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Everything posted by emuthreat

  1. emuthreat

    Im enjoying the stress tests

    Whenever a friend shows up in a payday mask, I just keep reminding them every 2 minutes how much that mask makes me want to put a bullet through it.
  2. Holy anachronisms, Batman is that a PSO on a muzzleloader? Looks like the stats from Blops2. I can only hope they don't link to stats on check pulse or dogtags if they implement that.
  3. emuthreat

    Not surprised by negativity about upcoming 1.0

    Was happy to ignore you for a few posts, but it has become obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about. The above quotes show a general hostility towards others that many folks may perceive as a severe character flaw; to the point of generally regarding you as an idiot and an asshole. This may have something to do with your deaths. Self-awareness is a valuable thing, bud. Some of the most prolific PvP groups I have known are based in RP. Also know of groups of people who meet up and just BS and run around doing stupid shit without much PvP, and have ZERO expectations of roleplay. You are so seriously out of the loop that it would be funny if not for your BS rhetoric being so diminishing of every other playstyle. Calling everybody twerps and furries is a good way to put a target on your back. No wonder you think this game is all about PvP. Everyone you talk to just wants to put a bullet in your mouth to stop it running. Have you even played the recent stress tests at the airfield?!? PvP got so boring that everyone quit after a week. Gonna need a 10 ton winch to extract your head from you-know-where.
  4. emuthreat

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    I don't mean to be unappreciative or dismissive here, but if this means taking time away from anyone doing mission critical tasks, please don't. For one thing, I'm sure everyone is already overworked and stressed out, and do not need any more worries. And secondly, the damage is already done, so to speak. Everyone was prepared for more delays and missed deadlines. What we didn't expect, was to hear that 1.0 was going to have significantly reduced content. The kneejerk reactions have all come and gone, for the most part. A detailed explanation of why the reduction in 1.0 content goals was unavoidable and absolutely necessary, would have softened the blow and helped to temper reactions by letting us see for ourselves where the different tasks sat in relation to another. But after the fact, the value is much less, especially knowing that it may take valuable time away from people who should be working to make the game. In a way, it is like telling a close friend that you cannot make it to their birthday celebration that you have both been discussing excitedly for months. Having ice cream, or sushi, or beer on hand while you deliver the bad news is much more effective at softening the blow, than is offering it a week and a half after the fact. Thank you for the response.
  5. emuthreat

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    We can only hope that this is not what 1.0 (1.3) fishing will look like. ^^^THIS^^^ The concept of having a thing called "Beta/1.0" is at the root of this issue. Just call it what it is, and we will accept that as we have all previous patches. Those plants are weak; need better noots. Maybe don't plant them so close. Dude... Not cool. Read the guidelines. You won't be missed. Only for a week or two in stress test. Perhaps what is missing to assuage some of these concerns we are all having, could be solved by a graphic of what exactly are the "core" features; and how they relate to these yet to be implemented features that many of us have been mentioning. If throwing objects, fishing, using snares, crating and coloring leather clothes, and vaulting are not core features of the game/engine, please illustrate to us which core features form the base plate of these functionalities; and try to explain to us the hierarchy of complexity preventing such things from being viable at this time. I really do think it would help a lot. As it stands, the projected 1.0 release is not something that anyone here wants to see called 1.0/Gold. We could all accept it being called Beta in a few weeks, and for a few months, I think; as most would feel that it is close enough to accurate Perhaps after 3, 6, or 9 months, we could see a Gamma version and test that out for a couple weeks before calling it 1.0. Anything else seems to be received as being crafty; leaning towards the dark arts, if you will... Thanks for listening.
  6. emuthreat

    Not surprised by negativity about upcoming 1.0

    You've been on about this for a while, and i find it to be completely false. I don't know if it is the servers you choose, or your skill/playstyle that prevent you from having interactions. A fair 50/50 of interactions at military bases on populated private servers turn out friendly or at least a neutral parting of ways for me. My coastal interactions generally consist of some cockwomble trying to punch me out while I look for apples or drink from a well. Same thing goes for the zone 2 interactions, except it's some goober with a basic gun trying to gear up faster at my expense. I have had much more interesting interactions further inland, albeit with a higher ratio of pot-shotters who I normally tend to flee and/or flank. Geared players, with more to lose, are much more responsive to my greeting of "hey buddy, if I was planning to shoot you I'd have done it already." Sure, there are always some KOS squads; but there seems to be just as many solo or paired players who understand the rationality that shooting me might ruin the magazine, IV start kit, or whatever they were looking for. But for those players to exist in that state, there must be those things that they would be out looking for. Hopefully, the finished game will have more driving factors for player dispersion; such as industrial areas at coastal cities having better spawns for vehicle repair parts, base building items, and hopefully some things we may not have heard or even thought of yet. If generators spawn in Elektro, and gears for lumbermills spawn in Berezino, but it is terribly impractical to carry them by hand, and building your base right by the coast is understandably daft, then endgame players with vehicles will have to venture back to the coast regularly as part of the endgame life cycle of maintaining a comfortable presence on a server over the long term; as well as having to make regular trips to military areas, places with medical spawns, and good hunting grounds to facilitate their survival in the course of these endeavors. If you've played many of the stress tests, and watched the populations fall off after a week or two, it should be apparent that both lack of content and geared PvP NWAF spawns both get old fast. Players want abundant content and motivators to facilitate diversity of experiences.
  7. emuthreat

    Not surprised by negativity about upcoming 1.0

    Does DayZ plan to produce a physical copy to compete for sales on store shelves?
  8. emuthreat

    Not surprised by negativity about upcoming 1.0

    I just don't get it. It would be fine if they called it beta when all the basic systems are in, but much of the content has yet to be added and bugfixed, but calling it 1.0 in such a state is just, well, inaccurate. I don't work in software development, and never have, so correct me if I'm wrong. But I've always been under the impression that 1.0 is supposed to indicate a finished product. Core features of the player, like throwing and vaulting seem to be pre 1.0 content. As far as I know, people aren't upset about the timeline, but rather the arbitrary decision to call whatever they have by year's end the 1.0 version of the game. This is an absolute unforced error, unless there is some contractual obligation stuff going on behind the scenes that none of us players are aware of
  9. emuthreat

    Instead of wave on f1...

    Salute was in previous versions of the game, but you had to manually assign a custom hotkey combination. I just started stacking the new animations by adding left alt, and worked up from F1 again. I imagine the same will be possible in the future.
  10. emuthreat

    Survival server....

    There is a server called Core, that has been trying to get that nice gritty survival feel lately through mods. But there is only so much that can be done without more of the "flavor features" implemented so far.
  11. emuthreat

    DayZ and its future

    I sure hope that if this is the case with any of the post 1.0 content that we have already seen in past iterations of DayZ SA, that they will issue waivers for paid DLC to all players who bought-in before 1.0 and logged at least 500 hours and submitted 5 bug reports within that time frame
  12. emuthreat

    DayZ and its future

    Good job guys, you upset IMT. First you take away his wire traps, and now this?!? What's next, are you gonna release a version of DayZ that doesn't even include throwing mechanics or a bow and arrow and call it 1.0? Oh wait... Now I'm sad.
  13. emuthreat

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    These are perhaps considered flavor features internally now, as a matter of convenience and labeling to meet a deadline. But to many longtime players of DayZ SA, these are missing features from the original versions of the game. Call it what you want to but the projected Beta and 1.0 release goals will not be feature complete in the eyes of experienced players. Things like fishing, and crafting bows, and dying clothes were EXACTLY the things that made DayZ unique. I'm still excited for the new patches and looking forward to the game having full legacy parity, but this is a bit underwhelming. Calling it 1.0 without having throwing implemented? Yikes.
  14. emuthreat

    It's Been 6 Years

    Ummm, maybe give it another go. The content patch just dropped. Looks like we are just around the corner from something resembling what we have all been waiting for
  15. emuthreat

    It's Been 6 Years

    Well, it looks like a good chunk of it just came along today. If I didn't know any better, I'd say all this bitchin worked.
  16. emuthreat

    It's Been 6 Years

    Not to be trifling, but did you happen to read the bit of text I quoted you? "The number of people interested in DayZ on PC in ANY form, mod or not mod - will NEVER be any more than it is now." I'm not too sure on the 5th dimensional semantics, but I'd say that the above statement is synonymous with the PC market being tapped-out for potential new DayZ customers. Ingrid Bergman I ain't.
  17. emuthreat

    It's Been 6 Years

    I'm gonna have to disagree with this, as there is simply no way you can know this AT ALL. To assume that a game of this scale will only sell about 3 million copies ever is pure folly. I don't disagree that PC development seems to have feeling at bit of a back-burner priority lately; and yes, it is undeniable that they would focus on new markets at this point. But to say the PC market is tapped out is just cynical hogwash. ARK has sold 4.5 million copies. PUBG has sold 50 million. IF even 20% of PUBG players get bored of that and want to try out DayZ BR modes it would double sales of DayZ, even subtracting all possible current owners of both games. I know you are smart and educated, so it confuses the hell out of me when you go off on tangents like this that disagree with simple math(s). I'll give you a bit of perspective about how the <25 market of gamers has functioned for the past few years. My friend complains constantly about his kids standing there watching other kids on YouTube, playing mods of Roblox. Watching other kids press a button 50 times in a row to achieve a pointless goal. When people start seeing all the crazy interactions people are having in DayZ, it will certainly push interest. Once DayZ videos gain more volume and popularity, they will be suggested and seen more, and a percentage of those people will want to try it out. I would make you a firm and serious bet that they will absolutely sell at least 10,000 PC copies in 2019. There's just no way that is not going to happen. There 10,000,000+ active gamers out there who saw the DayZ memes and decided never to touch it. I'm sure at least 10% of them will want to see how it turned out.
  18. emuthreat

    It's Been 6 Years

    More difficult than many might like, to get full population vanilla servers. No chicken little here. I'm not in a panic, just slightly concerned for vanilla populations if there are more content-rich modded servers competing for players before 1.0 drops and post 1.0 content finds its way to vanilla. This is not baseless speculation. Many players in my little microcosm of the DayZ community are already saying they might ditch-out to modded servers if there is not some semblance of content parity from vanilla servers. I acknowledge that my concerns may be premature, but the possibility is real. That's all I'm saying here; not in panic mode.
  19. emuthreat


    How much RV is still in DayZ? I thought .63 was supposed to be a complete decoupling from the old engine...
  20. emuthreat

    It's Been 6 Years

    If basebuilding and vehicles might make it into the official version of the game before mods make vanilla obsolete.
  21. emuthreat

    It's Been 6 Years

    I don't think it's a bad thing, just kind of unorthodox from my understanding. As a reference point, the community servers who opted into Exp as soon as it was available have hit a low point after the initial excitement; this is due to the lack of content. You get scores of people excited to play their favorite server on .63 tech, but after a couple weeks everyone has already gotten reacquainted and are already bored by standing around talking or going on the lame low challenge loot runs. It's mostly a timing thing. Imagine if movie theaters would run films that still needed to be edited and have DFX put into them. People would leave thinking "why did they do that" I don't necessarily think modding is a bad thing, and I'm sure some might come along that catch my interest. I do however think it would be unfortunate and completely avoidable, if by the time all the post 1.0 content makes it in, that there are a dozen mods that have already done it. If BI's intention is to make a successful game, in terms of the reception and server populations of the vanilla 1.0 version, modding the game ahead of release may very well undermine this. There are still quite a few "purist" players who just want a good vanilla experience. It would be kinda lame if 1.0 is not finished by the time that many mods have come and gone and ran their course. So for me, it's not a question of good or bad, but just timing and reception. I'm perfectly fine with DayZ being an R&D platform; it would just also be nice to have some concept of what the finished project for this leg of the journey might be. @Pilgrim* Thanks for answering my rhetorical question. And no, I haven't played Argo yet. I think it's hidden somewhere in my steam library though; I somehow got the idea that that was its intended purpose.
  22. emuthreat

    No MOTD

    Screen resolution and game resolution in agreement? You can see all the HUD elements?
  23. emuthreat

    It's Been 6 Years

    Yeah, sorry. It was a loaded question. One to which an answer still eludes us; and what I think @pilgrim* has been picking away at in his usual style. What exactly is DayZ Standalone supposed to be when it is finished? Is it even supposed to be finished, and will that mean that it is finished--in the colloquial sense of the term? I'm not trying to be cynical here. It's just kinda weird lately with talk of beta not being feature complete, and releasing mod tools and server files before 1.0 is out.
  24. emuthreat

    No MOTD

    Are you running any launch options?