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Everything posted by polli

  1. Is it possible to add the new publicvariable.txt file to your tool? Thanks :)
  2. This is a known issue. When I see these "helicopter crash" entrys in remoteexec.log, I mostly unbann these people.
  3. polli

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    I would love a wipe. Our server is full of duped items and everybody can gear up with ease. The game is not a challenge right now. So yes please wipe. Maybe the "days survived" for a character could stay when it´s possible. But we will lost it anyways when the standalone go´s live. Don´t forget that we play an alpha.
  4. polli

    DE 397 Server Thread

    Update: - ArmA2OA Beta Patch: 96493 - Server side fix for tents and vehicles. Now saving!!!
  5. Thanks guys. I would be very thankfull when this tool will stay alive :)
  6. polli

    Anti-Login Flood Locking

    Take a look here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62195-server-hosting-rules/ at rule 4 ;)
  7. Could it be that AntiHax doesn´t work with the new ArmA2OA Patch 96476? I have illegal items in the createvehicle.log but these seems to be not recognized from AntiHax.
  8. polli

    Deutscher Server!!

    Bist du sicher das du einen Server hosten möchtest? Sorry, aber vor 2 Tagen wusstest du nicht einmal wie du überhaupt auf einen joinen kannst. Zudem Zweifel ich an deinen englisch Kenntnissen. Du bekommst die beste Hilfestellung hier auf englisch. Und ich denke dass du sie benötigen wirst. Jeder Admin hat sie bisher benötigt. Aber es gibt auch nette deutsche Admins die dir eventuell helfen könnten. Trotzdem wünsche ich dir viel Erfolg mit deinem Server.
  9. polli

    DE 397 Server Thread

    Updated to ArmA2OA Beta Patch 96476 I want to say sorry for my absent right now, but im travelling over some countries for the next weeks. I try to do my best to administrate the server as much as possible. Thanks for your understanding :)
  10. This was not affected by the updated scripts. This was an error in the battleeye-updates ;)
  11. Thanks. Is the new version in the first thread?
  12. This already exist: http://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/
  13. It´s still got the error :( I have made a batch file that do the same on the google page files, and it works fine. I will use it till Dwarden´s Dropbox is fixed.
  14. polli

    [Server Thread] DE 443

    Hi Yshido If you need some help to get your server more resistant against hackers, please let me know. I run a dedicated server. So i have no experience with rented premade dayz servers like HFB have. In this case please ask your provider to get help with your server settings. If you have a dedicated server I would suggest that you install the following: - Firedaemon to run your stuff as a service (30 days free trial), or use the free solution runasservice which is not comfortable as Firedaemon is. And you need some dependencies when you want all running well which Firedaemon supports. - BEC Tip: Get a reporter-account for live-GUID checking - Autoupdater updates your script files automatically - DayZAntiHax scans for hacks in remoteexec.log and createvehicle.log Also setup the scheduler in BEC for restart warnings to your users, and to run automatic shuttdown, loadbans and loadscripts commands To get your logs more organized use a log-rotator. I made my own .bat file based on razors log rotator. Can´t find it anymore in the forums, or the search is brocken. No idea :) It is a little bit tricky to get allrunning smooth but it´s not very difficult when you have some experience with Windows OS´s God luck, and don´t give up because of some hackers. I was at the same point and I decided that I will resist. Right now im happy with my server. Hackers become lesser and the most will get detected with my setup. Any questions? Please ask :) Polli
  15. polli

    DE 397 Server Thread

    Update: - automatic scheduled script updater
  16. There is an error in createvehicle.txt right now. This is the content of the file. <html> <head> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title> </head> <body bgcolor="white" text="black"> <center><h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1></center> </body> </html> Could you please have a look what is going wrong?
  17. polli

    File consistancy check

    If you have "verifySignatures = 2" in your server config, it is already active and working.
  18. polli

    Cd Key in use!

    If you have the steam version, start steam as admin, make a verify check for your local files. This can solve the problem when your cd-key is legit.
  19. Dear Moderators and Dev´s You make a special forum for reporting servers, but have you thougt about a special Forum to help the Admins? The only answear we get here is: That´s the rules. Agre or blacklist. Full Stop. Are you not willing to help us admins against Bugs, glitches, exploits, cheats and hacks? There is more activity in the reporting forums than in the help forums which not really exist. The mod and the forums confusing me more and more. I can´t understand your thoughts. I spend hours over hours to administrate my server and help myself to get all running smooth and fine. But there is not enough support from dev´s and moderators. Only the community helped me allot and wrote helpfull threads. What about you, dear moderators and dev´s? It seems that you more working against admins than to help them with there proplems. Just my 2 cent.
  20. Ok. Good to know. I will get in contact with these guys. Thanks :)
  21. My server is running fine for now. Thanks btw :) I only want to have more support FOR admins not AGAINST. I have respect for the work the moderators do. I don´t want to blame someone. Just my thougts about the situation atm. There is no statement from the dev what happens with the mod for now. Can i stop my server because there is no fix comming out? The last fix was only a "over the weekend fix" which is three weeks ago.
  22. These settings are deactivatet or activatet for higer security and less serverload.
  23. I was at the gamescom and talked to Matt Lightfoot. Thanks for the small talk with you Matt. I enjoyed it. Good boy :) He told me there will be an update after the guys coming back from the gamescom. They had the new version, 1.7.3 i think, at theire stand for testing. This version still had the graphic glitches. There is nothing to find on the forums about a new release or a hotfix. Rocket seems to have time for developing on the standalone and give a mass of interviews. But he, or any other member of the dev-team, do not have the 5 min. to make a statement to the current state of the mod and what will happen now with it. is unplayable because of vehicle and tents not storing there inventory. Vehicles are not spawning or reseting after a server restart. Player skins changing sometimes and let you lose your stuff. Zombies aggroing from miles away even if you prone. Items where duped from saves in vehicles and tents and you can´t overwrite them. And so on.... Battleye working hard on there anti-cheat-engine and release updates frequently. And they fix bugs immediatly as we seen last night or a few days ago. This mentality is missing right now from the dev´s. Before 1.7.2 comes out, your update frequency was very good and you where present in the forums. But now all is going quiter here from the dev´s. There are just a few moderators that are working with dangerous half knowledge. Sorry for that mods, but it isn´t really your fault i think. Rocket and other Dev´s. Please let us know what you plan to do with the mod right now. Do we get an update or hotfix? Will you let the mod die? Thanks in advance Polli
  24. polli

    Rewarding bad and good players. My idea

    Such a idea isn´t told with a three line text ;) Take your time and read before you writing useless bullshit :) To OP: You have my beans :)