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About CrankyBryan

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. CrankyBryan

    Can't hear own footsteps

    I'm having the same issue. Verified game files. Completely uninstalled and reinstalled. Still can't hear character audio (voice or footsteps). Hear all other audio. Please help.
  2. CrankyBryan

    locked out of database still

    I'm facing the same issue most of today. CrankyBryan on Steam. Any assistance would be appreciated.
  3. CrankyBryan

    Nagging Cough

    Not MOD forum. Thanks for the clarification.
  4. CrankyBryan

    Nagging Cough

    I keep getting sick (image below). It always happens right after drinking water. Happens when drinking from a well or lake. Once happened after drinking from my water bottle. I've read all the forums. Only suggestion is to take antibiotics. I've been playing for a while now. I have never seen antibiotics. Any way other than meds to recover? Any suggestions would be appreciated.