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danfinger (DayZ)

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Everything posted by danfinger (DayZ)

  1. danfinger (DayZ)

    Hey... You friendly?

    I became a KOS'er for my first kill just last night. I've played for about 180 hours now and have been murdered dozens of times. No 'hello' or even a word. BANG! You are dead. I was in the police station in Krasno. Was coming down stairs when I see someone standing there motionless in the store room. I guess he was checking inventory and not paying attention. All I had was a fireaxe. I hit him once and looted his body (took his mosin and a canteen- no ammo) he did have a fireaxe but I already had mine painted so I left it. After being killed countless times without so much as a 'howdy', I do not feel one bit bad about this kill. He was armed and in the police station. That's no-limit open season as far as I'm concerned. Organize your inventory in the forest dummy!
  2. danfinger (DayZ)

    My Dayz New Year's BBQ

    I'm about 180 hours into the game so far. Getting a little bored of jogging around in my eternal search of the truck or chopper crash (I think its a dev troll to be honest, I'm convinced they don't exist) So after getting murdered for the 50th time I respawn and decide I'm going to have a New Year's BBQ. I spawn into Berezino, found a repeater and some ammo and start my trek west. I think I did pretty well with 2 rabbits, and 3 boar - wanted to get some elk but didn't see any. So this process took a few hours, I made a fireplace starter kit and made my way to Elektro. I chose Elektro because it was the closest major city nearby. Entered from the East, got to the police station and set up camp. Put on my UN Ballistic helmet, got the fire started, set out drinks, apples, cans of kvass and was adding the last boar steak to the fire just as someone approached. I sat down and waved hello. That's when he rose his mosin, and shot me right in the face. I can't tell you what happened after that but I don't think my BBQ was very successful. I respawned in Solnichny and by the time I made it to Elektro all the steaks were burnt and the uncooked ones just sat there on the sidewalk. As I stood there inspecting the remnants, someone came up from behind me and killed me with an axe. I guess I have to start murdering people now. I haven't killed one person in this game in the 180 or so hours I've played it.
  3. danfinger (DayZ)

    Killed a combat logger...

    haha. exactly. If combat logging pisses you off then go volunteer at a soup kitchen and do something with your life. LOL.
  4. danfinger (DayZ)

    Killed a combat logger...

    My first posting- I've got about 100 hours so far on standalone. Can someone please tell me how I'm supposed to play the game? Am I EVER allowed to log off? I mean, I have to pee really bad. The house is on fire. I haven't eaten in almost a week. It sounds like if I don't kill everyone on the map before leaving then I'm ruining the game. Am I ruining the game? I really don't want to do that. But I do really want to go to the bathroom, call the fire department and maybe eat something.