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Some questions for those who might know: Am I to understand that the functions previously performed by "G" and "H" keys, drop item in hands to ground and holster item currently in hands, respectively, are no longer supported? Has anyone found a way to make it so the default LMB to perform continuous action overlaps with "F" interaction key when appropriate? It is ohhhhh sooooo tedious having to hold that darned key down for 30-40 seconds at a time, over and over again.
Every 3 mo over last 5 years I try Dayz Again...
emuthreat replied to redmantab's topic in General Discussion
I think we all understand what you are saying, but the reason people keep replying is that some of your concerns are showing problematic reasoning. Well, that's just like, your opinion, man... Sorry, had to : ) And to be fair, aren't you counting your chickens before they are even laid? If two million people who preordered the game in early access don't want to play when it is finished because they are upset with how long it took, I'd say that lays squarely on them. It's as if one's mom promised to take him to Disneyland when he was 10, but then it was discovered that the kitchen floor joists had dry rot and they had to spend the trip savings on a necessary repair; to refuse to go at 15 when the family can again afford it, is petty to say the least. I do acknowledge the 2015 roadmap, and was disappointed myself when things started to change, but this ain't a cold pizza; there is no objective loss of value over time, aside from hurt feelings and the internalized expectations of the individual prospective player. To a certain extent, unverifiable until the point at which the proverbial pudding is ready to be eaten, it makes little difference that other games have followed DayZ before it is even finished. If Godzilla rose up out of the ocean and decided to go back and wait a few more years, the rogue waves and tsunamis caused by the false alarm will do little to reduce the damage when he later comes to shore. Rust, ARK,PUBG, Fortnite et. al. do little to take away from the glory of the finished product of DayZ, as the experiences are significantly different. Many people who bought DayZ as a PVP platform will show and have shown increasing distaste for some of the more hardcore survival mechanics. I've spent lots of money on steam games that I don't play, and I can blame nobody else for that. This is the equivalent of dropping a new 5.0 crate motor in the old 'Stang, and complaining that the throttle adjustment is off when you take it on that first trip around the block. To a certain extent, it is absurd to be disappointed that the feel is not significantly different than before, as I do not believe it was the goal to fundamentally change the feel of the game. I always understood that the goal was to make the original experience more fluid and functional with added content and depth. That being said, things like bugged items that cannot be picked up should be fixed, and I expect that they eventually will be; but not without our help in reporting these rare and hard to track-down instances. Simply coming across an item that cannot be picked up, and sending a 10 second video of failing to interact with it will do literally nothing to solve this issue; as they would need to know which player interacted with it first, and how specifically that first interaction was compromised. It is really a hard thing to duplicate, and to some degree, it is mathematically insignificant in contrast to the total number of successful item interactions on a scale of 5 or 6 hours on a full server. I know that doesn't help, and too hope to see it fixed. But realistically, how much do we hate potato chip (crisp) companies for that one burnt-to-a-crisp potato chip that makes it through QC out of more than 50 bags eaten? Perfection is a lot to ask, especially of such a complex system. Re-reading your original post, I can't help but wonder if some of your expectations are that Dayz be more like other games. Regarding the nomenclature of the menus, is this trivial, or a major issue? I've read some product instructions that were obviously written in English by someone with a somewhat poor understanding of the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary relevant to the task. I had a laugh, and got it figured out. I do not think this is really the case with DayZ though. It is unique, and does many things differently from how other games do, from the ballistics simulations to the minutia of having to pick up sticks from the ground after having chopped them. I remember when I first started playing, and discovered that navigation was difficult because all the signage was in a foreign alphabet. I googled cyrillic pronunciation resources, and adapted to the reality of the game. And over three years later, I believe that was the correct choice for me, because the signage has not since changed to latin characters. I understand your concerns, but to a large degree you should be asking yourself if this is the way some things are supposed to be, and for other things if it's just the way have to be right now because those are the circumstances that exist. I spent the better part of 7 hours today installing one of two exterior doors on a house. I bid the job somewhat optimistically, expecting each door to take a half hour to demo and 2 hours to hang, and ended up having to replace the rotted out sill plates on both. It took extra time and materials, and a significant amount of carving to get things level in the end. It sucked, I will have to go back tomorrow and finish it. And there is nothing I can do to change that. Even to go back in time and assume that both doors were rotted out beneath the sills, would not have changed the amount of planning, time, and materials required to get the desired outcome. There is no amount of complaining, or speculating on how things should have been, that will have any tangible impact on when, how, and the quality to which I completed the task. As with most things in life, it just is what it is. Now who else wants to get a couple licks in on this pile of horse dust? -
Thank you Alex, very cool.
Every 3 mo over last 5 years I try Dayz Again...
emuthreat replied to redmantab's topic in General Discussion
This is a good perspective to have about it. I'd like to think that most of the people still here are mostly just interested in seeing how the sausage is made. Regardless of the timeline or outcome, one has to have massive respect for a company that will take on such a tedious and ambitious project. If anything, the making of Vigor shows how easy it would have been to clone DayZ onto a bought-in engine. Everybody has different tastes, I guess. But personally, I try to avoid eating at chain restaurants whose product all comes in white boxes from the same white trucks. It still baffles me how so many people can't just sit back and enjoy the ride, or simply ignore this project that obviously causes them so much grief. Even as I've been so excited about recent developments I haven't played any of the new patches for a few weeks. Even with your realistic perspective about player counts, I can't help but feel like the finished product will provide a unique and valuable experience that will draw lots of active players. They will likely still be split between people who feel it was worth the wait, and people who love the game, but still can't help themselves from bitching about how long it took to complete, even after 1,000 hours of post beta play. Once it's said and done, I think a DayZ run with 10 kills in ten different cities over 20 hours on the same life, will carry more prestige than a dozen victory royales. -
New...old player - how to revive the gaming experience after two years of absence?
emuthreat replied to J.R.'s topic in General Discussion
Hello Joseph, and welcome to the community. The first thing that you should know is that DayZ is in the process of switching over to an newly built engine, and content is still in the process of being added, evaluated, balanced, and bugfixed. The Stable servers are currently still running on .62, which is a dead-end iteration of the old engine of the game, but has been the most polished and playable experience available for the last year or so. .63 servers are currently running on both Experimental branch and the Stress Test branch, which require one to open properties in the steam library, select the betas tab, select either Exp or Stress Test from the dropdown menu, and Finally enter a passcode (ireallywanttotest) to gain access. At this stage in the game, I would highly recommend only playing on the .63 branches, as there are many fundamental changes from how the older version works, in terms of UI and interacting with the world; and it makes no sense learning how to adapt to an obsolete system of controls and procedures. Some basic survival tips: When you first spawn, food and water will be at dangerously low levels, and sprinting will drain them even faster. Wells are often found in or around most villages, and are the safest water to drink; but other players know this, and may be looking to kill you near them, so keep your eyes up. Apples are often the most accessible food for a fresh player, and will be found on the ground underneath apple trees. Apple trees are normally about 3-4 meters tall, and have a crotch in the trunk at about 1 meter high, with generally green canopies with some red throughout. A knife is the most important tool to find, and it may take some time. Axes, machetes, and hatchets are a good all-purpose tool and weapon. Hold RMB to raise hands/weapon, and LMB to swing or fire, as the default settings; L shift or MMB will zoom if you are not sprinting at the time. Attempting to walk backwards with your hands melee weapon raised will make you block melee attacks. Zombies sometimes spawn items after you kill them, so don't forget to check. Most clothing can be cut into rags with the tools mentioned above. When possible, use the crudest cutting tool available to do this, as your knife will dull quickly and is better saved for opening cans or skinning game. Rags can be equipped to hands, and used to bandage yourself if you are bleeding, and can also be combined via two stacks of 6 to form improvised rope. Rope can be combined with burlap sacks to make a bag, or can be used to restrain other players, and can be combined with a long stick to make a fishing rod or bow when those items are added back into the game. There are tourist trails marked by posts and painted rocks, along which you may find small stones, which can be held in hands as a somewhat decent and fast-striking weapon, or smashed together to craft a stone knife. Trees and bushes can be cut down to give firewood. The bark can be cut from trees using a knife, of which the white makes for good tinder as well as the the brown, which can also be combined with small sticks to make a hand-drill fire starter. Firearms and magazines must be reloaded manually, by assigning the bullets to a hotkey, and holding the hotkey down while the appropriate gun or magazine is in your hands. Good luck out there. -
Every 3 mo over last 5 years I try Dayz Again...
emuthreat replied to redmantab's topic in General Discussion
Vigor is made on Unreal Engine. I don't think the people working on that project would have much to offer towards the challenges of getting DayZ completed. It's like getting mad at the landlord for sending a carpenter to fix the neighbor's door, while your air conditioner is working only intermittently; because all the refrigeration technicians are/were booked solid for weeks. Sometimes when people make snap judgements from only the most casual level of knowledge, it can tend to spread irrational and unfounded beliefs. And sometimes when people see others do this, they get upset and make asses of themselves. Reminds me of that time I keep saying the new combat control and personal health icons are now the way they are because it also suits console versions. I don't know this for certain, and am at risk of looking like an ass for saying so. Still doesn't stop me from thinking or saying it though. = ) The world would be such a nicer place if people would train themselves, that when they find they are upset, to investigate the cause of this before attacking the perceived source of their plight. I'd place it at above 50% of the time, personally, that I find I'm wrong about something that initially upsets me. So if I don't want to look like an ass more than half the time, I have to reserve my protests until after I have confirmed the veracity of my beliefs and impressions. Everybody does this many times daily. Actively managing the ratio and relative importance of such instances helps quite a bit, both to not look like and ass, but also to not feel upset at as many things. Especially with DayZ... At this point, there is a large group of people who will look for anything to attack just because of the bandwagon effect. -
It does do a nice approximation of divided attention while trying to move while performing a fine manual task though.
Do you want an accidental discharge? Because that's how you get an accidental discharge.
It took me a while to realize this, but I believe that the new mechanics are in a way, trying to force us to be more practical with our hotkey assignments. I used to have a very regular hotkey layout: 1-melee, 2-pistol, 3-rifle, 4-longhorn, 5-longhorn ammo, 6 and 7 for random incidentals, 8-rags, 9-morphine, 0-stone knife. I no longer enjoy such regularity, and have gotten in the habit of carrying fewer weapons; though my first three assignments remain the same. The rest of them I now use for the most relevant ammo and magazine types. And I've found it's best to assign crafting items or even food to available hotkeys to aid in the mundane activities. I still need to try to find a less awkward way to open a can of food and eat it. Next time i hop on this new update, I want to test hotkeyed cans of food to hands, and hotkeyed can opener, and see if I can eat without opening my inventory.
Why do people keep complaining about lack of action in DayZ?
emuthreat replied to zigglr's topic in General Discussion
I'm sure DayZ will eventually have a battle royale mode, even if it is just increasingly dense infected, wolf and bear spawns; to avoid any kerfuffle over who owns the "shrinking survivable zone" mechanic. I'd be happy to play that too, but I don't think anything will replace the vanilla experience of DayZ. Maybe implement some sort of GPS as an endgame item that players have to find, repair, and install the proper codec; which would then ping out other players' locations in 20 or 30 minute increments. Or maybe give it a more organic feeling, and have vultures circling over players for the last couple hours of the match. The question is, how long should a DayZ Chernarus+ match last on such a large map; 3 hours, 6 hours perhaps? Maybe make servers where they broadcast a city or area to control over the radio every two hours, with a respawn and join lockout for the last half hour of the session and the last person standing after the deadline gets points. In this manner, a player could potentially play for 8 hours and dominate 4 different locations in one life for epic prestige. It would also be cool to see servers where they wipe the server daily or weekly for some sort of long-form king of the hill game type, where players scramble to dominate vehicles, resources, and areas of control. -
This has been my gripe since I started first started playing. It would be so nice if they could designate a couple of the official servers as permanent playably persistent servers, with perhaps one staff member assigned to monitor a thread about performance and glitch abuse on these few servers for the regular players. I used to enjoy it quite a bit, picking a random official server to call home. It was interesting to litter the map with tents and try to track down and make contact with other regular players based on activity of vehicles and tent inventories over time. What I consider an organic vanilla experience.
Puts fingers in ears. **ALPHAALPHAALPHAALPHAALPHAALPHAALPHAALPHAALPHAALPHA** Glad I could clear that up for you. But seriously dude, .63 started out as a barebones version, missing more than half of all the planned content. And it is still missing a large portion of the content. If anything, you could call .62 a dead-end Beta version, but .63 is very much an alpha; not so much of a game, as a prototype for the game at this point. If you made a mod, and pulled out 2/3 of all assets and then tried to release it as a game, you'd be laughed at. I haven't played for weeks. Might pop back in to see where things are at. But without cooking pots and stoves, or any persistence, I would describe the gameplay value as little to none. Not a game.
Given that it is after midnight on a Sunday, I'd say it' will be about 10 more hours before you can expect anything to happen.
First off, are you playing .62 or .63? And is it one of the elevated green houses on a tall foundation with stairs to the front door? In either case, sending a message to @Baty Alquawen with your Steam ID, server and location, will allow her to manually relocate you. Barring that, there are a few techniques that will get you out of the wall, but are unfortunately the same ones people can use to glitch into places they shouldn't be.
New...old player - how to revive the gaming experience after two years of absence?
emuthreat replied to J.R.'s topic in General Discussion
Maybe play a bit of experimental to get the feel for how things work under the new systems, but don't expect too much. A lot has changed, and it will take some getting used-to. Sprinting inland from the coast will have you dead from hunger and thirst in 15 to 20 minutes. Take your time and get prepared. Don't expect to get a Kamy spawn, spam the well and a few apples, then sprint to Elektro for fast action PVP. this is a survival game now, no longer as much of a rinse and repeat coastal chaos or dash to NWAF for guranteed PVP type of game. Take your time, get healthy, be careful approaching landmarks, and try to survive as many player encounters as you can. -
Funny thing about that hunger and thirst system, is that it seems to be an issue more of players' learning curve, rather than the values. Once you get over that challenging first hour in which you spawn in desperately hungry and thirsty it becomes a pretty easily maintainable value as long as one remembers to continue eating after no longer painfully hungry. Where some people see the game as broken and completely unplayable, others learn to persevere and adapt to the new conditions. I don't much care for the new combat system, as it forces all of the control of weapons onto the mouse hand, or requires one to awkwardly use the left shift key to use a scope, but there is little I can do to change it; and try as I might, pressing the space bar when I see another player keeps ending poorly for me. At this point in the game, anybody coming here expecting anything other than to see how the sausage is being made, has made an error in judgement. That's not to say nobody has a right to be upset, or critical of how things are going, but at least know that it is par for the course...
An unsatisfied customer will tell ten people about their experience, while a satisfied customer may tell between zero and three people. Or so goes the saying.
LMFAO. Who gets a car in working order and goes driving around backroads and cliffs without having anything besides a rock and a stick? I've been to Lopatino in my starter clothes with only a stick and stone, and was questioned and later killed by the group of geared players untrusting of a freshie so far inland; perhaps they figured I was one of their victims from a half-hour earlier, coming back for revenge. I routinely run to Tisy with nothing but an axe. Pretty often, I will take a Berezino area spawn and run basically naked through the gauntlet of wolves that stretches from Altar to Dubrovka to Kranso, to Novo. And sometimes I die from that. Sometimes I hide in a shed or caravan and get my stabby stick out, or punch them in the face with a stone in hand until one dies at the door and donates me some guts to use for rope. Then I dump my inventory on the ground and run between the wolves speed slashing bushes for arrows, while trying to dodge their BiteyMcBiteFaces. But never have I wrecked a car and been caught unprepared by wolves. Maybe just roll up the windows and take a nap?
why are server prices higher than other games
emuthreat replied to robbyj's topic in General Discussion
@pilgrim* K. How big is a Dayz server instance again? -
New content, yayeeee!!!! Any word on persistence? Even if it only lasts a day or two, it gives many of us a reason to keep testing. Also gimme back those ani-meals already.
I think a lot of people can recognize that they were a niche issue, experienced by a few players; and many players, such as myself, have not experienced a BSOD for years. My last one was by driver reversion, as were many others' issues. But it apparently was an issue, and you caught it and brought attention to the other few that had this issue only with DayZ. Don't worry about the hate, most people were applying occam's razor to an outlier case. And maybe give the devs some slack. The issue was incredibly rare, and was only statistically feasible to catch in a larger testing pool of effectively random user configurations. It's pretty likely that the only way that they could have caught this was if you and a few other players had a specific arrangement of variables that allowed the BSOD. Job well done. Assuming you changed nothing about your rig. lol
What can be done besides toggling them off? I'd prefer to only see status indicators while in inventory, because to me, it always feels like the self-aware pause time anyways; where the player briefly focuses on oneself instead of the environment. Honestly, I just miss the colored bars. It was minimalist, concise, unobtrusive. They could have just removed the text spam, and left the color scaled bars, and It would have been great.
I'm trying to be patient, but I'm really hoping the new status icons and meters go to the inventory screen, and can be opened and closed like clothing and equipment for neatness. Seems like there is still a long ways to go. Really hope they reconsider soft skills too.
What would you do if they removed third person view?
emuthreat replied to fosty99's topic in General Discussion
I, for one, would appreciate spawning with a meat slicer so I can quickly get to my endgame of opening a sandwich shop. -
What would you do if they removed third person view?
emuthreat replied to fosty99's topic in General Discussion
What kind/size of box is best suited for this kind of immershun? Asking for a friend. Not a patent troll; pinky promise. FWIW, I used to think they should just render the 3pp camera as a floating orb. I am proud to announce that I no longer feel that way. I have seen the light. The only true solution is to put the camera in a box with a rectangular slit, to add back the immershun missing from 3pp. This, of course, means that 1pp players will also need a box to look through, so they don't miss out on the blissful joy of the one true perspective. For continuity, all players will simply have their head textures stretched onto the box, so they can still have the fun of trying new hats, masks, and glasses. Both 1pp and 3pp players will have boxheads, while the 3pp camera will remain invisibly disembodied, but will show a view as if boxed. The changes to the various places of worship around chernarus would be pretty simple; all the paintings can be easily edited to reflect the blessed perfection of headboxing. May your corners stay sharp and your corrugations be true. Crease be with you. Edit: It has been brought to my attention that another title in the survival/sandbox genre has already cornered the market on block-headed avatars. We must now clearly emphasize that DayZ characters do not have box-shaped heads, but are rather wearing boxes on their heads.