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    the reaction to mass amounts of zeds worry me

    I am away for easter so I have not even had a chance to trial the new update. However tbh I have wood just reading about it, this is game changing and this is what dayz needs! I am sure like all new improvements zombies will need to be fine tuned but now maybe we can bring the fear back! its been a while since this game got my heart pumping! once you knew the meta game and how to gear up, survival was far too easy. Bring on less food, bring on the hordes, bring on interactions that focus on survival not who can draw faster and most of all BRING ON A TRUE ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GAME! I cannot wait to get home and see this latest update in action.

    What do yu want in DayZ servers these days?

    In my case we were not banned we just boycotted the server at this point. We pretty much got to drop on two of the admins as they looted a military base. While trying to find my mate sniping / over watch in the trees I light one up like a christmas, the second guy is chasing me but running right into a trap as we had another person in position to cover my retreat. before you know everyone on the server is being booted.... sore losers I don't even want to play and support these server, so we don't ;)

    What do yu want in DayZ servers these days?

    A lot of similar wishes in this thread and mine are not so different. - larger maps - increased players - more events - persistence - Increased zed numbers - simple stats system (z kills, life span, etc) It would give you milestones to aim for. As a server owner myself on the public hive i find it really crappy to hear how many people are complaining about bad admins. Me personally I want the server I pay for to be used and full with people, I mean after all isn't that why you make the investment in the first place? I dont understand the appeal in having a hissy fit and kicking and banning people because you as the admin can't handle the heat or the consequences of your own bad decisions? I have been on the receiving end of this before and it pisses me off! Unfortunately there will always be people who abuse the system and I don't personally see how to put an end to it.

    MP5 least practical weapon in game?

    Go for a swim and loot the the prison island up

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    I personally have very very mixed feelings about this. I think the correct implementation and balancing could one point to make or break the game. I would hate to see vehicles like this becoming hovering fortress of destruction, But being able to zip into secluded areas, scout a town for the rest of your group! you bet i would love to be able to do these things. But I also feel that the map size also does not really justify it.

    MP5 least practical weapon in game?

    I personally love my MP5 Mosin combo. Its my go to arrangement atm, the mp5 has bailed me out of plenty of tricky situations. However i agree it does tend not deal a lot of damage to the gear on a person... but that just means better loot

    Shot by a garden hoe

    Yeah desync might explain the distance and the visual lag... hence appearing to be shot with a hoe the joys of the alpha ;D

    Shot by a garden hoe

    No doubt the hoe's wrath is to be feared by all. My issue with this encounter is that with the amount of space between us it was no way shape or form possible for him to have hit me, I mean we were a good 15 yards apart. As for the sound I would be happy to pass it off as a glitch but happening to my friend then me directly after one another? this seems unlikely at best.

    Shot by a garden hoe

    So me and a mate finally got killed last night... little shattered had kept this character alive sometime.. anyway We both spawn back on the coast and not far from one another, so I begin my bambi run to his town in the hopes of banding together once again. As I approach I see his being chased by Hoe wielding freshie, with a single swing my friend goes down to a series of "WTF's" on ts. He keeps claiming he was shot... having seen it go down i tell him it can't be so, but his adamant. So naturally being a freshie with nothing to lose I prepare to avenge my comrade. The killer and I approach on another via the road, I get with in communication range and prepare to ask why he bludgeoned my mate to death. He takes the hoe off his should swings it and to my utter horror i am dead.... this time i heard the gunshot just like my friend. We were face to face with a fair distance between us, No way he hit me from there. Naturally I don't care to much about this as after all this is DAYZ! However I am curious if anyone else has come across something like this before?

    Ghillie suit discussion.

    The Ghillie suit can be a powerful tool when used properly. One of the guys I play with was trying to craft the full suit over about 3 life spans, the rest of us chipped in and helped him finish it ..... finally. Once completed however he was not super happy with it as he had to lose his backpack and it simply consumed to much space to store for his liking. It would be nice if it could be rolled up when stored to reduce space demands. Personally i prefer to have my backpack with all my gear and supplies over the ghillie.

    A short note about having friends

    Encounters such as this, having friends to watch your back and those who KO's is what makes this game what it is. I am no lone wolf I almost constantly run with a group of 4-5, However I do respect what the good lone wolves can achieve. Its nice you had some reliable friends to run to your aid.

    shaking like crazy, cant stop

    I am also suffering from this affliction... trying look look through binoculars was a freaking nightmare... My friends said antibiotics cause my character could be sick (despite it not stating this) and I also applied splint incase of phantom break. This seems to have reduced the jitters substantially but not eliminated them. I am going to keeping pumping the antibiotics to see if this fixes the issue. I have also heard that starting a fire and warming your character sometimes resolves this as well. Hope that helps