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R Razor

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About R Razor

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  1. R Razor

    To Greg and His Friend...

    Just another KOS guy bragging about how good of a shot he is and how awesome he is at killing other players.........nothing to see here.
  2. R Razor

    My friend died in a really strange way

    Don't sweat the negativity........just people that want this to be Arma and aren't happy you're not around for them to shoot.
  3. R Razor

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    I think a good portion of the player base was just hoping that this game would be more about survival and less about the pre-pubscent 'ZOMG let's fight battles like it's a war game" type of game that attracts said pre-pubscents (or those that still act in such a manner). TL:DR: We weren't looking for Arma with zombies.
  4. R Razor

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    I guess if your definition of being more organized means that they group up on a 3rd party chat program and hoard gear in a zombie survival game soley for the purpose of running around killing other players that may or may not be on a 3rd party chat program (I and a couple of friend utilize TS3) then yeah, that's what we're griping about. But if you actually read what's posted, the larger complaint is (as someone else called it) the lowest common denominator folks that have successfully managed to turn a zombie survival game into a COD game (without those pesky opponents that are guaranteed to be capable of dishing out what they receive) and run around Bambi hunting or (as seen on youtube) using other players for ignorant science experiments and as practice targets to hone their super 1337 sniper skillz with their mosins and LRS's. About the best that can be said for the game as it stands is that it didn't cost the full price of admission to play it. I'm sure it will get better and I'm sure the survival aspect of it will grow in importance, and until it does you just have to resign yourself to playing at the lowest common denominator level previously mentioned as most modern gamers lack the intellect to play anything more demanding.
  5. R Razor

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    Because it's easier for them to "win" playing Clan PvP in DayZ than it is for them in a dedicated PvP mil sim like Arma and the others..........these are the kind of people that don't want a challenge, they want an ezmode game, and this is it for them at the moment. I'd say in addition to downsizing the quantity of military hardware, increasing the quantity of zed, decrease the quantity of food and easy access to drinkable water and make warm clothing harder to come by..........then, unless you're a hacker, your time will primarily be spent just trying to scatch out a living as opposed to playing Rambo and / or Bambi hunting.
  6. R Razor

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    The best part of all is the poor excuses they try to make in an effort to justify their bloodlust.
  7. R Razor

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    Save your energy OP, you'll never convince anyone that DayZ isn't all about killing everyone you meet..........and since it's easier in this game than it is in Arma or COD or BF, the ones that get their rocks off on doing it are going to gravitate to this game. Beat them at their own game, about the only thing you can do.
  8. R Razor

    I dont get the reason

    At this point in the game (as far as I can tell) the ONLY fear is from other players.........there is need to fear Zombies and there is ample food and water available no matter where you spawn. The game has made the environment so easy to "beat" that the only thing left to do is hunt fellow survivors (in the opinion of a lot of folks anyway). Juice up the zombies, reduce the loot available and you provide reason for folks to work together as opposed to hunting each other exclusively (or near enough to exclusively so as to not matter). I stand by my earlier statement, I believe that most people playing this game that like to run around killing other players for sport are only doing so because it's easier to get that "thrill kill" on here than it is in a game where the enemy is numerous and the purpose of the game is to kill each other.
  9. R Razor

    I dont get the reason

    And that is what needs to be changed...........the fear should be that you are going to starve or freeze to death, or that a Zed is going to pimp slap your ass into infected status or worse............worrying about being snuck up on or sniped by another player should be at a level somewhere below the need for drink or dry clothing. It's a ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GAME...........if you want the "thrill" of being worried about being spotted by another player as you move about the map, you should be playing COD / BF / Arma, not a ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GAME. It's my contention that the people playing this game now in such a manner (sneaking and killing other players) are only here because they aren't capable of doing so in one of the aforementioned games, probably tried and got tired of dying constantly so they came here looking for easier pickings.
  10. R Razor

    I think i am turning into a KOS type...

    Do you play on 3PV servers? If so then you have absolutely ZERO standing when complaining about teamspeak...........all you are doing is making blanket statements about people you don't know, it speaks volumes.
  11. R Razor

    I think i am turning into a KOS type...

    I read your post, that's why I responded. I'm merely pointing out that there are other options available to a player than KOS and that using those other options can and usually will bring more flavor and enjoyment to the game. It's your call whether you use them or not.........but to label everyone that uses Teamspeak as you did is wrong. That's why I chimed in. It's all good though, I've seen your name in game and I know that if I see you on the same server not to bother trying to communicate with you. Enjoy. Edited to add: For others reading this thread.........if you're on and see the {DDM} tag in front of either my name, another player named PLAGUE or anyone else for that matter, feel free to make contact. We are always looking for more folks to play with and, with few exceptions, always try to talk first. It's gotten us killed more often than not, but unless we're at a military base we won't shoot first without trying to talk. We do use Teamspeak and will give anyone that wants to join the address if they want it.
  12. R Razor

    I think i am turning into a KOS type...

    Finding it hard to trust is a far cry from shooting on sight...........there are other options, stay hidden, talk to them, decide based on that communication or lack of communication if it's worth risking actually coming out and meeting them..........just blasting away without any effort to talk at all takes away a HUGE part of the exicitement of the game, not only for the person you shot, but for yourself as well.
  13. R Razor

    I think i am turning into a KOS type...

    Not at all mad, just sad that so many play that way...........seems to me like they should stick to Arma, BF4 or COD as it more fits their playstyle. Not worth trying to communicate, found that out the hard way as well. Until there are less "let's go play war in a zombie game" players around it's going to stay this way I reckon. All good though, as I said, we're rapidly reaching the point wherein anyone we see that's not in jeans and a t-shirt gets shot from range. Can't beat'em then join'em right?
  14. R Razor

    I think i am turning into a KOS type...

    This is horseshit........there are groups that don't use TS just to troll folks.........in fact your definition of group may even be off......my friend and I run on TS on occasion and we ALWAYS try to talk before shooting, as a rule it gets us killed more often than not, but that's because too many people like you think that if you see two people running together you need to shoot them right away. It's people that think this way that are pushing us further and further away from wanting to play the game as a survival game and closer and closer to playing it like Arma3 with zombies and just shooting on sight. Bad enough we have to deal with the hackers that infest it without having normal players act just as bad.
  15. R Razor

    I like to aggravate Bandits.

    I just keep a list of names I gather from threads like these, and when I see them on the same server I'm on I know that it's time to shoot first and ask questions later.......I'm sure it results in some innocents dying but as long as you have neandrathals that find amusement in abusing other players as opposed to trying to survive the game itself, that's the way it's going to be. I could care less if I "ruin someone elses fun" by logging off if their idea of fun is running around in a group and ambushing people just to torture them..........tough cookies for them I say.