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Posts posted by JayBiggs

  1. A game engine is made of many parts as others have stated. Some of these parts include the renderer(visuals--effects, shaders, post processing, lighting, particles etc), the audio engine, physics, networking, artificial intelligence, GUI, animation system, etc.

    The game is already using the Enfusion Engine. They have implemented new physics(vehicles, ragdoll, item physics) but last I heard the game is still running the old physics system for certain things. When they switch everything over to the new system, the game's performance and functionality should improve. They implemented new pathfinding for the AI and redone the AI altogether. I don't know if there are any leftovers from the old system still in use.

    The renderer replacement will obviously bring performance and visual improvements, but the biggest stuff will come with the player controller, EnScript(which is an all-new scripting system for DayZ...as I understand it most things in game now are coded using the old scripting system and are basically prototypes to be rewritten properly in EnScript), and GUI overhaul. Really when those things are in place I think the development will really take off. Exciting times ahead this year for DayZ. :D

  2. I hope they don't entirely get rid of one of the more unique parts of this game: the option to manually reload weapons/magazines. The way DayZ does it now is unlike any other game I am aware of and it really gives a physicality to your firearm. Those clutch moments where you are in a firefight and need to reload while still keeping on the move, frantically loading ammo into magazines in your inventory screen. By all means, have hotbar reloads like we have now, but don't remove the option to reload things the way we have been since early access began. It is unique and makes your weapon feel like something substantial. Almost a character of its own. It takes skill. Adds tension.

    Peter's description of crafting sounds cool, immersive and such. However it sounds like perhaps you wont be able to craft by dragging items on top of each other like you can now, correct? You have to always put one item in your hands first? I'm not sure I like that too much if so. But we will see how it plays. It may turn out just fine.

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  3. I'm a little worried I might not like the game as it gets more difficult. I suppose I might ease into it since it will be rolled out in iterations over time. Still if it becomes as annoying as I found the mod to be in regards to zombies coming at me every 2 minutes...I don't know.

    However I understand the majority of players who came from the mod are looking forward to more difficulty and I hope they get what they want. :)

    Streamers will indeed have to adjust their play styles as we all will and I'm sure it will still be enjoyable to watch them play(if not more so!).

  4. What do you mean by this? I am unaware of what PBR means.  If i had to guess, it would mean Player Base Recognition? Like adding more diversity to how players can look in the world?

    PBR=Physically Based Rendering, which is basically a new type of shader which calculates how reflective a surface should be. Everything is reflective in the real world and this reflectivity is what makes a material look like it does taking into account the gloss and specularity. Metals are very reflective, plastics less so, wood even less, etc.

    So basically in the game glass will reflect the environment properly, wood, metal, cloth, what have you. It is a really convincing effect.

    • Like 1

  5. On PBR:

    "Yes, its planned."

    Awesome :D One of my favorite recent innovations in real time rendering. You guys have done really well defining your materials up to this point with the tech you have at hand but this will take it to the next level. Hopefully there are no issues that come up to prevent the addition.

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  6. While the renderer is not tied to physics, I believe that they are, in fact, working on a new physics engine too. Might be wrong, but I'm sure I saw it somewhere - so, fear not. Physics will be worked on soon. :)


    In relation to the renderer, is any information on roughly how much the GPU is actually used at the moment, assuming that the renderer is going to shift workload over to it.

    I *think* the new physics are already in the game (but likely being tweaked). I think they implemented the "Bullet SDK." This is how they did the throwable items, brand new vehicle physics, and ragdoll.

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  7. I'm sure you wouldn't want to commit to any promised features but what rendering features would you *like* to possibly hopefully maybe one day add to the game?

    Physically Based Rendering?
    Parallax Occlusion Maps?
    Displacement Maps?
    DOF + Bokeh?
    Object-Based Motion Blur?

    • Like 2

  8. I just don't think the armband idea would be effective enough to warrant adding it. It will suffer the same drawbacks that wearing the same clothes as your teammates has (that anyone can wear the same clothes), while being even less visible than a hat or or other clothing.

    However I do hope it is only something of this sort, unreliable group identification is much better than immersion breaking group identification. 

    If it was an armband that was only visible to your team mates it could work. So it wouldn't be an actual clothing item, but something that appears on your arm/your friend's arm when you buddy up. You would not see any other squad's arm bands, only your squad's. Other squads would not see yours.

  9. I think when the new renderer is nailed down they will likely be able to create a better look to night time and *hopefully* people will be more willing to stick it out.

    I don't mind playing on night servers from time to time but something about it is a little exhausting for lack for a better term. Maybe the lack of color? In general I find the game to be hard on your eyes sometimes in extended play sessions and perhaps the night time only makes it worse. That's just me though.

  10. I personally would love to see more "life" in towns and villages. For example flags/banners blowing in the wind, certain buildings/objects on fire with smoke billowing into the sky, crows that fly off when disturbed, things like that. Definitely finishing touch type stuff but I think they'd add to the atmosphere. I also would like you to add me to the dev team  :lol:

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  11. "Even though I'm not a game developer, I am going to guarantee that you won't see something get put into the game."

    I am a 3D artist. It is no small task to do what is proposed here and there has never been any inkling that I'm aware of that says they will, or even plan to implement this huge feature. Look at the development roadmap.


    I guarantee they won't add even a BF4 level of destructibility to buildings. Guaranteed.


    Destructible doors on the other hand should totally feasible I would think.
