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Shawn P

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Everything posted by Shawn P

  1. Shawn P

    [Video] Disorder in Elektro

    Howdy ladies and gents! Here's my latest installation into my DayZ video series. It's a little video of me and my friends enjoy a day of PvP in Elektro on the Heavy Arms server. Hope you all enjoy!
  2. Me and my bud managed to find a damn Demon Truck on our server... I'm sure some of you guys can relate :O #DayZproblems
  3. Hey there guys and gals! I just put out a Part 2 for my Lone Wolf series. I hope those of you who follow along enjoy! And as always, thanks so much for the support!
  4. Thanks man :beans: :beans: :beans: :D
  5. I came back to my solo series, which is where my YouTube channel began in the first place. I really enjoyed making this one. If you don't have time to watch it all, skip to about 13:30 if you can and watch on from there. Let me know what you think. Thanks very much all
  6. Thanks for the input ;) I'm still trying to expand my music library and hopefully fit in the right music for the right occasion :) I have an idea for a series that should keep vids nice and short, and I'll also consider that for some other future videos :) Appreciate the feed back, brother
  7. Wow, thanks for that ^.^ I was hoping people would find it semi-enjoyable. I personally watched it a few times, but I'm a sucker for "sad" stuff haha. Thanks again man
  8. If you haven't had a look, please stop by and let me know what you think ;) Thanks and I hope you enjoy!!!
  9. Hope you guys enjoy! We stayed on 50 pop servers with the intent of straight PvP and dying a glorious death :) And thanks to the community for you support this far! Hope you enjoy!
  10. Hey DayZ fam ;) Got a new vid out for your viewing pleasure, if you so please! My buddy Tyson and I head over to Prison Island, find some trouble, and a view to die for ;) Hope you guys enjoy!!
  11. Shawn P

    [Video] My first DayZ "Montage"

    Hey there you sexy people! My latest DayZ vid is up so I hope you guys fancy stopping by and taking a gander ;) Hope you enjoy the eff out of it! Thanks for the support!
  12. Well I thought I'd try to play somewhat of a hero...
  13. Shawn P

    [Video] Me thinking I'm playing the hero >.>

    I've been shot at from people who've talked in game chat, so really it doesn't mean that they're not. I love those masks :) I know their a "bandit" or "killer" thing, but I gotta wear what I like, regardless :)
  14. Shawn P

    [Video] 2 Mosins vs 1 Pickaxe

    Here's my story on how 1 Pickaxe founds it's way in to a 2v1 :o
  15. Shawn P

    [Video] 1 Truck, 2 Dead Bodies

    Hey there DayZ fam ;) I got a new video out. I find my first truck, make my way to the military base SE of Vybor and, well... meet some not so friendly people ;(
  16. Shawn P

    [Video] 1 Truck, 2 Dead Bodies

    @Thumper it was amazing! Best 10 seconds of my DayZ life lmao. Can't believe I wrecked it so fast :( @Sacha yeah, I'm definately not the wisest player. I was taught that before, but forgot. Easy to be a nub, for me, in time of battle lol. @Blanket ty so much ^.^ It means a lot :D
  17. We were ready to log for the night but decided to try and capture Elektro instead. Ended up with a couple laughs and dead allies.
  18. If you shoot, shoot to kill and move on. You never know what might happen if you play the nice guy :-/
  19. Shawn P

    [VIDEO] This is why you should just kill and move on

    Yes sir. We are rather newish and newbish. Just running around having fun and getting slaughtered. We've come to love it though, surprisingly. I guess everyone's got their role to play in this game ;) Ours is moving bait
  20. Shawn P

    [Video] Shootout in Elektro

    My buddy fired a shot that ignited a war :o
  21. Shawn P

    [Video] Shootout in Elektro

    This actually makes the game more fun 0.o If you can't tell, we were all laughing about it and having a good time, as did those guys. There was a part, which was cut out on edit, where I snuck back into town (only to die again) where they were talking in direct chat saying that that was great and that they streamed it. No need to be bitter ;)
  22. Shawn P

    [Video] #Senselesskillings

    So my buddies and I find out what it's like to be on the other side of the gun. I must've logged off and cried for about a half hour after this... jk jk... but for real :o
  23. Shawn P

    [VIDEO] This is why you should just kill and move on

    I agree I got what I deserved ;) but it won't change my approach. As the title says, next time it's kill and move along. And I think now we might've been killed from someone in the woods. There are way more sneaky people in this game then I might've thought.
  24. Shawn P

    [VIDEO] This is why you should just kill and move on

    Well the good thing about me is, I'm very trusting about people who reach out to me. Right now, the people I play with are people who reached out to me on my videos. Now we run around together. It's nice to have a group of good people to play with, but now I guess we're the "wrong" people to run into. Because either were dead, or those who ran into us are. No other way about it lol. After this video at least :o
  25. Shawn P

    [VIDEO] This is why you should just kill and move on

    When I first started playing, I did what anyone said who came at me with a gun. Most times it was a group of two or three. While the "main" guy was talking to me, their friend would usually just grow impatient and put a bullet in me. Other times I would try saying, "Friendly, dont shoot! I don't have anything." And end up dying regardless :o Now, if you did that, I would honestly try running for the closest cover and have a shootout or die trying. Sad that's its come to this, but that's life for most of us now lol