands or Jimmy, because I don't know any Jimmy and I don't like holding hands. Not sure where you got this all from. As you can see above ITS NOT A PERMANET SIGN OVER SOMEONES HEAD, and you know that streamers and youtubers permanently change their names... or not? You know that if you prefer to hide you can just log out, change your name and log back in, or has you realy not been able to think about this solution??? And again with your morality stuff. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT A MORALITY SYSTEM AND NEVER DID IT! I hope you got it now that i wrote a bit louder. I don't know if you have family members of friends and if that could be the reason of you above mentioned thing of realism, but if I have binoculars, and I would watch at my brother or good friend over 200 meters and he would wear a facemask or balaclava, I would be able to identify him on his body, posture, gestures, how he moves and what he does.
  21. Aim-iliO

    True Sandbox Experience

    So your suggestion is to make the map smaler. Like only the coast and 1000 meter inwards. Because it sounds that thats what you use of the map. Right?
  22. "It's unrealistic at any range with any object because that's not something you do without players looking differently" . Exactly. Because in game the players do somehow all look the same (all in military gear with 15 different faces for over 3 mio players) you cant identify specific players. But if you want to have it realistic, than it has to exist an other method to identify players (my suggestion). In real life you look at someones face and you know if its your neighbour or not. You are talking about getting punished... Show me how you get punished if you can see over a distance of 300 meters who is standing in the middle of a field. "Can't even describe how boring this game would become without the tension of meeting another survivor. What would I have to worry or fear after I got clothes on my back and a weapon to fend of the zeds? Nothing that's what. " Exactly my opinion. But thats what I wrote. "Imagine Noone would KOS any more. Where would be the risk? Read the rules of oldschooldayz.net . There are almost no rules ! Because as you said. Its a sandbox game, everything should be possible."
  23. Why is it unrealistic with a scope at 100 meters? And with binoculars at 300? And who was talking about punishing kos? Please read the whole topic. I personaly said that we, on Oldschool, want people that KOS. Imagine Noone would KOS any more. Where would be the risk? Read the rules of oldschooldayz.net . There are almost no rules ! Because as you said. Its a sandbox game, everything should be possible. "Not to mention it gives bandits and killers no chance to blend in and disguise." Sorry dude, but this is not true. If you are ashamed of what you did (Others have been proud of getting the highest bounty on their head), you still can change your ingame name. Puff... you disapeared. If I want to be an ashole and infront of the comunity still play the friendly survivor, I can still do it.
  24. @pilgrim* The bounty thing was something Oldschool tried to reduce the KOS, but it has only slightly to do with the suggestion. The Idea is to reduce the shooting and increase the interaction. Most of the people shoot because of "gearfear", If you would know that the guy at 400 meters is the cool guy you chattet in the forum with (like me) . Wouldn't you like to contact him instead killing him? Or lets say you are the friendliest guy on a server, but you got killed now coutless times by an other squad. Would you not like to trace them, find them and send them some lead greatings without killing innocent people? Maybe it could be an option to be activated and deactivated in the control panel like the aimcross.
  25. The 2 seconds (or more) are only for not beeing able to just watch trough a bunch of trees and be able to see the name of the Guilly guy crouching in front of a pinetree. Which would not have been spottet without his name popping up. I am not sure if 2 seconds are enough. If someone is sitting IN a tree the name should not popp up, because he his covered in the hitbox of a tree.