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Everything posted by Hammah

  1. so i'm on this server with a couple of friends, we've just finihed looting the barracks on the hangars side of the NW airfield when i hear flies. I find this body and of course check for loot. A nice CCO SD and a bunch of other useful stuff... then i realise.... this guy has way more stuff than you could fit into your inventory or the Alice Pack he has. In fact, when you look at the slot count on the Alice Pack it says " -32 / 20 " !!! Player's name is 'Matthius'.
  2. Hammah

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi, our squady could really do with antibiotics - can meet anywhere - thanks
  3. um.... question's in the title :D we would to rent a server and would welcome suggestions please. thanks
  4. Hammah

    Mature UK Based Gamers

    hey, seems we're posting similar stuff, maybe we should join up ? 3 to 4 in our squad normally - all uk based, reasonable equipment and looking for safety in numbers we'll be on later today if you want to meet up ?
  5. Hi, we've been playing the DayZ mod for a while now and have a squad of 3 to 4 who are all based in the UK. We would like to extend the squad and as such are looking for new members to join us. If you're over 30 years old and want to join a team, please get in touch. Look forward to hearing from you. Hammah
  6. thanks tinit - i'll drop you the details as well :)
  7. dunno - i'm 40 and doing my best to get rid of the kids !
  8. i guess you have to contact them directly about DayZ servers as they're not showing as one of their games in the list ? How much do you pay, if you don't mind me asking ?
  9. thanks cdew55 - we'll check that out also.
  10. Hi Gregg, me too ! - we'll be online later around 8pm (ish) I'll drop you TS details via private message. Thanks
  11. thanks guys - i've not been able to find anyone providing servers with less than 40 slots - is this normal ?
  12. Hey Gregg - good to hear from you. let's hook up and see how we get on - are you around later today ? I assume you have headset / microphone etc? Dan
  13. Hi, we've been playing this mod for a while now and have a squad of 3 to 4 who are all based in the UK. We would like to extend the squad and as such are looking for new members to join us. If you're over 30 years old and want to join a team, please get in touch. Look forward to hearing from you. Hammah
  14. Hammah

    Server Hosting quick FAQ

    erm.... so what's the point in getting one ? why would i purchase a server that i could never get on if it's full ? or have i misunderstood something ?
  15. Hammah

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    great - just managed to get the silenced MP5, now spawning in the wilderness ! please reset me somewhere nice (like the airfield :)) Name: Dan player id: 20992390