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Everything posted by liscion

  1. Hi guys, I would like to incorporate a feature on my website (https://play-z.nl) which keeps track of player kills / deaths and keep some sort of scoreboard about it. I'm wondering if any of you guys know of a GSP that has API support where you can download the log files from an external source (e.g. PHP via secure cURL connection). I'm currently with ViLayer, and as far as I know there is no way to do this. Does anyone have experience with either GameServers, Fragnet or Multiplay regarding this matter? Thanks in advance!
  2. liscion

    I need a good server

    *shamelessly self-advertises own server/community* https://play-z.nl/
  3. liscion

    Realism Vs Enjoyment

    That's not what I meant. I'm not against making the game harder to survive. Not at all. But I do find the game boring because everytime I walk past a certain busstop, I see the same pink cap laying there (for a week now), Same goes for the other buildings. It just doesn't feel rewarding anymore. When you're basebuilding, you're basically stuck in one location, which is perfectly fine. Although after a little while, you'll know exactly what the find in all surrounding villages because the loot that you don't want doesn't get touched and thus stays there forever. We have our own private server where we usually had around 10-20 people playing every day. Right now, it's just 2-3 people. When asked why they left, it's exactly because of this. The game became boring (the fun-factor - looting things - dissapeared). If you look at the server browser, most servers that were previously packed with players are pretty much deserted now. Is that because the game changed its direction, or a (very) poor design choice? If I were to be a game developer and saw 50%-60% of the playerbase leaving because of a design choice, I'd seriously rethink that choice.
  4. liscion

    Realism Vs Enjoyment

    All the different complaints about the current patch boil down to one thing and one thing only: LOOT Loot is too rare. Increase the amount of concurrent items on the map from the 1.52% to at least 5% and I bet about half of the playerbase that quit playing because of the current state will come back. - Netting, nowhere to be found. - Gascanisters (for cooking), nowhere to be found. - Cooking tripods, nowhere to be found. - Military backpacks (hunting / tortillia), nowhere to be found. Above all, untouched loot doesn't get recycled with makes the game incredlbly boring! One of the most fun things that kept people going was fresh loot every now and then (after restarts). It's repetative, sure. But it kept people coming back to certain places to find 'new' loot. You never know what you'll find. In the current state where loot is scattered all over the place, it's actually fun to loot every single building you see, because you never know what you'll find. Until you've looted an entire town, then there's no point in coming back. After a week of looting and building several bases with countless tents, I have to say that the game lost its touch... It doesn't feel rewarding anymore to sneak around the zombies and loot buildings, only to see that the exact same loot you left there is still there after a few days.
  5. liscion

    Has anyone found any AKs in 0.55 stable?

    Weapons are rare but they spawn. Ammo is a whole different story... Gawd ammo is so rare now :(
  6. liscion

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Tiny summary of feedback for 0.55: - Zeds are awesome!! (providing the server doesn't lag too much) - Finding all kinds of loot (in low quantities) in different buildings actually makes you WANT to search through all buildings instead of the same ones over and over again (firestation, police station, etc.) - Some default loot bound to locations (e.g. Netting, raincoats and wellies) should have static spawnpoints near boats (as it used to be). - Putting ammo in a burning fireplace needs to make more noise. A LOT more noise. I was hoping to be able to use this as a zombie/player-decoy tool... I really like the direction the game is going to in this state, although some rough edges needs some polishing (as expected in alpha-state) :) Happy hunting!
  7. liscion

    Never Trust Talkative Bambi's

    Heh, amusing video man. I really do envy your FPS in cities :p Care to share your PC specs?
  8. liscion

    Autorun LUA Script

    I created a similar script for my G19 keyboard. If I press the G1 button, it will toggle "W" and "shift" simultaneously. When pressed again, the keys are released. I assume you're using the event-scripts in your Logitec software right? Personally I haven't had any issues with BE with this. This stuff goes straight through your keyboard drivers and doesn't affect the game files and/or memory at all. So it should be fine.
  9. liscion

    "Surroundings Adaptation Camo"

    Well, for hiding, your outfit works perfectly. Although, unless you're wearing extremely vivid color-outfits, simply standing still would also do the trick. It's usually movement that attracts the attention from other players when passing by. I've had it on multiple occasions that i just sat in a bush - with no camo clothing - and just not moving (not looking around). Most of the time nobody notices you :p
  10. liscion

    "Surroundings Adaptation Camo"

    Nice one dude! I did something similar not too long ago...
  11. liscion

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Used a voice transformer to produce a very high-pitched 'chipmunk' voice. Killing zombies with a white teddy is great fun! :D
  12. liscion

    Whats up with Vilayer..?

    I'm with ViLayer as well and in the first month of service, I've had to submit 4 support tickets because the server was down/not functioning at all and had corrupted configuration files. However, I've never had to wait that long to get a response from them. The longest I've had to wait so far was approx 2 hours, but they usually respond within 30 minutes if it's a high priority ticket. Bear in mind though, that the guys at ViLayer tend to solve an issue first and then respond to your ticket. As far as I know, they don't send any replies like "we're working on it", but only messages like "It's done. I've applied a manual patch blabla".
  13. liscion

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Parked the trucks just before the server restart. Our V3S convoy finally reached its destination 8) More awesome screenshots from the community can be found at https://play-z.nl/
  14. liscion

    Access ADM log externally through an API

    Ouch :( Good to know. Although, I don't want the logs to be publicly available, just a way to download them using a secure connection to my own server (e.g. http(s)-authentication using my ViLayer credentials) just to parse the kills / deaths to keep a score. I really hope that something like this would be possible in the future. I would open up some awesome features on community websites :)
  15. liscion

    Access ADM log externally through an API

    Yeah, that's what I'm trying to achieve. Just a cronjob that runs every *-hours that automatically downloads and parses the log file. However, for ViLayer there is no way to do this. Their CP is pretty secure and does a LOT of session checking (every refresh gets a new session hash for auth-verification) making it impossible to do this through cURL :(
  16. liscion

    Play-Z.nl..... Dutch Private Server.....Thrill of the Hunt

    Website updated. See https://play-z.nl/forums/thread/7-website-updates-suggestions-feedback#16for a list of changes.
  17. liscion

    Master Shard and Slave Shard

    Login to your ACP and open your Master server. Once logged in in ACP, there is a "Find my node id" button on the start page. When you click on that a new screen opens which tells you your Node ID. Use this Node ID in the purchase process for your slave server (there is a text-field where you fill this in somewhere at the bottom of the page). If you forgot to do that, you'll have to open up a ticket and let them do it for you. I have to say though, I personally have a LOT of bad experience with private servers from ViLayer. I have had 5 support tickets about the server being down, unreachable or corrupt config files in the FIRST MONTH of service alone (that was last month). They were all fixed really quickly, but it's a real burden to have to submit a new ticket every time wednessday-maintenance screws up my server.
  18. liscion

    Dayz SA vilayer serv

    I had the same problem with my server. Contact vilayer.
  19. liscion

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    There's a glitch in the matrix :o
  20. liscion

    New Dayz 3D map

    Edit: double post. Silly phone website acting weird
  21. liscion

    New Dayz 3D map

    Looks awesome! Although I'm personally not very fond of having to install additional plugins for a website. But not much to do about that at this point in the project I guess. I'd recommend checking out threejs.org. It's a native WebGL framework that doesn't require extra plugins like unity does. Either way, kudos for the project so far!
  22. liscion

    Play-Z.nl..... Dutch Private Server.....Thrill of the Hunt

    Gallery got a little overhaul and now supports comments with emoticons :)
  23. liscion

    Dayz Fps & graphic settings quick question

    There's a culling-problem in the renderer. Hence the FPS drops in towns/cities. E.g. look at a wall, everything behind the wall is "processed". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Back-face_culling
  24. liscion

    i lost my stuff randomly

    Were you playing on a private server? If so, make sure you reconnect to the same server. Also, this is a known bug that might occur sometimes. The server you were playing on might have had synchronisation issues with the master server (which holds your characters' data of the public hive). It can also happen on private servers (it happened to me a few times), but the chance of it happening is much less compared to public servers. Some wise words people might tell you: Don't get attached to your gear ;)