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Everything posted by polli

  1. polli

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    Sounds good. Thanks mate :)
  2. polli

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    If that means that you released a new version, than I havent get them by now.
  3. polli

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    You need to look at your menu files and delete/add them to the specific sections in the player file.
  4. polli

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    Was this question for me? You mean the fireplace bug? I just commented out some lines around 300 which are affecting the land_fire_dz. I'm not at home. I will take a look when I'm back home what I exactly done to fix it.
  5. polli

    Side chat.

    As a server admin you can decide yourself if yoz want it enabled or not. This choice can be made at the mission generator which you will get point to at every new patch.
  6. polli

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    It took less than 24h for me.
  7. polli

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    Youre welcome. And sorry for my misunderstanding.
  8. polli

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    Sorry. Please use a question mark next time. Thanks. You leave the original content of the mission file in its original state. You only have to add up to two lines for the additional files in the init file. Thats it. Mr.Magochi has done a illegal weapon ban script which also need a small edit of the mission files. It's all legit. Best regards
  9. polli

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    What would you like to do here? Trooling? Don't spread your dangerous half knowledge here.
  10. polli

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    You don´t edit the mission itself. You need to add some files and edit the init.sqf
  11. polli

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    Could it be Sporkulus that my players are not be able to make a fireplace? I´ve installed the update which was coming today and it kicks all players with script restriction #94. Any idea? script kick solved: pyBEScanner was the issue. I´ve found a quick and dirty fix for the disappearing fireplaces. But I don´t want to post it here as for respect of the dev for this tool.
  12. Du bist hier leider im falschen Forum. Versuche deinen Post bitte auf Englisch zu verfassen, dann wird dir eher geholfen. Und etwas mehr Infos dürfen es auch sein. Welche Fehlermeldung z.B. Benutze zunächst die Suche. Am besten mit deiner Fehlermeldung. Wenn du dann nicht weiterkommst, frage noch einmal im Forum nach in der richtigen Rubrik. Solltest du Probleme mit dem Englisch haben, dann versuche es auf dieser Seite: http://mydayz.de/ Gruß Polli
  13. Hi all I´m the admin from DE 397. I would imagine our server to you. The server is located in Straßburg/France. The server is powered by Leagues-United, which exist since 2005. We are a small group of friends and welcome new members and players every time. Our Server is allways open for everybody and we don´t kick for friends and/or clanmembers. Just remind that DayZ is still in alpha and server crashes and restarts may occur. We working hard on a stable environment for our server. The server will restart automatically after crashes. Some details of the server: 8x Cores with 2.4GHz each (AMD Opteron 3280) 4 GB RAM for DayZ Server (16 GB Total RAM) 100MBit/s Deutsche Telekom, Level 3, Global Crossing, cogent, DE-CIX, interoute, and more 2x 2TB HDD 3.5" 7200rpm Fujitsu PRIMERGY MX130 S2 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 64bit 40 Slots Maxping = 225ms Difficulty = regular 3rdPersonView = On Crosshair = On Playernames = Off Ingame Voice = Off Map = Off Tracer = Off Automatic lobby idle kick = 300s (5 min.) OnlyASCii chars in Chat and Nick are allowed Name and word restrictions active Timezone = GMT-2 Always latest patches/updates for DayZ, ArmA, Hive, BEC and Battleye. Battleye Extended Controls (BEC) Automatic Restart every 6 hours (0,6,12,18,24 @ GMT-2) Ingame warnings 5 and 1 minute (with 5min. autolock) before restart. FloodLock = enabled DayZAntiHax Automatic scheduled script updater If you want more information, please see our website: Leagues-United.de Please feel free to post any comments, suggestions or problems to us in this thread. Thanks for staying with us and have a good time :) Polli Update: Changes: - Flood control autolock to prevent stuck at loading. - DayZAntiHax - Automatic scheduled script updater
  14. polli

    Vehicles not respawning

    Great solution. Works like a charme. Thanks for that :)
  15. polli

    Public Hive Error

    Maybe they prepare the hive for the next patch 1.7.7 ;)
  16. polli

    Public Hive Error

    I´ve get the same error now. And Vehicles don´t respawn since a few days on my server. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  17. I´ve added ItemRadio to your list, as it seems to be legit now. Correct me if I´m wrong!
  18. polli

    Hive down?

    Since 6:14 GMT+1 my logs show me the following error every few seconds: 2013-03-06 06:28:09 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060), retrying in 1 seconds Does anyone else have the same problem?
  19. polli

    Help BEC Auto restart error

    you forgot to set the <delay>000000</delay> option for the jobs. Check the manual or the example scheduler file. In the latest version you will find all examples that you need.
  20. polli

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I´ve had 1.7.5 allready running. I copied and overwrote all files with those from your download links. But when I try to get in the game, it only shows me that something went wrong. I´m missing the folders from 1.7.5. The files I dl are only containing the pbo´s. I start my server with the old parameters which containing: @hive, @DayZ_Namalsk and @DayZ_Namalsk_@DayZ. Is this still the same or do I have to change something. There is no description on how to start the server, and where the files have to go. It´s not possible to copy all files and start the server like before. Thanks in advance for any help. EDIT: Got it working! If you run the 1.7.5 version of Namalsk you have to replace the modified @DayZ_Namalsk_@DayZ folder with the original @DayZ version. In the startup parameters of your server replace the @DayZ_Namalsk_@DayZ with @DayZ. General update from 1.7.5: Copy the content of the dl-files from "dayz_namalsk_v0.741" to path\to\arma2oa-directory\@DayZ_Namalsk (or what ever you called your folder which contains the Namalsk files) Download the dayz_namalsk_srvthings files. Copy the dayz_server.pbo into @hive\Addons\. Just overwrite the existing dayz_server.pbo. (Please make sure that you have the latest hive files) Copy the dayz_1.namalsk.pbo to your MPMission folder. Also overwrite. I kept the old db from 1.7.5, and previour, without any issues atm. No need to import the namalsk_spawns.sql to your database if you have allready one. At least you have to replace the script.txt file in your BattlEye folder with the new one from the dl. I hope that I could save someones time with this short update guide.
  21. polli

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I would like to have a scoreboard about how long someone has survived. That is the point of this game. Not how many zombies you have killed.
  22. Your script works like a charme. But I´m unsure about a ban for "MuzzleFar". Whats that for? EDIT: found that: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?74004-VopSound-2-1&p=1727904&viewfull=1#post1727904
  23. polli

    DayZ: Namalsk

    i´m looking forward to this :)
  24. What is the error output in your BEC logs/window?