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Posts posted by Hammah

  1. so i'm on this server with a couple of friends, we've just finihed looting the barracks on the hangars side of the NW airfield when i hear flies.

    I find this body and of course check for loot.

    A nice CCO SD and a bunch of other useful stuff... then i realise.... this guy has way more stuff than you could fit into your inventory or the Alice Pack he has.

    In fact, when you look at the slot count on the Alice Pack it says " -32 / 20 " !!!

    Player's name is 'Matthius'.

  2. I would suggest using UK Based game server company Xstreamgaming.net

    I have my server UK 180 with them and its fu**in awsome to put it in simple terms.

    Lag Free


    Awsome Support.

    What more do you need lol

    As per you're less than 40 player server question.....I think this is DayZ rules to qualify for hive connection.

    i guess you have to contact them directly about DayZ servers as they're not showing as one of their games in the list ?

    How much do you pay, if you don't mind me asking ?

  3. Hi, we've been playing the DayZ mod for a while now and have a squad of 3 to 4 who are all based in the UK.

    We would like to extend the squad and as such are looking for new members to join us.

    If you're over 30 years old and want to join a team, please get in touch.

    Look forward to hearing from you.


  4. If I have a server, can I kick people to make room for clan members?

    No, you cannot. Kicking people for clan members can, and have been abused. It was allowed in the past and was heavily abused by a small minority of server admins. As a result, server admins are no longer allowed to kick people for clan members.

    erm.... so what's the point in getting one ?

    why would i purchase a server that i could never get on if it's full ?

    or have i misunderstood something ?
