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Everything posted by schwaBAM

  1. schwaBAM

    Life after death

    I have an easy solution. Can't you just "hide" their body and therefore, making it unlootable? Isn't that in game now or is it bugged? Edit - So if you kill a person, you have a chance to hide their body. If you kill one guy in a group and the group is protecting the body, then props to them for defending it.
  2. schwaBAM

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Hey bud! I would recommend hitting the tilde (~) key to hide your toolbar when you take screenshots.
  3. schwaBAM

    The Trade Bazaar

    Good stuff!
  4. schwaBAM

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Yup! I would love to. My time is limited (wife and small child) and I have a group that I roll with in 3pp (Eno, DaveB, and ColdAtrophy from the forums). Whenever they aren't on, I normally get on a 1pp server. My steam name is the same as my forum name. Feel free to add me.
  5. schwaBAM

    How did you discover DayZ?

    I used to play Operation Flashpoint, then eventually Arma I + II and make missions in the editor with a friend (mostly co-op missions where we would have to complete an objective). I loved the way the games felt and played in co-op, but hated multiplayer on servers due to the lag/desync. I may have just been horrible at finding good servers, but the few times I did play multiplayer in Operation Flashpoint, I remember that I LOVED the idea that I could hide wherever the heck I wanted. Take that tractor up the hill and hide in a bush? Yes. Hide under a tank? Yes. Hide under that tractor? Yes. Operation Flashpoint had limited areas in the multiplayer to limit people going too far away and also had objectives similar to what batllefield is now. I thought it was the best thing ever. I then eventually saw some mod footage and downloaded it in 2012 or 2013 (my timeline is a bit fuzzy). I could not understand the eating and drinking system and I did not give it time to learn how to play it. When I did play, I would run up to tents and such only to be blown up or shot instantly. Yes, I was the retard who was like "ooh whats that?" while the veteran player laughs and blows my head off. I would try to roam around and loot but always always always died of starvation. I also did not look up "how to" videos either, which may have allowed me to play more of the mod. I gave it a break and came back once standalone came out. I was hooked ever since. I had tried infestation and hated it. I tried H1Z1 recently as well and hated the feel of it. DayZ reminds me of the fun I had in Operation Flashpoint. I am also a Fallout fan and love to be able to roam around the world and make my own decisions. Linear games make me cry.
  6. schwaBAM

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I had a crazy adventure in a full pop 1pp server. Lately, I've been dressing up in scrubs and getting a ton of medical gear to try and help people. I ran from Novo, to Berezino, all the way down the coast to Elektro. Each town I went in, I shot a flare off (it was night time) to signal someone. I saw no one the entire time. I even ran with a lantern on in my hands. When I got to Elektro I saw some human bones near the police station as well as a lit hand flare a block up the street, but no one responded to my calls. I then headed to Cherno and when I got there I had no contact at first, but I eventually ran into a freshie that I ran up to and gave some food and water. He then followed me back to Elektro (we found some basic supplies for him along with a lantern that we kept clicking on and off the entire way to signal for people). When we arrived on the western edge of Elektro I got shot in the chest by a single shot rifle (did not sound like a mosin or sks). I ducked behind a red house (with the staircase on the outside of the house) and as we ran inside the freshie got shot as well. I only had a cr75 with a mag and some extra rounds. I patched myself up (ALL of my medical supplies were ruined except for 2 rags that I had split). I used the one rag on myself and used the other on the freshie. As I was patching ourselves up I was yelling at the shooter to leave as we had nothing of any good. I then told the freshie to sit tight as I rushed outside and sprinted around trying to draw fire and kill the guy. The shooter must have left because no one shot at me and I did not see him. I ran back to get the freshie and we headed further into town where we eventually ran into 5-6 other guys (mostly freshies). One freshie kept asking a mid-level geared guy to see in his backpack. The guy complied for some reason and the freshie took it and ran. We chased him down and I eventually cut him off and dropped him, but not before ruining the backpack. We did have some salvageable stuff inside. We kept hearing shots all around the city and eventually met a guy with an mp5 who was friendly. The guy he killed came back to loot his corpse as 5 freshies (and I) were standing over it. I told the guy "that looks an awful lot like you". He must have gotten spooked so he yelled out "gimme my stuff back!" and proceeded to punch whomever he could. One guy dropped him with a pistol. Shortly after I ran into a pub in town (we started to split up) and I went upstairs to loot. I heard a door shut behind me (creepy) and I heard someone coming up the stairs. I ran into the far bedroom and watched the hallway from behind the bed with my pistol drawn. A guy peeked around the corner and shot me, but did not kill me. I yelled out to him to not shoot as I only had a few items. He didn't respond. I moved to the right side of the door way and waited a moment. I eventually peeked out to see him peeking back. I heard a shot and then my screen went black. Poop.
  7. schwaBAM

    Sniper Kills

    Nice shooting!
  8. schwaBAM

    Amazing Karma for Shoot on Sighter!

    Ah, the good ol shift-tab. I did that before and died. I rebound that shortly after!
  9. schwaBAM

    The Massacre

    Funny video!
  10. schwaBAM

    My DayZ Memories. 2nd video i ever made.

    I enjoyed the video. I did laugh at your aim at some parts, it's like total panic took over and you freaked out, lol. I especially enjoyed the 4 guys in all black beating the crap out of each other. EDIT - I gave your video a like on yt.
  11. schwaBAM

    Unicorns in DayZ

    Hahaha, that was awesome. That fake accent is amazing (I had to confirm that wasn't your real voice by watching a different video first). I laughed the entire time.
  12. schwaBAM

    The perfect punch

    Me and a buddy are notorious for popping each other in the noggin' randomly. I thought this was a good moment to share. Sorry for laughing like an idiot. It caught me off guard when I actually landed the punch.
  13. schwaBAM

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    Was he burning plastic? Sheesh!
  14. schwaBAM

    The perfect punch

    Yeah, most times it takes 2-3 punches to knock someone out. I think we hit each other about 5-10 minutes earlier so I am assuming that made this possible.
  15. schwaBAM

    The struggle of ghillie snipers

    He was saying that there is a good use for the compass. You can put it in your hotkey toolbar and never have to stop to take it out. It's rather nifty I must say.
  16. schwaBAM

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I had a pretty fun night last night. I decided to play on my 1pp character on a public server (alone since my buddies were gone). I spawned in Cherno and immediately found pristine green scrubs, pants, and a matching doctor cap. I thought, why not play a medical role for a change? "I plan to help people!" I said to myself. So I quickly tore random clothes I found into two stacks of 6 and crafted some rope. I then used a burlap sac and sticks to combine with the rope, to make a backpack. I found 2 saline bags with the iv kit in them, found some more rags and bandages, some extra canteens, vitamins (lol), and an epi pen. There were only 6 other players on (highest pop that I could find that was a public server). I ran from Cherno and headed towards Elektro right down the middle of the road hoping to spot someone. I got to the two houses just west of the gas station that is just outside of Elektro (west side) when I heard a voice call out to me. Him: "Hey man! I almost died! Can you.. uh.. nevermind I found some water." I noticed the guy had a clown mask on, but was relatively low geared (had a taloon backpack on with a crossbow and no gun that I could see on his shoulder). Me: "Hey bud, you need anything?" I step over the fence to get closer (I have a 1911 holstered in my gun holster across my chest, but no ammo or clip). Me: "Do you mind if I get in on this? I need to fill my canteens." Him: "Sure man! Go for it.. hey uh.. my screen is all grey.. does it come back?" Me: "Your screen is grey? I've got a saline bag that I can use on ya." I strut over, since I look like a doctor, it was perfect timing. I was excited to help and so I ready my saline bag.. Me: "Hold still, this will bring your color back." I insert the saline bag and complete the process. I then force feed him some vitamins for fun, lol. Me: "Is your color back?" Him: "Yeah man! Thanks!" *pause* Him: "Have you looted the military base yet?" Me: "No, I just came from Cherno." Him: "Okay, feel free to come along if you want, otherwise have a good night." Me: "No thanks, I'm about to head out. Have a good night!" We part ways as I look over my shoulder.. I learned that his name was "My computer bitch". I wouldn't have thought he would be the one who would be friendly. In my head I pictured him being the squeaker who chases me relentlessly, but that's why I love this game. I'm always surprised by the interaction I have in this game. It's always so drastically different from person to person. I have to admit, I felt pretty good to help someone looking like a doctor, lol. It was totally perfect timing.
  17. schwaBAM

    How was your Day(Z)?

    This doesn't sound like us. We typically only engage when we are fired upon. The only exception is at the NWAF (I don't trust anyone there, but we have had a few moments there where we have not engaged and had some nice talks with people). I record all of our events and this one does not stand out at all.. unless it was a time when I was not present, which is possible, but we usually only go to the cities when we have a full group.
  18. schwaBAM

    Cherno is not a place You want to stick around... mind blown

    You did amazing, but like ComikZ said, your friends were hard to listen to. That was painful to hear you call for help and call incomings in that TEC building over and over with only one guy coming at the end to assist. I don't understand what they were doing or trying to accomplish. You gave perfect directions each time.
  19. schwaBAM

    Body Despawn

    Today I hopped on a server and spawned near my camp. I got in my truck and drove to the NWAF to see what trouble I could find.. I have my completely decked out m4 (every possible attachment) with my character geared to my liking. I park the truck in the trees just outside of the airfield and cut the engine. I hop out to.. You are dead.
  20. schwaBAM

    What powers do admins have?

    It's a pig, and I'm keesing it.
  21. schwaBAM

    What powers do admins have?

    Not at this time, no. On my server I have the option to: Kick, ban, change motd, change time of day, and view logs. Viewing logs just shows the typing between players and where someone shot/hit you and the damage done. In the future they should give admins more tools but for now it is limited.
  22. schwaBAM

    Finding Tents in 0.58

    Apartment complexes typically spawn them the most frequently. I know they spawn on the roof, but I've heard others say they spawn inside as well.
  23. schwaBAM

    Ambushed at Vybor :(

    Did you miss quite a few shots on the first guy with the shotgun? It seemed like you shot at him quite a bit. The second guy you took out in one shot, so I was a bit surprised at that.
  24. schwaBAM

    Newbie question about server abuse

    I don't understand how that will resolve anything. Just take it away from everybody to show them that the select few are doing it wrong and then give it back whenever they feel like it? How about just fix the problem? GameServers does not allow me to use specific words in the title of server or in the motd. I am not sure how other server hosting companies work in comparison but there has to be a way to resolve this in the future. As of right now, there is no rush to resolve this issue nor the abuse of kick/banning players until they have time or the game is farther along. I understand the frustration of this, but I also understand that it is not a priority.