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Everything posted by Blanketparty

  1. While running from a horde of zombies triggered from shooting one in the head. It occurred to me that its really silly that we cant sprint forward and use the swivel button (Alt) to look back at the zombies and fire a handgun at them. Now that zombies are highly effective in groups i think it would be a nice addition to the game. As of right now you have to turn your whole body around point and shoot. Its extremely clunky and annoying. Sure it works but i would imagine that it real life you could easily point backwards and fire a handgun while running away from the threat. Thoughts???
  2. Blanketparty

    Shooting zombie while sprinting away from them

    Hmm, I've considered the controller being the issue. the current one just grinds my gears. I think you're right, but Im still going to stand my ground for the idea. I think it would be interesting to implement for the swivel mechanic. But i do see what you mean, I dont think it makes it any less absurd though as he does lose speed turning around, aiming and firing. Im talking about maintaining that sprinting speed and firing with a handgun. Not necessarily having fluid animations and movement.(although that would be a big plus)and Yeah it will be inaccurate. But i can see these types of kills feeling very rewarding, be that players or just zombies.
  3. Blanketparty

    Shooting zombie while sprinting away from them

    lol really? you think that just running forward and shooting backwards is much of a reach? I just find it really annoying in the current edition of the game that you have to practically stop turn around shoot your pistol, risk getting hit , and then turn back around and continue running away. It feels really clunky. I understand they're adding a new controller. but i just feel like they're missing out on a really interesting gameplay mechanic using the head swivel button. and yes it would be inaccurate/ potentially alert infected or survivors near by. But thats the point, I see it as sort of a last ditch effort. Or simply just a cool defense mechanism you can use. Kind of like blind firing over a wall, but more accurate since you can actually look back, run forward, and shoot behind you. i feel like it's much more possible than you're making it out to be honestly. But anyways, thanks for the input.
  4. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    collect enough rope to tie the persons hands and have enough leftover to craft a long enough rope to sling a tree branch. Once the noose is on the branch the tied up victim walks near the noose and his hands being tied activates the noose to wrap around his neck. (this may be problematic considering there is no guiding mechanic for subdued players) From that point you or one of your buddy's is on the other end of the rope, pulling it until you have enough slack to tie it around the shaft of the tree. At this point the victim should be lifted off the ground watching you all gesture him a fond farewell. Or maybe you could execute him after you secure the rope around his neck and just hang his lifeless body as a warning. Steps : 1. Collect 3 rope (1 to tie hands, 2 for noose) 2. Sling suitable tree with newly crafted noose 3. Guide subdued player to noose (implying they add a guiding mechanic) 4. Grab other end of rope/walk backwards 5. Tie off the slack on the shaft of the tree OR add option to use a stake in the ground
  5. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

  6. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    I'm with you and its not even becuase you agree. You just have a lot more sense then that other guy by far. I just think its silly to think that they wpuldnt even consider it. And to overexaggerate the amount of effort put into making it happen. I mean suicide is a much more controversial subject imo and that just came our of nowhere.
  7. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    I'll tell you whats going on in my head to "suggest such stuff". I want to have the option to hang somebody. WOW, that's psychotic.
  8. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    I'm with you on that although It looks as if the cons you've provided are still subjective (not counting Con #2). Bandits will be be bandits for one. Me bringing this up in the forums was a product of thinking like a bandit. Or at least like a person placed in a survival setting where free choice is key in reflecting what morals you as the player decide to value. Being hanged is a hell of a way to go and in the right context adds extra depth to the story you make of the DayZ experience. If you're just a bandit hanging all in sight . Cool you're sonofabitchbastard. But that's okay because it was your choice. Maybe word will get around about your douchebaggery and some hero is now set on a quest to kill the crazed man wrapping ropes around bambi necks for shits n gigs. It's stuff like this that I think about. But also ,You're right about the third one although it may not be spooky to someone else it does attempt to paint a story and in my opinion would give the witness of such an atrocity a sense of curiosity about the happenings that lead to that person being hanged. Now for me, even just finding a dead body strung out on the pavement makes me immediately wonder how and why this person is dead with or without a noose around his neck; and that is my point. Certain people playing dayz will marvel at the sights and sounds and immersion of the idea of the game and try to make what they can out of the tools given. Having the option to hang of course would not make or break any aspect of the game. That's not what I'd hoped to suggest. It just struck me one day when I stepped back and thought to myself " Hmm what if I had the option to hang people in the game? wouldn't this be a viable option in a real life apocolyptic setting if someone had done something so unforgivable/Indiscriminate in a survival situation? how would that add to the Roleplaying? How could this affect the outcomes of certain situations?
  9. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    We do have a law here in the U.S. that makes the games include an age appropriate rating. I'm not sure about the age ratings for PC games but it sure doesn't stop a squeeker from KOS.
  10. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    I've been trying to tell him that. No matter how blunt it goes right over his head. The law has no authority over virtual worlds. There is no law that will exist in games and never will. I mean HATRED is a game about mindless killing. Of course its an outrageous concept , but that's much more insensitive than putting an option to killing yourself or others in a zombie survival game. He has no case whatsoever.
  11. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    I respect that wholeheartedly.
  12. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    Like I said overzealous
  13. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    That's the thing though. Thats a real life example and completely understandable. Also it doesn't have to be a race according to that law you just posted. It just has to be implied or seemingly intentional on there part.
  14. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    I mean even if it did become an issue, which is highly unlikely. I can garuntee there won't be much for them to go off of considering the idea of the game and also games having the creative freedom to do as they please.
  15. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    This " I'm right , you're wrong " attitude is not catering to your case whatsoever. Your claim us bogus and you fail to understand that everything you've stated is conjecture. Not only are you making yourself look overzealous, you're also insulting me because all you give are assumptions.
  16. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    *opinion alert*
  17. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    I feel as if you're fishing for an argument that has no real case. Even the amendment says clear as day that it is a display of a noose in public to intimidate a specific race. Not only does this have nothing to do with Dayz, but it also means that THIS LAW ONLY PERTAINS TO REAL LIFE. I mean c'mon bro I didn't even doubt if it was a real law or not and YOU just replied with a link as if I did.
  18. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    There's a lot of things that aren't "needed" in dayz standalone. Lmao
  19. Blanketparty

    Hanging people

    How's that racist in the slightest ? Honestly I believe you just made it racist unintentionally . Anyways I don't agree that just becuase people will just log it shouldn't be considered. The Same is true for firefights, and I've executed plenty of people when they knew they would die. Some even Stayed long enough for me to reload my gun to put it to the back of there head. Adding it will add more to the role playing side of things and would be damn cool to witness imo.
  20. Blanketparty

    (VIDEO) Fishing for critique 3

    Thanks you for all the support everyone that's been watching my videos! Keeps me motivated to continue. ^_^
  21. Blanketparty

    (VIDEO) Fishing for critique 3

    thanks for the support ! :D
  22. Blanketparty

    (VIDEO) Fishing for critique 3

  23. Blanketparty

    (VIDEO) Fishing for critique 3

    Sadly, my rig is a little choosey on what it decides to record. Sometimes I get amazing clips with no in game audio. Either that or it doesn't record my voice. /: It has a lot of issues that I NEED to sort before it kicks the can.
  24. Blanketparty

    [Video] 1 Truck, 2 Dead Bodies

    Dude, nice video ! I envy your graphics qaulity .
  25. Blanketparty

    Fishing for critique 2

    Again, sorry for the lack of quality, just put it in HD. Hope you enjoy!