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Everything posted by emuthreat

  1. emuthreat

    Where is the DayZ population?

    Wake me up when they add the ability to craft a hoagie from scratch.
  2. emuthreat

    A Serious Problem

    Dang bro, gettin a little rowdy there, ain't ya? Are you sure those glasses are still working right? Maybe you need some bubblegum to distract you? I think all of the asses have reached their having been kicked quota for now. Thanks.
  3. emuthreat

    Stamina and energy levels?

    I've gotten used to the stamina system, but I still think it could use a little boost to the maximum under certain conditions. What I'd like to see, is the initial spawn conditions having perhaps 25% more stamina; up to 50% more once energized hydrated and healthy. Adding to that, have some benefit to cardio training that would allow players to improve max stamina to the point that a fully healthy player with as much gear as they could carry would have the same stamina that one starts out with. That way, geared players who survived long enough could outrun bambis without having to drop their backpack, rifle, or vest. Maybe make it so that for every 10 km traveled, the max stamina increases by 10%, up to 200% of starting value for an unladen player with full stats. Long-lived geared players would be on equal footing, but also be more suited to outrun bambis, infected, and wolves. IMHO, the stamina system is a great way to reward long term survival and covering ground. Players that spend the time trucking around the map on foot will have a bit of a reward for not camping a town with a bag of canned food and a sniper rifle; which would encourage movement and increase interaction. And players who are part of a clan with cars and a camp will have to put in the legwork if they want to beat a wandering scavenger back to their car without having to drop their loot to run faster. Anything that gives an incentive to survive longer make the game more interesting to play, and more punishing when killed.
  4. emuthreat

    The state of current gameplay

    Long after OP has been chased away, here we are still beating a dead hose... I think what @Dancing.Russian.Man was getting at, was that as the regulars who have closely followed development and know the ins-and-outs of each iteration, we would be more helpful orienting newcomers to the current state of the game, rather than screaming at them to get off the lawn. While I do make comments about the disclaimer, it's not meant to say "this is what it is, take-it-or-leave-it." Rather that certain things are to be expected, and will need to be overcome by players seeking to have anything close to a full and enjoyable experience at this time.. I've answered a lot of questions from various steam friends who have taken a break, and are aghast about the lack of content in .63. I have literally been asked why they took away 75% of the game, and had to explain that they are reworking all the new assets, as well as adding more intricate animations; and this will take time. Obviously, many of the new additions need balancing; and perhaps a few need to be reconsidered/reworked. Like it or not, many players come to DayZ after watching streams or youtube videos of top level play--much of this from older patches that were working relatively well. I think it's safe to say that the learning curve has steepened significantly with the addition of stamina, and the relatively unintuitive UI indicators. I think a few of us have starved to death in the first iteration of .63, and learned to persevere easily based on a body of knowledge gained through experience. New, and many returning players do not have that same experience. I've seen various posts about the opacity of the crafting system, and the lack of any in-game reference materials; meaning that new players have to go do a few hours of homework on the wiki, much like many of us had done ourselves. I do think the game should have pamphlets and/or posters detailing crafting and survival techniques. Not only to help out new players, but to also add depth to the immersive environment. I can only imagine how difficult the game must be for a newcomer, with the beastly dangerous infected, somewhat brutal stamina system, and the tendency of the energy and hydration indicators ostensibly giving you the all-clear when in reality , you are still only a few hundred meters of sprinting from another emergency. Maybe we could try a little harder to politely explain why the roof needs to go on after the walls, to those not personally familiar with the process; and maybe provide some tips and tricks for surviving in a house without electricity or plumbing.
  5. emuthreat

    Visited the DayZ map IRL today

    You can dump them into an unlisted Imgur folder, and then add from URL.
  6. emuthreat

    The state of current gameplay

    I'm fairly certain that the day/night cycles do not affect anything besides the sky. Consider the case if it were otherwise. Players on community servers would move from 1:1 server to another with accelerated time, and would promptly dehydrate or starve, based on their level of preparedness for a 1:1 time ratio server. I really don't know what's wrong with a lot of people.... It seems like some folks set up expectations contrary to the intended outcome, and current state of the game. I read up on DayZ a bit before buying, and foolishly assumed it was just over halfway done in Jan 2015. I was disappointed, but kept playing because there was, and still is, nothing else quite like it. This of course came from a somewhat informed and open-minded attitude about Participating in an Early Access Development Project. I am here just as much for the experience of seeing how the development of such a game progresses, as I am to play the finished project. So in this sense, I find it highly confusing for anyone to be overly disappointed by first impressions of a game with a disclaimer banner one must click every time the game is played. It's like sitting on the grass at a park, the day after 3 days of rain; if you expect anything besides soggy pants, that's on you...
  7. emuthreat

    The state of current gameplay

    Oh shit. Someone kicked the Beehive again. FWIW, I think "spoon-fed" needs to be hyphenated. So I guess there's that...
  8. emuthreat

    The state of current gameplay

    If you search half of a town and find nothing, move on, because someone has already been there. If you do loot a whole town, make a second pass by the apple trees, as some of them may have dropped since you arrived. 3 or 4 apples will let you JOG to the next place. I've found that the best success comes from covering ground and getting to the places with lots of stuff. Try to think of it as places having overall abundance or scarcity at that specific time you are there. Of course there will be exceptions, but once you hit a "good" town with abundance, you can travel much farther directly and only have to plan for wells for a few towns. Getting off the coast is hard, and I think that might be intentional. It's a survival game, and your choices do matter now. I've nearly died with a friend before, each sharing food and trying to be thorough, until we were both on the verge of starving to death. We survived by having the one who was least hungry sprinting ahead to search scattered houses while the other kept on a beeline for the next major town. The game has changed, and so must our habits.
  9. emuthreat

    Status Report 3 July 2018

    Buried stashes, yes please; or any persistent storage. I really wanna see how resource aggregation impacts the CLE, and how effective one can be at looting for a few of everything over a few hours of play. How are we supposed to properly stress test these builds without dumping an ungodly amount of useless crap in one place?
  10. emuthreat

    Going Hardcore is "how to expell"

    I think the problem is that too many people got used to playing a placeholder that was going to be more or less completely scrapped and reworked. Lots of the new content that made it into pre .63 builds was a waste of time just to keep the project alive. Some things like the CLE and tents and vehicles were likely added both to give us something to do, and for the devs to gather data about player habits.After a certain point, they had to have known that it was all going to be scrapped, yet added and bugfixed more stuff for us anyways. To all of those who are disappointed that the new experience doesn't line up with the crappy, bug-ridden, placeholder experience: Oops. They got me too. I don't like the new inventory; locking out hotkeys while tabbed open is unnecessary, as is forcing a stop when inventory is open--instead of slowing to a walk. Having to use the "F" key to pick stuff up, and not the mouse is frustrating; but not as frustrating as having to hold down LMB and not even have the option to use "F" key to perform continuous actions. Stamina needs balancing. The system for raising weapons likewise forces the player to hold down a key tediously long, while also having to use yet another key to ADS. This part about having to hold a key to raise weapons they explained was because someone was annoyed that players would constantly walk around with their fists up or thier gun raised. So why not just leave the controls alone, aside from making spacebar a hold instead of toggle function? I am VERY curious to see what the default XBOX control assignments are. Hopefully they make some quality of life adjustments for these things that have been made arbitrarily more difficult and offer no compelling benefits to how the game is played.
  11. emuthreat

    Item/weapon suggestions

    To each his own. I too was smart enough to do dumb things when I was younger, and still have all my fingers. As far as using an OLD plumbing pipe, I guess I'll leave that to the experts.... I would rather just make a pipe bomb with the same materials, rather than try to guess when the improvised musket would decide that it wants to be one. Maybe modify the stock into an atlatl. Seems like it would be both safer and more effective than a crappy gun/handheld maybe bomb. If you've ever seen a fireworks malfunction, you would take seriously the warnings not to hold them in hand. Back when I was in high school I saw a smoke bomb explode, just like the one my brother had been carrying around the street a few minutes ago, came out of the same package even. That thing exploded with the force of at least a half-dozen modified petes, easily more than any of the "big ass firecrackers" that are fun for launching buckets into the sky, and certainly enough to seriously fuck-up--if not completely remove--all digits from the hand foolish enough to be holding the thing. I cringe every time I see roman candle fights. I mean, at least use an oven mitt, or preferably welding gauntlets. With steel pipes having pressure ratings of less than 30% of the pressures generated by black powder, I would be more comfortable believing with certainty that it was a bomb, rather than crossing my fingers that it wouldn't be. Even the students occupying the university in Nicaragua right now are less than trusting of improvised firearms; opting for handheld improvised mortars instead of instead of trying to make something that fires shot.
  12. emuthreat

    Item/weapon suggestions

    yeah, let us know how that works out for you...
  13. emuthreat


    I'm afraid the answer to all questions about many of the animations is gonna be the ol' standby of "It's done when it's done." In the meantime, go catch a fish, or cook some epic hamburgers, climb a small mountain, or any other fun activity. Or if you prefer, you can just roll your cask around town and do as much to help as anyone else. Whatever you do, please do not defecate inside the theatre. I don't care if you eat in the market....
  14. emuthreat

    Hey, um why u do dis?

    I never really notice the headbob. Perhaps rocking a steady buzz while playing keeps one from noticing it?
  15. emuthreat

    Stamina and energy levels?

    I agree. there should be a significant stamina boost for a player who is in good health, energized, and hydrated. Perhaps even a stamina penalty for being stuffed would be appropriate.
  16. They better not be KOS melons....
  17. emuthreat

    Is this even a game at this point?

    The loot tables are less than half- full by the looks of it. Perhaps the total item counts will stay the same but the variety will increase. Won't that be fun? I guess better is subjective. I guess what matters is what your idea of good/better looks like.
  18. emuthreat

    Is this even a game at this point?

    I think they are in the still in the process of finishing specific animations related to many of the items. The CLE is limited to the very basics needed to determine how viable survival is, and what kind of balancing needs to take place with the hunger/hydration systems. Just because you came back at the time when the new systems are being added in stages at bare bones complexity, does not mean things are going to stay this way. It's like showing up at a restaurant the day after a complete revamp of the menu and all new staff, and complaining about the service times.
  19. I'll agree with you here. I like that they added the trails system with map boards at major points of interest. They should have a few kiosks scattered around at the different holiday camps with posters of survival tips, including descriptions of common crafting recipes and some tips about wildlife and foraging. Different campsites could have different wilderness skills kiosks depending on the location and surroundings. Perhaps the one north of Sverograd could cover wolf behavior and tanning; Belaya Polana could have information about chickens, building fireplaces and crafting bows and arrows; Black lake could have fishing pole and bait instructions, as well as tips for angling; Tisy campground could have information about firearms handling and bears; Gvozdno camp could cover wild boar behavior and mending clothing; Ozerko could cover elk hunting and medical skills; Topolka dam could cover ocean resources and foraging; the Dolina-Polana camp could cover cows, vehicle maintenance; Green Mountain could cover radios and orienteering, and roe deer hunting; Khelm camp could explain firearms maintenance, tool repair and goats; and novy Sobor camp could include information about farming and sheep--and perhaps even animal domestication if they decide to include that. The point is that they could just put out pamphlets to pick up and read, and they should at least do that. But there is much more richness that can be added by putting out information booths at the places that naturally make sense; places that people would have normally gone to commune with nature.
  20. emuthreat

    Key Bindings

    I couldn't access it while in server on Exp. the other day. I'll have to give it a try in the main menu.
  21. Hahahah DicklePick. That takes me back. We hunted him for the better part of a week and managed to establish some kind of a rapport after a few interactions. I think I'll always prefer friendly contact over instant back screens, or looting fucked-up corpses of randos I shot "just cuz." But there is really nothing much that can be done about the players who carry their entire experience on their backs, save painstakingly creating a heatmap of known contact points and trying to run across the needle in the haystack, which is fun in itself for some players ME. In the past, Dayz wasn't challenging enough, so it made for a great mission to hunt down the 'bad actors' on a chosen server and either try to convert them to allies, or grief them out of relevance. As much as I like to champion the concept of cooperative play, I get just as much fun out of trying to hunt down the few guys on the top of my short list. And I guess it just comes down to preferences for playstyles. Some people shoot everyone they see for no other reason than that is what they always do. And those players have in essence chosen their own lot, as the Confederated Gentlemen of Chernarus will now have something to do besides clear towns and farm pumpkins. As it should be. But really, this discussion has gone off the rails. I don't think anybody wants to eliminate KOS, it's just that it's much nicer atmosphere when the forces are a bit more balanced. Especially on EXP and Stress Tests, which is what this thread is about...
  22. This is getting beyond ridiculous. At the core of this discussion, it's all about ratios. I very rarely KOS unknowns, as a matter of principle; trying to not push the ratio too far in the direction of chaos. But players that I know have KOS'd or frequently backstabbed, even from reports of other players; well, they will normally get a lecture, a bullet, or both; conditions allowing. Deal with it in game. It's tons of fun to ID a KOS player, and try to track them down and make their life harder. It's significantly less fun to go around in circles arguing the ethics of it, especially when my penchant for beer is dragged through the mud...
  23. It would be nice if we could see the animation backlogs and past three months of progress to make a better guess. I'm guessing items are missing more because of animations; they hinted at it in the SR yesterday with the mention of improving finger positions for different items.