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About DocBurN

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    On the Coast
  1. DocBurN

    DayZ Dedicated Server

    oh dammit.. i realy tried to love it! And yes.. oh boy i got 400 steam hrs approx in 7days2Die.. its my best crafting game so far. basically im shopping for a new co-op game that pvp dont make our live miserable
  2. hi guys, After 2 hours of googleing, watching twitch and forum digging.. i would appreciate a solid confirmation of what i think... 1) I can NOT run my own dedicated server ( shard? ) on a server-pc i have in my home and run it for just me and my friends.. we already run flawlessly many kind of games dedicated servers for our needs so the speed and hardware is not a concern (i will not buy the game if its not a PVE style environment and that i know who are login in the server.. hacker piss me off just by reading forums.) 2) In DayZ.. if we remove the PVP part.. is there something to do in the game to keep people busy.. goals other than the occasional zombie killing and looting buildings ? hope so :) Im guessing it was designed for pvp but its not our preference.. we have been ignoring this game so far and concidering it.. Thank you for your time and answers.. DocBurN