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Everything posted by JayBiggs

  1. JayBiggs

    About the new .60 performance comparison

    I wonder if they are going to force those post processing effects when you get hurt (blurred vision and such). I have a feeling they don't really want people shutting that off like you can now.
  2. JayBiggs

    What Enfusion really means for DayZ.

    A game engine is made of many parts as others have stated. Some of these parts include the renderer(visuals--effects, shaders, post processing, lighting, particles etc), the audio engine, physics, networking, artificial intelligence, GUI, animation system, etc. The game is already using the Enfusion Engine. They have implemented new physics(vehicles, ragdoll, item physics) but last I heard the game is still running the old physics system for certain things. When they switch everything over to the new system, the game's performance and functionality should improve. They implemented new pathfinding for the AI and redone the AI altogether. I don't know if there are any leftovers from the old system still in use. The renderer replacement will obviously bring performance and visual improvements, but the biggest stuff will come with the player controller, EnScript(which is an all-new scripting system for DayZ...as I understand it most things in game now are coded using the old scripting system and are basically prototypes to be rewritten properly in EnScript), and GUI overhaul. Really when those things are in place I think the development will really take off. Exciting times ahead this year for DayZ. :D
  3. JayBiggs

    Status Report - 29 Mar 2016

    I hope they don't entirely get rid of one of the more unique parts of this game: the option to manually reload weapons/magazines. The way DayZ does it now is unlike any other game I am aware of and it really gives a physicality to your firearm. Those clutch moments where you are in a firefight and need to reload while still keeping on the move, frantically loading ammo into magazines in your inventory screen. By all means, have hotbar reloads like we have now, but don't remove the option to reload things the way we have been since early access began. It is unique and makes your weapon feel like something substantial. Almost a character of its own. It takes skill. Adds tension. Peter's description of crafting sounds cool, immersive and such. However it sounds like perhaps you wont be able to craft by dragging items on top of each other like you can now, correct? You have to always put one item in your hands first? I'm not sure I like that too much if so. But we will see how it plays. It may turn out just fine.
  4. Wouldn't a rag be considered tinder?
  5. I'm a little worried I might not like the game as it gets more difficult. I suppose I might ease into it since it will be rolled out in iterations over time. Still if it becomes as annoying as I found the mod to be in regards to zombies coming at me every 2 minutes...I don't know. However I understand the majority of players who came from the mod are looking forward to more difficulty and I hope they get what they want. :) Streamers will indeed have to adjust their play styles as we all will and I'm sure it will still be enjoyable to watch them play(if not more so!).
  6. JayBiggs

    Status Report - Week of 05 Jan 15

    Its just an idea :) What would you propose? It sounds like they are going to add group id in some form so why not shoot some ideas their way?
  7. JayBiggs

    How do you set up your hotbar, and why?

    I used to just put stuff in the first 3 slots 1. Melee 2. Sidearm 3. Primary Weapon But I have stopped using the hotbar altogether as it is too unreliable for me
  8. JayBiggs

    Status Report - Week of 05 Jan 15

    If it was an armband that was only visible to your team mates it could work. So it wouldn't be an actual clothing item, but something that appears on your arm/your friend's arm when you buddy up. You would not see any other squad's arm bands, only your squad's. Other squads would not see yours.
  9. JayBiggs

    Is it too late for night time servers?

    I think when the new renderer is nailed down they will likely be able to create a better look to night time and *hopefully* people will be more willing to stick it out. I don't mind playing on night servers from time to time but something about it is a little exhausting for lack for a better term. Maybe the lack of color? In general I find the game to be hard on your eyes sometimes in extended play sessions and perhaps the night time only makes it worse. That's just me though.
  10. JayBiggs

    Cities were supposed to be riddles with diseases?

    I saw that happen one time in the SA and I quite was surprised to see it. It is/was definitely in game but must be bugged at the moment
  11. I'd like to see this implemented to some extent. But I wonder, what would stop someone from going through a town with a sledge/axe and destroying every item they come across?
  12. I've never ran into a hacker somehow but if you watch the popular twitch streamers they run into them on just about every server. There has to be thousands of them out there.
  13. I am a 3D artist. It is no small task to do what is proposed here and there has never been any inkling that I'm aware of that says they will, or even plan to implement this huge feature. Look at the development roadmap. I guarantee they won't add even a BF4 level of destructibility to buildings. Guaranteed. Destructible doors on the other hand should totally feasible I would think.
  14. You won't see any blowing holes in walls in this game. Guaranteed. They'd have to pretty much slice up every building in the game for predefined damage states. Destruction on that level really has to be in from the start of development. I did always wonder about the complete destruction of buildings which was in ArmA2(afaik). I thought perhaps the DayZ devs removed the tech for that for some reason or another(performance, pathfinding, loot spawns, etc). Hopefully we see it return in some form one day.
  15. I would say the survival elements will come into their own if/when towns are crawling with a decent amount of zombies and they are more of a threat. Going into town for loot will likely be a real procedure(stealth) and wilderness survival will be more attractive I think. I don't know how I will like the zombies if they are closer to the mod's zombies though...they really got on my nerves in the mod.
  16. JayBiggs

    Anybody seen a hackasaw ?

    Specifically the small wooden sheds with the lean-to. The saws are usually under that.
  17. JayBiggs

    How was everyone's DayZ Christmas?

    I found a nice low ping non-persistent server and explored some of the far north eastern villages above Svet and Novo for the first time and practised shooting some zombies. No lag, no FPS drops, no desync, no bandits, and nice warm weather. It was nice.