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About netzzwerg

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. netzzwerg

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Can confirm the loot-splosions, mainly clothes and sometimes weapons (had 3 guns in a single castle tower). Apart from that it looks good. I really like that we can get a fire and the new torch going without any matches.
  2. netzzwerg

    Love the new update

    100% this. At first I couldnt find a lot (had logged off in elektro in 0.54) but the more I got inland the more I found. I really felt the increasing amount of loot every next village I roamed through. This is really how it should be and pretty much what devs told us. In the upper north loot was even similar to pre 0.55/forced persistence times.
  3. netzzwerg

    Cooking in .55

    Ok, then I can confirm that just putting a steak inside a fireplace will finally ruin it. Looks like we need a pot then :/
  4. netzzwerg

    Cooking in .55

    So we need a pot to cook? Cause I have about 10 raw steaks on me and couldn't find a pot yet :S
  5. netzzwerg

    What do you think about the new update .55

    My 2cents from the official feedback topic: I spent an hour ingame today and really enjoyed it. As I logged off on a tower/chimney in elektro last time on stable I was confronted by the sign of a few zombies roaming the nearby streets. Roaming instead of standing still is already a great improvement in my opinion. When I got down I got charged by a nearby zombie but could finally defeat it with my axe. I then sneaked around town and could avoid most zombies as I saw them before they saw me. Them slowly walking around makes this especially rewarding as one just cant say if an area is clear. Found some stuff in elektro but nothing special. I then headed north and looted two hunting cabins - one had a cz rifle (dont know the exact name) and the second one a fitting magazine which made me pretty happy and was fitting loot as that is a hunting rifle as far as I know. The cabins also had some clothes. After I killed a pig I experienced the campfire despawn problem but that is promised to be fixed as I just read. All in all I am pretty happy, of course everything needs tweaking but the general direction the game is going (harder zombies, more stealthy approach in towns necessary) is to my favor!
  6. netzzwerg

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I spent an hour ingame today and really enjoyed it. As I logged off on a tower/chimney in elektro last time on stable I was confronted by the sign of a few zombies roaming the nearby streets. Roaming instead of standing still is already a great improvement in my opinion. When I got down I got charged by a nearby zombie but could finally defeat it with my axe. I then sneaked around town and could avoid most zombies as I saw them before they saw me. Them slowly walking around makes this especially rewarding as one just cant say if an area is clear. Found some stuff in elektro but nothing special. I then headed north and looted two hunting cabins - one had a cz rifle (dont know the exact name) and the second one a fitting magazine which made me pretty happy and was fitting loot as that is a hunting rifle as far as I know. The cabins also had some clothes. After I killed a pig I experienced the campfire despawn problem but that is promised to be fixed as I just read. All in all I am pretty happy, of course everything needs tweaking but the general direction the game is going (harder zombies, more stealthy approach in towns necessary) is to my favor!
  7. netzzwerg

    Unique Locations Based on Billboards

    Brilliant idea, I can only support this!
  8. That! That makes perfect sense, creates an advantage of wearing masks and is just really authentic as well! As the check pulse/ID takes the place of a real life 'check if I recognize this person once I'm close enough to properly see the person's face' that suggestion makes perfect sense and should be relatively easy to implement as well. I'm all in for it.
  9. netzzwerg

    Drenching handcuffed players in gasoline and igniting them!

    Mh don't know. This is probably where I would draw the line (for me, personally).
  10. netzzwerg

    dead bodies should not dissapper

    Bodies shouldnt stay forever but for an extended period of time, maybe one hour or so? Just that we can have some indicators for a recently frequented place (apart from finding no loot) and add some more immersion to the game without stressing the servers too much. So a good compromise between immersion/persistence and server performance is probably what should be aimed at.
  11. netzzwerg

    A New Tier Of Weaponry, Police

    I like the idea. Variation is always fine and this may create some different ways of progression.
  12. netzzwerg

    DayZ Vehicles MEGATHREAD

    What I've gone through so far looks pretty good and very fitting indeed :D Totally fits the direction the VS3 opened up for the DayZ vehicle style!
  13. netzzwerg

    Roasting and Grilling with Sharpened Sticks

    Good idea and as degude stated just allow food that can be put on a stick and maybe also make it have less slots than a pot/frying pan.
  14. netzzwerg

    Simple Yet Amazing Ideas - DayZ StandAlone

    I really like the idea except the 'All of these billboards are identical and carry the same information throughout Chernarus'-part. It's pretty unrealistic and (as strict realism isn't always the best path to follow) once we have proper persistence in this would somewhat spoil the fun of making the different (but right now quite generic) towns more unique. Pretty soon the billboard would be 'full' on a vivid server and we would miss the chance to have unique stories in unique parts of the map. The billboards in Cherno and Elektro would presumably be pretty well frequented whereas other cities would have their billboards quite empty so a note in one of these towns would be something more interesting and special as only few people would come across it. But in general the idea is brilliant and way better than just leaving notes on the floor as this would create a central place to look for/place notes and maybe a good opportunity to create some unique stories. I guess all towns/villages (but not the two or three houses only hamlets) should have these billboards as most villages IRL (at least here in Germany :P) have these municipality or churchy billboards in the town center announcing the next event hosted by the voluntary fire brigade ;)
  15. netzzwerg

    Knife/Machete holster, leg holster

    Fine and doable ideas, I'm up for it :D